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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. I am very sorry green... I just get a little exited when I smell quantummechanics Oh! I forgot to close the circle in my other post! >.<
  2. Yeah (3 space ds and 2 time ds), so: if you alter the cube in any way, for example: adding liquid would not only affect how much cubic metres it would fill but it would also bend time around it, thus changing the size of the tank, thus changing the amount of cubic metres stored per time, thus changing the time bend, thus changing the amount of cubic metres of stuff stored. If time would be 3d, it'd just be two parallel cubes with data about stuff in it. (Not super parallel though, mind you) Edit: closed the loop.
  3. Thanks a lot! Bookmarked it, I'm learning more every day ^^
  4. However cool 3d time sounds, the current string theory (or better said, the new one (as there are loads of em) with built in support for gluons, gravitons and sfermions) doesn't allow that. It only allows 2d time. Which, in a sense, is way cooler in this context than 3d time. Think of a five dimentional cube storing liquids O.o
  5. I like that idea! Maybe the disguise (if it were to be added, which I'd love to see) should also hide the playername? I think forge handles that quite well, with the gears n stuff. But, nevertheless, I like your idea for the recipe more
  6. Granted, but as look at the picture, you realize It's so ugly, your brain explodes. I wish I get an awesome idea for a mod, that is actually within my modding capabilities.
  7. Well... I'm not really like over two decades old... So yeah...
  8. I wonder, how would I do that (in code)? Is it like "yourclassname overrides targetclassname" when you declare your class? Or something else?
  9. And I thought it was cold over here with 2 Celsius... Lol
  10. Am I spotting a RvB reference? O.o
  11. But if we're talking string theory business, it could also be 12 minutes wide and 12 minutes deep O.o
  12. Since It's a cool block I'd make the spy lab be a little complicated. But not too complicated. Like: " I ", "IGI", " I " for the lens, (I being iron, G being glass) "SLS", "WWW", "B B" to create the spy lab (S being stone gears, buildcraft style, W being woodslab, B being woodblock)
  13. That just made my day.
  14. I see, that's a cool mechanic. Back on topic: isnt it updated yet?! i mean even mojang haz an updated version! Those technic guys are lazy dud o.o they shud work harder else i quit.
  15. That's pretty cool. I've used the dictionary before, but never seen that wildcard thing. What's it about?
  16. There has been, there still is. But it should be trivial, and so should be this discussion. I wish you best of luck with your let's play :D
  17. I was just saying... That's all. Sure, you can post this here, I don't mind. FTB ~ Tekkit. All the drama around it.. stupid waste of time.
  18. It's actually forae, as the word forum was originally a Latin word, and the plural of that would be forae. I don't think it's against the rules or something like that. I just find it a little awkward, 'cause I'm pretty sure FTB has its own let's play section.
  19. You know that these are not the ftb forae, right?
  20. And that works? If so, I honestly don't know wtf is going on.
  21. That's right, but the seeds are items, right? Or are they some weird crossbreed?
  22. They, don't? Hmmm, maybe there's a way to force it to use iconIndex?
  23. Thanks Green ^^
  24. I mean, at the RPC we have sigs. People here prefer not to use them (it's actually in the rules) for your name is shown above your post. Some rules are a bit weird at first, you'll get used to it
  25. Did you buy minecraft? You'll need a premium account.
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