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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. Says the person who is the ugliest of all. Therefore he should be banned.
  2. 0 Boom, explosions?when this tread gets locked it needs fireworks, Idk why
  3. English also has quite a few. I particularly like dickweed and penisbrain. Cause, you know, that's what's it all about: having genitals as brains, even if they'd smoke the stuff; that'd be a major problem solver for many people on the internet here. No. I don't like.
  4. Oooh which idiot am I? Can I be idiot #37781? Also, tell us what you did... That's what I was telling you. Do you call the police when someone's been murdered and only say "Halp!"? Didn't think so.
  5. Just in time for me to brag about me knowing some, dutch, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, ancient Greek, Arabic and Japanese (only with normal letters though). Note: most of these I understand better than speak.
  6. If you want help, you'll need to give us something to help you with in the first place... That's how life works you know?
  7. Yes, I do believe that we are, in fact, idiots. Also, hulaa baloo sounds funny when spoken out loud.
  8. Yeah, but with ifs and buts (buts... Haha) you couldn't save your life!
  9. Hehe, no need. Also, I just noticed the Promethean knights have little squiggly arms! Eww. Also, why didn't I notice that earlier? EDIT: That's probably where that name's inspired upon then ^^
  10. But, do you have two fusion reactors mounted on your back? Do you have a huge orange visor? Or lots of nicknames? Or knowledge of the ancient Latin or Greek languages? Or for that matter even an Off button on your chest plate? I didn't think so. Besides, 117 whooped yow ass.
  11. Damn! We are equals at that, Gymnasium But, whilst we might be equals eloquence wise, you still don't have as many nicknames as I: Master Chief, Sierra, Sierra 117, 117, John, the Demon and many more! Haha! I will defeat you once and for all! Oh, that's pretty cool!
  12. Holy, surprise Dutch attack! I shall continue in Latin, my eloquence will outlast your puny droids! Potestas mea durare vestra droids! Quomodo milites tuos regere, si ne in prima acie! Non opus est ante me opus. Video per mendacium possum, ne cui dicerent. Scio de te et GlaDOS. Edit: no translation program was harmed/misused/used at all during the construction of these sentences.
  13. Ik kan het lekkerrrr wel Yeah! Me too! Cool huh? Excellent, you say; why don't you use a perfect AI like I do? She even has a human form (arguably quite hot *wink*) Do I need two flashlights on my helmet? No. Is it cool enough to be implemented? Yes. See? Why'd you even bother recycling? Oh yeah, you need an army to achieve your goal. I do it all on my own.
  14. You don't even have a big visor so you can see properly! Also, what's that off button doing on your chestplate? And look at these boots, I don't even. Just look how it's done, my Mjölnir mk VII will kick your semi evil ass!
  15. I tell ya, you'll still won't be able to best me! I mean, I have two fusion reactors powering my suit, whilst you merely just cheated in a infinite battery. Also, green looks way better than red.
  16. Oh that's neat, I actually didn't need to look at the translation, I guessed it right. Dutch and Swedish are apparently quite simular Rrrrrr all the way Yeah, but I don't really care. We are recycling a useless package of bytes into an actual off-topic thread. It's going to be locked anyway (as always, being redirected to kittyjail)
  17. But, do you have the most epic letter of all? I do: the a. It is so epic, it isn't even a letter anymore.
  18. I second that. Also, please don't double post. There's an edit button for a reason you know.
  19. It is possible, but that'd be piracy (or something similar, not supported thing here on the forums)
  20. Yupyup, the Netherlands ftw! What/where did you study exactly? Versta je nu dan ook wat Nederlands, of is dat te moeilijk voor maar een jaar studeren?
  21. Let me guess, you live in either Denmark or a county north of Denmark? Also, mine hasn't got any fancy letters at all, I just like ancient Greek δούλα
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