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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. Haha, they wish... but lets not go that way, shall we? We've been there.
  2. Them kaker crew peeps were saying stuff about the platform servers being overloaded because of the huge popularity... Yeah, that'd be best. As FML overrides a bunch of stuff...
  3. Well, the ore dictionary is (I think) implemented by forge alone, so it could be a case of downloading a new forge. But I'd also try drew's suggestion, java tends to throw the weirdest errors at you when something isn't configured right.
  4. Try installing it manually in this order: forge, coremods, mods. It could be coremods screwing shit up. (For example, playerAPI fucks up when you install it after a normal mod or before forge)
  5. You're missing one of FML's ore dictionary classes. Are you sure you installed everything correctly?
  6. You be lookin for this : twisted:? :twisted:
  7. Right.... Also, is 100000 shards enough?
  8. Prolo should clearly be mod, he has an arrow explaining what he is.
  9. I am afraid that this triple post doesn't support that. You'll have to upgrade your editing skills a bit...
  10. I you recorded it with that huge eyethingymajigg of yours, of which you should be banned for. Like what you saw? *wink*
  11. Are you running it in admin mode? Sounds like your OS has gone wonky on the launcher.
  12. Yeah I hope so as well because punctuation is really important and I don't know what it is so I hope he does and understands what I'm saying because I'm asking for something very complicated which can't be explained for some reason or another I wish I'd return to talking and typing normally because thus hurting my brain as I type and you guys also probably have sore eyeballs now I'm actually not sorry for that because I'm now mad at you because you don't want to help meee Edit: this hurts... I can't... I'm sorry, this was too funny not to exploit.
  13. Have some of mine, home made of course ;)
  14. Ain't nobody mess with mistah 117 M-C is banned for being a disguised creeper. I'm sure he's up to something, else he wouldn't be disguised.
  15. (Isn't in the right order, but I had to say it) Neowulf is banned for having a Galifrean text on it saying: tony stark. While his avatar already says tony stark! Double name avatar! Green is banned for doing magic out in the open. Don't you know how dangerous that is?!
  16. Is it okay that I brought my own popcorn? I prefer them over the Malawi ones. *omnomnom* I like this movie...
  17. I can tell ya, this is hilarious.
  18. you find out they are really easy (which they are!) but, on your way of writing one down, your brain realizes you're making progress and explodes. I wish to learn how to use NBT data.
  19. Oh really? I got my voltz set not to long ago, I haven't opened it yet. I sure hope I don't need that special tool... Else I'd have to use one of okkamik's sorcerers; would that even work? Or do I need to use the crabpeople to pry open the hatch?
  20. I suggest looking at the active camouflage upgrade from MPS, that is the same sort of code. I don't know how hard I'd be to change it so that it shows other people's skin, but that could be a lead...
  21. One should be weary for the Bearded Octo Sorcerers though... Man, those guys... All they do is get their beards stuck between the screws...
  22. Well... There's 'someone' on the forums who steals everyone's sarcasm meter while they sleep. It's quite possible that 'someone' stole Freak's.
  23. But still, John owned you pretty hard...
  24. Yupyup
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