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Everything posted by Ashzification

  1. *insert like button here*
  2. Sorry Xylord for the disappointment! I wanted to complain about the lack of entertainment as well as give them all props for actually doing their jobs I wrote this immediately after reading those posts :)
  3. I would like to humbly ask you to stop doing your job so well while regulating the forums. The Whale Box is losing entertainment value due to lack of new content. Seriously though, great job staff :)
  4. When I said I meant in real life, not the game. It just seems to get worse too
  5. I just had a very hard time understanding all of this due to your poor spelling and use of grammar. But I think I understand the concept. I have the ability to use hawkeye as a mod on my server. I've had a lot of things go very wrong for me in recent days. Logging in this morning and realizing that yet again my work for the server has been screwed up because of some ungrateful little f*** was the icing on the cake. I honestly believe that I should not have to use these tools to find out who griefed. I hold people to a high standard, god-forbid society have expectations of common courtesy. It's just like common sense, non-existent in the younger generations.
  6. It's just frustrating. I play MC because I want to relax, have some fun, and use it to help cope with the stress of life. (And it's essentially free unlike my previous coping mechanism of wow.) I know it's one of the things you have to deal with playing SMP and with being a server mod, but it still gets annoying to do something nice then basically get shit on for your efforts.
  7. That's a rule. Definition of rule: what is allowed, when disallowed actions happen, punishment occurs.
  8. There are only so many rules a server and its admins can have in place and enforce. There are always going to be cracks in any system. And there are always going to be those people who don't give a rats a** about anyone. The server I play on has rules banning griefers and thief's. If you are found to have committed these acts, you are banned. We have plugins to see who has placed/removed blocks and interacted with blocks (Hawk Eye). It seems that no matter what we have in place, people still steal and grief. I'm a mod on my server. I have made a market, that was severely griefed and stolen from during a time when LWC was broken and all of the storage chests had been broken and stolen from. That has sense been emptied out by myself and the owner and is now waiting for renovations. I made a tutorial for new players-in which were unlocked project tables to show how to craft some basic items in the mod pack. Those were stolen from. I have put a lot of effort into making things for my server, and it seems every time I spend a good deal of time making something for the better of the server it gets griefed and everything able to be stolen, gets stolen.I spent several hours making the tutorial this passed weekend. I then had a 3 day review session for school before we are done next week. I did not have time to check on my things. I'm not writing this with any expectation of the community helping. I just need to vent about it. I play this game to relax at the end of a long day-and it works until some dumb kid comes around and decides that because he (or she) can take things, they do. Here's a life lesson to those of you who don't understand respect: just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should go ahead and do it. Remember the golden rule? Okay, I'm done whining for now.
  9. Neither do I really. But if you have the will to learn something (and actually give it a go rather than giving up) you can learn a lot-even with out having to go to school!
  10. Or you could make an attempt at learning. There's tutorials, wiki's, heck, they may even still have readme files.
  11. Good thing I save one of everything! (btw, server crashed)
  12. Wendo, I know quite a few people who play SSP tekkit to become more proficient in a certain mod(s) they plan to use on a server ;)
  13. If it works for you on other servers, it could be a severe issue with the server you are trying to use, check their posting and see if anyone else has had an issue-just to rule that out
  14. Well, these may not help specifically for you, and you may have already tried them: 1. Go to minecraft.net, ensure account is valid 2. Buy account if you have not 3. Reinstall technic (edit: this is just for good measure) The only time I've seen failure to authenticate account is when the user isn't using a premium account.
  15. Thank you very much!
  16. Anywhere here is how you do it: go to technic pack.net. click tekkit tab. Click button to download tekkit server. Go to YouTube. Search "set up tekkit server". Watch several to get a good handle on it. Follow the instructions. The server download comes with everything you need.
  17. Hello again! When I first decided to browse the forums from my Android, I received a prompt that there was an app for mobile forum browsing. At the time I decided I did not trust it, nor did I think it was necessary. Now I am wondering, are the forums actually supported by a app for mobile use (or was it just bs) and if anyone may know what the app (or preferred viewer if there's more than one) is called if it is supported? For some reason I can't find it searching the play store (there's an awful amount of junk). Thanks to anyone who may know what I'm referring to! If I find the app I'll add the name for you :)
  18. So what you're saying is, you do not want YouTube help, you want wiki help, correct? Check the encyclopedia part of the forum. There is also (I believe) a wiki for every mod in the pack. Most have pictures. Or, watch direwolf and read the wiki his posts may be a bit dated, but they're wonderfully helpful!
  19. I applaud you giving OP credit for only being computer illiterate. I would have gone with just illiterate.
  20. And now I will forever hear the same thing in my head. On a side note, maybe a list of the hierarchy that rules the forum would be helpful for some? At the very least, a conversation bit for bored users ;)
  21. Then you certainly did something wrong.
  22. You need an up to date rig. Or at least closer to present date..
  23. As soon as my husband came home he informed me to use copper. I hadn't realized that the version I'm running is different than the version discussed in the wiki. Thanks guys!
  24. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can't seem to get an MFE to craft. http://imgur.com/a/MMB5p are the screenshots I've taken of the 4 different attempts I've made to craft it. I've checked the wiki and it doesn't appear that I'm doing anything wrong. Any help will be much appreciated!
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