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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. From what I've read (not an exact quotation but it'll suffice): you must have a reason to PVP, for example: if you see someone stealing your stuff you can kill him if you want.
  2. Awesome! I'll come online asap A side note though, since I'm in my final year of high school and have a band, I'm very busy. I will try to be on as much as possible, i.e. 4-5 days a week 1-3 hours a day max. :)
  3. In your opinion, does this post add to the conversation? It's a idea without any explanation and it's trying to deny a fact...
  4. NiCCccCce necro you got there...
  5. All of you (except the Viking ofc) seem to have allocated not enough RAM to java. There are many, guides on how to allocate more RAM to java so I won't cover that. Use the search function instead :)
  6. Now please bear (that's not the right spelling, is it?) with me, I'm writing this on a crappy phone at 1:50AM. Also, if I'm not very convincing: I hate to try and sell myself :/ Name: Jisk Age: 18 Country and Time Zone: Central Europe +1 IGN: Markarthian Hobbies: I play in a band (that just got its first real contract ) as lead guitar/singer. I also like to design games (as in story, art etc. Not code, I'm terrible at that) Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm a tranquil guy, depending on my environment. I'm creative, I like to make big, cool looking buildings or write epic masterpieces. I am in my final year of high school, after this year I'm probably going to study civil engineering. Mods you are proficient in: I know all around bits and bobs, but I mostly use BC and IC2 and RP Past histories on servers: I've and still am hosting my own private tekkit server and am designer/unofficial mod on a vanilla server. What company do you want to join: I'd like to join quantum, although I'm not sure that's possible because of the required items thingymajigg... What do you like about this server: I like how it's community based and has almost no restrictions. I also like that it's using factions, I've never been on a server with faction/never used it, so I'm quite excited to experience it. (given that I would be accepted that is) Why do you want to join this server:like above. Community based, factions, almost no restrictions. Also, cool people are on this server Why should we let you join this server: because I'm a good designer, I've helped with a lot of buildings (including spawn), I am working on a Skyrim themed spawn area on the vanilla server I'm on. I chat a lot, so I can be entertaining. I like to help people out, so if anybody needs help with anything, I will be there.(given I'm online of course ) What is your greatest achievement in tekkit: I created a machine that would suck out all the lava in the nether and turn it into power in the overworld. My current project is making an AI (named HAl ) to automate my entire factory.
  7. Please read the rules, no eta's. If you did read the rules before you posted: go eat a dick.
  8. Markarthian


    Firstly, quit being lazy and check how to find the versions of the programs you're using. But, more important, secondly: get that McAfee bullshit off your computer and get a (free) better one. It is probably blocking the launcher, heck it's probably even thinking that your operating system is a virus (yes, that happened to me...). That's how bad it is.
  9. That's not a thing to be proud of...
  10. Remember, he's not been proven wrong. He, as of yet, didn't provide any proof for his statements, neither did captainanna.
  11. Could we all please stop complaining about the fact that there's no proof to both of the sides' statements. I'd like to ask both of you though, to post your proof to stop the above mentioned. I'm really liking this thread as it's the first civilized and intelligent thread on this topic; please keep it that way. :)
  12. Post a bug report my friend, I'm sure you'll get better help than over here. :)
  13. You shouldn't, in my opinion, ban items if you also can make them uncraftable. That will prevent having to ban items like the project table.
  14. I see... idk how much you like EE, but energy collector= free stuff. Most servers ban them for that reason.
  15. Oh yeah, I love that look on his face Burns them with flame >:D
  16. There are some useful plugins, I forgot the names though >.< They can be found in the 'plugin recommendation station' thread. Btw, if you're banning all this, why not relays and energy collectors? Those mess up yer economy as well
  17. Probably, who cares, go to the FTB forums, ask there.
  18. Mods, please lock this thread.... I'm getting bored of those endless bs threads about FTB...
  19. If you're lucky, they will only use one.... but if you're not, they will use multiple ones, 3 or 4 very small ones, to make the process last longer... I even heard they also use knives that aren't Sharp anymore, to make it more painful...
  20. I know, I've seen it. I'll spare you the gory details... First, they will torture you until you confess you do have a beard. Then they take out this thing and shoot foam out of it, on your beard. (this may or may not actually occur) after that, they'll take this knife and murder your beard! D: They will do it slowly, painfully.....
  21. Ah, then it's alright... Wait a minute...
  22. Guys, guys, you don't understand... Don't you see how dire our situation is?! The future of the entire Technic Launcher is at risk! All abandon ship!
  23. I really don't want to do this but ok. Sir, what you are saying is: the creators of the technicpack are liars. The creators say they do have all perms, and they really do, why lie about it? Please don't start a flame war on this. There're other threads for it...
  24. I'd also like more arguments with my arguments (of why a admin should un-Keller)
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