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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. Hmm... that's no good, I'll have my mechanic look into it. ;)
  2. K, thanks :)
  3. That, is a possibility yes... That is up to you to decide. Judging from your post Torezu (you a mod as well? Can't see on tapatalk) I went to far again? Man, can't I make two all-in-good-fun-jokes about this? :/
  4. Very very special, I even got an achievement: "best sarcastic apology ever" I feel like I've done a really good job :P
  5. I haz hellen keller, LOL. I got right here, this thread. I'm quite proud of it actually, I'm now a special part of the community ;)
  6. Holy crap, that's one hell of a necro... Just post this kind of thing on the bug board. To answer your question, that's normal, I think
  7. Nah, dutch ftw! ;D
  8. Is it "The diary of the lesser spotted derpy pig"?
  9. That I tried to help this guy.... If you're over 16; lemme give you one last tip (I might be too late ) : don't ever act like this trying to get a job... you won't get one...
  10. I don't know exactly what's going on but reading your post, nothing is wrong in your world, you can play on it but she can't? If that's the case: to me that sounds like a corrupt player data file. Don't kill me if I'm wrong.
  11. First off, your language is inappropriate: act like you're a nice person. Secondly, seriously, Vista? Upgrade to Windows 7. Try to run the .jar file instead of the .exe file; sometimes that works. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling. And if that doesn't work... well throw your pc from the roof of a flat and get yourself a new one with Windows 7.
  12. I did I thank you for that.
  13. Stickies pal, not stickys Edit: as a answer to your question, they probably need emc to work. Make a kleinstar and charge it.
  14. Wow, that's a lot O.o Watch out for the pink fluffy unicorns on Sundays, they bite!
  15. Wat zijn zmok scholen?
  16. O.o wouldn't want that to happen... I'm sure they will integrate a config option for that kind of things.
  17. No, I said lol 'cause I didn't notice the ugly pinkness/weirdness babyface. Bein Helen Kellered isn't something to ROFL about, one should ROFLMAO jk ofc
  18. Ah yes, we should be careful not to fry em though, their E-DNA mutates if you do that. We wouldn't want that...
  19. Huh? How? I'm dutch as well and I have English at school, it's mandatory. :S Edit: LOL! I got helen kellered! I didn't even notice.
  20. EPIC! I like the idea of it. I also read something, a while ago, about this but more extreme. There's a company out there (can't remember the name) developing chips for your brain. For example, you could access the internet with your brain. Also they're developing a chip for augmented reality: you actually feel what you would feel if the game was real, you would see and hear what you would if it was real. That's some stuff for a nerdgasm ;)
  21. But what if he does? We would need to feed on the zombie squids!
  22. Yeah XD wait... what?!
  23. well, you got me there. I like it here as well, just.. well you know. I guess, I just shut my trap and ignore those bits in the future when I read that kind of post. One thing I didn't get, 'refugees from stay out'? What's that?
  24. I don't know exactly what you want with this thread but I'm pretty sure some of those are incompatible and some singleplayer only, it would make no sense to request an update for tekkit (multiplayer) since they're being updated to 1.3 (merging ssp, smp, etc.) Sorry if I got you wrong. :)
  25. Okay, okay. Bolt, sorry for misusing your thread, apparently I'm just one of many complaining about this mess people call behavior. I will give up then, I'm sorry I had to make everyone Think and explain... You won't hear anything about it from me anymore.
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