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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. I feel like that was the right thing to do. As you said, it is a fun way to break up your surface expeditions. ^^
  2. Oooh, then you'll either have a really hard time (if you're smart) or a really easy time (if you're to stubborn to look beyond what's logical), because string theory stuff is complicated and sometimes quite illogical.
  3. Jakj, have you thought about a replacement for covers or panels? I know about the micro blocks mod, but I liked the way you could disguise a frame with panels/covers: they don't take up a block, they, in a way, retexture a side of the frame.
  4. About the EMC stuff: pahimar is implementing a dynamic EMC system, the code that I've seen is very complicated and I don't understand much of it, but it seems to be like a sort of supply-demand thing. Like, originally wood is 4 EMC, but if I supply tons of it the EMC value goes down. Also, there's a blacklist of items that can't be transmuted like cobble and reeds.
  5. Yes, I will update it for you. I hope I can get it done before tomorrow, but somehow I'm extremely busy these days... We'll see ("Somehow" because I finished my finals a while ago, so in theory I should have loads of free time... A shame that life then comes into play... ) On the subject of the stuff within the brackets, I am working on MageCraft still. The progress is really slow though because of IRL stuff and that I am a little overambitious (I am working on some really cool mechanics, but I don't get shit of how it works >.<) Also, textures: important stuff, I'll be making them myself, I think... as Ysharma is a goner... I'll try to get them done in a few days.
  6. MPS broke it by using these fancy armor models.
  7. I was derping around with the carriages and the motors a bit, not understanding how it worked, and managed to crash the game Something is up with the TileEntityRenderer. 2013-06-09 14:56:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Rendering Tile Entity 2013-06-09 14:56:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76949_a(SourceFile:114) 2013-06-09 14:56:39 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76950_a(SourceFile:99) java.lang.NullPointerException at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.MotiveSpectreRenderer.Render(MotiveSpectreRenderer.java:12) at JAKJ.RedstoneInMotion.TileEntityRendererBase.func_76894_a(TileEntityRendererBase.java:16) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76949_a(SourceFile:107) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntityRenderer.func_76950_a(SourceFile:99) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal.func_72713_a(RenderGlobal.java:520) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78471_a(EntityRenderer.java:1150) at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(EntityRenderer.java:991) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:870) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:759) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) what I did: I made a box of the structure carriage around a structure, just like the picture shows. I closed all sides appropriately, attached a energized- frame engine and then applied a redstone signal. When I logged back in, it had moved it, so the only problem seems to be the rendering of the moving parts. http://imgur.com/ZD3G4k7 http://imgur.com/yAJxi6D http://imgur.com/MOB2WLX
  8. Haha, you funny guy. That made my day.
  9. I was not able to find the article that I read back then, but this one is ok. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/negativeenergy/negativeenergy.htm I do not think it is very likely that it exists anywhere. The Dirac equation treats the positron as the absence of a particle, which would make a sea of negative charge density. Now, the quantum field theory changes the Dirac equation to treat the positron as a particle (which is now commonly perceived) changing the vacuum from a see of negative charge density to the vacuum that we know nowadays.
  10. That is true, I'm still looking for the article about it.
  11. Please read my posts more carefully next time. Also, no need for that hostility man. One thing, I am actually taking a course on (amongst others) that. A) yes of course antimatter is just like normal matter, it only has a different role in the Diracequation, a different strangeness (yes that's a thing), charge, spin (sometimes, not always) etc. What makes you think I'm that dumb? if you read closely (or maybe if I didn't fail to type, my brain usually goes faster than my typing. If that's the case, I apologise. Yes I know I'm rambling a bit now) you would actually read that the law of conservative energy is, in fact, not broken. What happens when an anti-quark (yes, that's the official name, it exist) meets a normal quark an doesn't create a meson? It annihilates, creating energy of a different kind, ie changing the waveform a little. What ~would~ happen ~if~ negative energy exist (read, energy in counterphase), is the creation of another waveform which is location and energy (as all waves are location and energy). This does not break any law at all, except one's mind's logical laws. That's why the whole theory is fishy, (yes I put it out here, that doesn't mean I'm some sort of fanboy) it is a theory to support the stabilisation of a wormhole's perimeter -a wormhole itself being a theory on its own, which in my opinion is nothing more than a awesome idea, scientifically supported by dogbollock. This whole thing came along when we started using imagination and then reason. Did you really expect solid theories? If this turns into a bullshit throwing party, I'm out.
