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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. I have to agree with him dude, not everybody deserves mockery/trolling... Have you checked that your firewall allows java to connect to the internet?
  2. What... How.. I don't...
  3. Did you just call a *certain* atrocity an OS?
  4. I suggest looking up wuppy gaming, he has a horrible accent, but he's good. Edit: I will make a list soon.
  5. Yes please, I could need all the help you can give me ;)
  6. Oh don't get me started. A lot is planned, first thing coming up is a change to the alchemy system. After that, probably your mobs and corruption and a few spells. I don't know how to code a few things so I'll have to contact a few people :)
  7. Alright, Magecraft version 0.3.2 is available! It is for minecraft 1.5.1 and requires Forge build or higher. The download link has been added to the OP. Enjoy!
  8. Alright, it seems to be partially fixed... I had to reinstall mcp and forge like 3 times and remove the .ducks file to make it recompile correctly... Now my testing environment outside of eclipse won't work... I'll continue trying tomorrow...
  9. yup It shouldn't be, (if it is I'll nick the code from someone else and fork it ) it is a lot of effort though Oh right, I'll look at their code to see how to. Should be possible, but I don't think that will be implemented that way, if it gets implemented. I know, I am just eager to push this build so I can get on adding content Oh my god... My MCP won't recompile... why do you let me down at the simplest part of all?? Oh well, no download yet guys -.- gotta figure out this problem...
  10. That would involve quite some work yeah, and I need to think about that, because it is really different from the ideas in my head.. How do you mean? I was talking about the random, uncontrollable effects when the item is low on durability. Nothing is set in stone yet... Throw me ideas and I'll consider 'em. I am finishing up build 0.3.2 for Minecraft 1.5.1 YAY!, still no textures (get on it Ysh ) and nothing new. There's a lot coming in future updates though! the download should be up quick enough.
  11. What do you need EXTERMINA.. uhm explained? Yes, there will be corrupted essences, but no counterparts to all of the essences, that would be a bit much. That could be cool, very hard to code though... About the special liquid, I don't there should be any liquid at all there. It is a barren death hole... It wouldn't really fit in.
  12. More like Ars Magica's essences, but yeah. liquid essence will not be a thing that you can find in the world, you'll have to create it. The other parts sound cool!
  13. There is a new and better thread for MageCraft now: here I won't reply here anymore.
  14. Yup! As it stands, that's not too high on the priority list, but they will definitely be added. The last change (which was never published) GreenWolf implemented was a complete change to the essence system: instead of two essences that can form into almost anything, a few types of essences that can only form certain types of items. What do you guys think about that?
  15. Welcome to The official MagCraft thread! This mod is a continuation of MageCraft and still very much work in progress, it was originally created and sadly abandoned bij GreenWolf 13. LazDude13 and I are both working on the mod (Nitus is helping out with the models and Ysharma with the textures). MageCraft is about wizardry, and a lot of it too. If you're familiar with the mods Ars Magica, Equivalent Exchange 2&3, ThaumCraft 2&3 and you like those, you're in for a treat. This mod will be a like a mix of those mods with a lot of other content added. These are a couple of the original ideas of GreenWolf13 for MageCraft. We've got a lot of ideas as well, but if you have an idea: throw it at us anyway. Very much appreciated! Downloads 1.4.7 build: here 1.5.1 build: here Licence/permissions This mod is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License. If you want to know more about what that means you should look it up, but here's the basic gist. you have the right to have access the source code of the mod, you have the right to be able to edit/use parts (or all) of the source code provided that you provide proper credit to the original authour(s), you have the right to distribute the source code and/or compiled versions of the source code you have the right to use this mod in Lets Plays/YouTube videos however you see fit (monetization, for fun, etc) as long as you provide credit to the original authour(s)(a link back to this thread for example) you have the right to use this in modpacks however you see fit. All works here copyright Markarthian & LazDude2012, unless otherwise stated in the source files. Source Code All source code for MageCraft is available on my Github. Feel free to contribute ideas, art, sounds, and code to the repo, as we are always open to ideas and submissions from you guys; just understand that we reserve the right to decline certain things at our discretion (they don't fit our vision for the mod, poor quality, offensive, etc) Known Bugs and Issues In the latest version are no bugs issues, as far as I could find. report them here if you do find em! The code available on the Github repo for you guys is BROKEN! Don't use it! Credits GreenWolf13, for creating the original mod, and inspiring us. Nitus, Those models! Ysharma, your textures <3 You guys, keep those ideas, suggestions and all that good stuff coming! We need you! I will most likely the most active of the two to reply to this thread, as LazDude is a way better coder than me, he shouldn't be wasting time on the forums (just kidding Laz) I won't check the old thread anymore, here should be all the discussion about MageCraft.
  16. Holy be-jesus, did I accidentally telepathically tell you to post that?? That is exactly the clue of all the crap that I've thought of today! Ah man, I can't wait till the problems with the 1.5.1 build are fixed to start implementing that. And yeah, you're right. I'll do it right now. Oooh I like the sound of that!
  17. Definitely this one.
  18. Aww that's cute, I'm liking everything I see. What would you say if I asked you if you could do all the models MageCraft is going to need? (You're btw, on the credits list ) A question for you guys: would you want these mobs added in the next update, but spawn just like any other mob (totally ordinary, no special dungeon or something like that), or would you rather wait until everything is ready, meaning they'll spawn like intended at the right time/place, etc?
  19. May i suggest taking a look at the Halo series?
  20. Tickers... I hope everyone likes GOW :P
  21. Cool! What's it going to be?
  22. That actually goes nicely with prolo's idea: the area that is corrupted will have affected blocks and a tear and evil mobs and stuff, and the area around that, normal mobs will grow restless, become stronger etc... because of the shadows. burying is actually quite holy, you're honoring someone when you bury him. EDIT: YES! To that description prolo, I like it a lot ^^
  23. Yeah, that was the original idea, but it seems a bit too much alike TC3's flux effects to me. Let me know what you think is the best though, if there's a clear majority that wants this implemented in manner X then we will be happy to do so over manner Y.
  24. I like your texture style ^^ That's a neat idea, like: you abused your power so much (ignoring the bad effects in the overworld) you get teleported into this nasty dimension with a buttload of bad guys in it, where the only way out is a portal activated by a certain drop from a dragon. Could you make the Guardians (or corpser, depending on your perspective) a bit bigger? They'll look even scarier that way.
  25. That produced google translate... Unless it's about Cheap Ugg Boots, you should go somewhere else. No advertising here..
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