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Everything posted by Markarthian
Automatic Crafting Contraptions
Markarthian replied to Daltassia's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Yo, I appreciate that you are showing us something you can do with the awesome mods in the modpack, but it is not appreciated to make two exact the same threads on the same forum... -
Why won't my RP2 Frames ship work?
Markarthian replied to fr2l0ud's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Good to hear! :D -
Why won't my RP2 Frames ship work?
Markarthian replied to fr2l0ud's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Notepad can mess up the config file, if you were using that, I suggest using Notepad++ -
There's a edit button for a reason, you know... Also: I also watch the yogscast and they also run tekkit 3.1.3 and they have everything exactly the same as you and me (except for a lot of views ). There are two things that may be different: 1)you maybe need to press "O" 2)you are running the rec version and run 3.1.2 which is more stable than 3.1.3 So, it's quite nonsense indeed, what you are saying.
Ok, obviously this thread is posted wrongly, so we want to make it die out swiftly. We can do that two ways, being nice and helping and being a douche, not helping and then convincing yourself that what you did improved your being. It is clear which way we chose.
I'd dare add another HA Also don't sign your posts
That's because of you GUI scale. Try changing it. Edit: I'm pretty sure this is the wrong place to post this.
Andrew, will the other server be 1.4.6? As I changed that armor mod of mine around a bit, it's more balanced and only protects against mobs (you said that would be more interesting ). I didn't have time to properly test it, so maybe it's still a bit OP. (Also because I forgot how to import tekkit's items into eclipse... so I can't compare >.<)(EDIT: I didn't make any textures as of yet, that will come) Also Ysharma, you seem to be the only one with permission to show me around Quantum, what time zone are you in? As we only once were on at the same time >.<
Those two are completely unrelated. Metadata is just background info (right?) Which a modder may or may not add, nothing special. Now your other problem is most likely because your client is running an other version of tekkit than your server. To check that, open the technic launcher, options, manually select build, select the newest one. That should fix it.
I fixed it, somehow Eclipse managed to remove this line. GameRegistry.registerBlock(Blargblock, "Block of Blarg"); Easy fix :)
After Mod is selected, Launcher crashes
Markarthian replied to Nick Hutchinson's question in Technic Launcher
16 by 16 cubes of the material that makes up a tree trunk* or it didn't happen. *If you didn't get it: logs of course, dumbass -.- -
I've got a question. yesterday I completed my first mod (Just a simple sword, block and item of which the block consists), it worked all fine etc. but when I today started work on something more complicated, and checked how I did the other mod and ran Minecraft, Forge gave an error that my custom block is missing and indeed, when I tried to craft it/spawn it my came crashed. However, I don't see any errors in my code and as I said, it worked perfectly yesterday... Main Class @Mod(modid = "MarkarthiansMod", name = "MarkarthiansMod", version = "1.0") @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false) public class MarkarthiansMod { public static final Block Blargblock = new BlockBlargblock(3000, 0).setHardness(3F).setStepSound(Block.soundStoneFootstep).setBlockName("Blargblock"); public static final Item Blarg = new ItemBlarg(3100).setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabMaterials).setIconCoord(0, 0).setItemName("Blarg"); @Init public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event){ GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Blargblock, 1), "BBB", "BBB", "BBB", 'B', Blarg ); LanguageRegistry.addName(Blargblock, "Block of Blarg"); LanguageRegistry.addName(Blarg, "Blarg"); } @PreInit public void init(FMLPreInitializationEvent preEvent){ } } Secondary classes public class ItemBlarg extends Item { public ItemBlarg(int par1) { super(par1); } public String getTextureFile(){ return "/Markarthians_Mod/Item.png"; } } And public class BlockBlargblock extends Block { public BlockBlargblock(int par1, int par2) { super(par1, par2, Material.rock); setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); } public String getTextureFile(){ return "/Markarthians_Mod/Blocks.png"; } } Could someone please tell me what's going on? Edit: Don't mind the names :P
This has already been done, Ugocraft was the name of the mod I think.
Alright, I'll check it out :)
When I open technic launcher I cant open it.
Markarthian replied to dude8513's question in Technic Launcher
Not wanting to be mean or anything, but I just love the title of this tread. :P -
Hello everyone, I've just today started learning how to make mods (in forge) and I'm really enjoying it. I've made my first custom block and item (a block of something and a sword that can shoot lightning with all the properties and sounds and stuff), so I'm pretty much ready to make basic mods (yes, I am probably not ready at all but idc). I'd to know from you guys if there are any basic things you'd like to have (like an upgrade of something, an extra block/item, etc.), as I don't have any (good) ideas at the moment and I want to make good mods for the public to enjoy (yes, I'm aware of that what I'm saying is cliche, big talk for a newbie and all that) (I don't know if this is the right place to post this, I couldn't see it on tapatalk, sorry if it is in the wrong place.)
This is so cool. (pics are indeed a bit dark) Now I must decide which one is cooler, backplague's factory or this one.... derp