  12. That would be really annoying in a lot of builds. What would be useful is being able to dam in the area it lifts. Or is that what the open/close thing does?
  13. I'll have to see if I can find it again, it was a couple of months ago... Of what I remember of how it worked was that the energy was in counterphase with the other energy. Alike the anti fermions and bosons, they are actually energy, but just a counterpart of the conventional one. It could easily fit btw, everything has it's counterparts(+technobabble, again, on my phone) Please note that I'm not arguing in favor or against the theory of negative energy, I'm putting it out there. It is a theory based on a theory based on wild imagination, keep that in mind.
  14. Negative energy had been created in an experiment, so yes, it does exist. (Proof, Science and a scene in through the wormhole, a tv show.) I already explained that it hasn't been found 'in the wild' yet, so we don't know whether it exists outside of the labs or not. What's this logic that doesn't work?
  15. About the alleged paradox. Alleged because it is not, you're looking at it wrongly. You don't go backwards in time, everyone else goes forwards, relative to you.relative to them, you are a slow sun of a gun but you don't go back in time. About the time stuff. Time is an independent thing, not bound to light; in fact, it is a two dimensional thing. Therefore it will not get destroyed, and neither will light. The only thing that changes is the vector and the amplitude of the wave. About the ageless particles. At speeds of 10% or more c, no Newtonian law works anymore. The only 'common' thing that works is gravity, for which there is no correct law yet. Also, with forces this massive one should speak of waves instead of particles, because quantum mechanics (I'm on my phone as always, don't feel like typing all that out). Waves behave entirely different from particles. Not gonna happen if you don't find negative energy 'in the wild' first. It depends on that.
  16. That's true, however according to the quantum expelling principle of Pauli these waves (energy or mass, doesn't matter) can't stay there. They will be emmitted.
  17. It's a spammer, he has posted that all over the boards.
  18. It is definitely not a "poof gone" thing: that has been proven not to be the case. (Articles about that found in: nature, science, NWT and NOT google, but google scholar) About the wormholes, no one knows exactly how strong the spacetimedilitation of a black hole really is. If it is a wormhole, it needs to break Einstein and thus have like a gap in spacetime. The only way a black hole might achieve this is with a tremendous amount of mass. Now luckily that is present in a black hole. But another thing needed may, or may not be existent in a black hole which is required to keep it open and stable: negative energy (in -Joules). Negative energy has been created once before on earth in an experiment, so it might exist out there... But, like with the Majorana particle it has been created using a workaround... The Majorana particle is It's own counterpart, it annihilates with a particle of the same kind. The Majorana particle was created using a gap (an unoccupied space in a see of electrons, creating an effective positive particle) and an electron. Those two annihilate, tadaa: a Majorana particle... That's not really a Majorana particle, now is it?
  19. Just delete all the files in the coremods folder, and delete everything but a file with EE or equivalent exchange in the name from the mods folder.
  20. That is amazing. The first mission was extremely easy... Haha okidoki
  21. Same as always, Markarthian. I think I saw you in the connections list and added you already, but I'll have to check tomorrow (1:50AM here) ^^
  22. Ah I see... Now that clan, has it been formed yet? If so, where do I sign up? ;)
  23. So I just now downloaded the game, played the first mission... Looks very fun so far I am a little confused by what the game is trying to tell me, the arsenal keeps flashing even though there's bugger all I can do there. Also what's that with the waiting on votes under the online button?
  24. Wut? I don't remember it being dead? Is it a privatised organisation now? Or do you mean that NASA's funds are reduced?
  25. Yeah, that's the case. It's not a bipolar binding but a covalent one.
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