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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. It is really easy too, from looking at the code, it's only missing a recipe (the core of the bag is there). I am sure there are some bugs here and there but really the only code you'll have to add is the code for the recipe.
  2. I like your coherent coding style, very consistent and defined. { public static boolean holymage.codeblarg; holymage.codeblarg = system.in(); If (holymage.codeblarg = "true") { system.out.println("let's quit and talk xycraft"); else system.out.println("let's talk xycraft"); }
  3. Don't we all?
  4. That was kinda the joke you know...
  5. That, is more than I'll ever own :'( Unless I move to the US
  6. Well, I kinda expected you to have a translator module installed in your suit...
  7. Those errors are a bit hard to read, that's true. You'll want to look for the first [severe] you see. There are a few possibilities: -if it says something with nullpointer, then you probably have the wrong versions installed -if it says something with ID mismatch or ID x is already occupied, then you need to change the configs of traincraft around till those are gone. -if it says something else, post it here. ^^ Yes, there is a forum for bug reports, just click on the submit a bug button. Also, PMing is possible, but not advisable as it gets you a lot less help.
  8. Yeah, there will be an upgraded version of the satchel, that satchel will be one of the only things that will be able to hold unstable, pure and corrupted essence, because of the high amounts of thaumic radiation.
  9. Why should it be reasonable to lower end user experience, so you can have a cheeky workaround, to avoid a ToS which states you can't make money of modding minecraft?
  10. Update: got the directional textures working. Still very busy with school. cool!
  11. Here is the pastebin, it was lost but I just found it ^^ It is from Green http://pastebin.com/HyQ4DZM8 sure thing. It shouldn't really be that hard, the hardest part will be customizing the behavior and maybe animated textures, but the actual furnace will not be that big of a deal.
  12. Yeah, I'll link you a pastebin of the idea for the new system. There are a lot of similarities with the original plan.
  13. I'd like to point out that you missed some bits while reading the rules, I suggest reading them again. Also, there is a search function on this forum. Before you ask, it is wise to check if it has been answered already. As you might have guessed that is the case.
  14. There's a new version with a few hotfixes included. Try that. If there are still problems, it's most likely either your java config or antivirus being annoying. Edit: your error is a nullpointer error, which is often caused by something being installed wrongly. That might be your problem. But java tends to throw nonsense at you when something goes wrong...
  15. It's really simple. Just add it to the modpack.jar
  16. I don't really understand it, but it looks really cool!
  17. No, optifine doesn't give out permission for any public pack. That's why it isn't in the FTB packs either.
  18. That's the plan yeah, it will be an endgame block/item though. All endgame stuff that is planned will be a lot more expansive than you'd expect. I am talking stacks of extra dimensional barrels. (Yes, worse than GT) the rewards will be insane though. Yeah, I am looking into that. I need to learn how to make a custom furnace.
  19. The solution was internet. The getting of actual internet. That, or a messed up firewall: try disabling yours if you have trouble. (Or, more preferable, get a good one like avira or avast)
  20. Oh yeah, the essences are being changed completely. There won't be high or low essence anymore; there will be essences related to the blocks in game. For example: end essence, rock essence etc. So end stone will have end & stone essence, which you can use to create a new block or item with. You can't, for example, get an apple out of throwing end essence and crystal essence together. That said, I am curious to read your ideas. Please post more.
  21. Beats me, I always do my school stuff at school, so I don't have to do it when, for example, I want to play games (at home)...
  22. Please do share your ideas. The change I'm implementing is that you'll have to use a block and fuel of some sort to break the essence free of the item/block you want to extract essence from. Also, there will be a block to infuse the different kinds of essences together in an infuser to get the items/blocksyou want. So the alchemist catalyst will disappear. However, block form only is unfeasible, so the alchemist charge will remain, but will be a little bit more expensive, not much though. Oh yeah, good call.
  23. You should look up forgebukkit if you want worldedit etc. There are loads of topics about that on these forums.
  24. Just to let you guys know, I am not deceased. I am very busy with my exams though, so there will be no updates in about 3 weeks. In the spare time that I have, I am changing the way alchemy works in MageCraft completely. (It involves things that I do not know how to code yet ) I haven't heard anything from lazdude yet, I'll bug him to take the project over while I am away.
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