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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. Maybe you should also leave a FTB installation guide for it, to prevent a flame war...
  2. Ysh, just go with it. It's fun Btw, the map is going to be reset anyway... why bother about your stuff?
  3. Ah, I see. There's no way that everyone in Halo is a probie... lol Also, you last name sounds delicious EDIT: Ysh, brace yourself for a lot of approving to be done, I am a major poster on the TBR forums :P
  4. But that doesn't eplain the message that Every post/thread needs to be approved... Not just mine
  5. That abbreviation makes me think of shawarma, which is delicious. Ysh however, isn't (see what I did there) But seriously, what's going on Ysh?
  6. Andrew, why have you guys set the posting rules so that we (company leaders, Mods and Admins) need to approve all threads and all posts? I had to manually approve my own posts (even though I just posted twice, still... it's a nuisance) and threads (EDIT: which I apparently can't do :/)... which is kinda stupid.
  7. Nobody knows the seed except for Duncan maybe. Also, you know that the bunker they "found" was made by Duncan, right?
  8. That sounds like a very good idea. I'll hop online to celebrate ;)
  9. Markarthian

    Soccer mod

    Could you tell me why you should spend money on this(?) if you make your own mod? Also, my brain requires punctuation... and lastly, don't jinx yourself It would indeed be cool to have such a mod, I think there is something like that already though...
  10. Haha, I love that reply from aaronhowser11...
  11. Markarthian, leader of Halo Incorporated, hereby surrenders Halo Incorporated. The cunning of Quantum and the lack of IQ of Halo Inc. makes Halo no match for Quantum. Not being able to start a base rendered us weak opposed to Quantum, with their ever growing power. The hunger for war devoured Quantum when a member of Halo Inc. bravely defended their base, whilst Ignoring the peacefulness of their Leaders. That peacefulness could not provide a shelter strong enough for the hounds and the rats of Quantum. I am sad not to be able to comply to Quantum's demands, the raids rendered Halo Inc. without a base and without minerals of worth. As for interaction, no interaction having negative effects to Quantum has ever been carried out by a Halo Inc. member and shall not happen in the future either. As Quantum has won, I request it to withdraw all spies from Halo Incorporated. If there is anything to communicate with me about Quantum will need to PM me, as I am since a week not able to join the server because of my exams. (which saddens me) All Halo Inc. members are required to check the Halo subforum, as useful information will be posted there. That would be most unfair to other players on this server, and quite a waste of time to do so. Edit: yes, their can be used as singular...
  12. I also hope to see xycraft back in the pack, that mod adds damn cool shit. Not only decoration, also some sweet tanks, valves, etc.
  13. If you want to get any relevant help, you'll need to post a bug report in the appropriate section
  14. It's like 6:06AM over there, so let's just be patient and wait
  15. You know that mystcraft is notorious for causing lag, right?
  16. You will when you will, patience is a virtue. Also: LAST WARNING! All Halo Inc. members must be registered on the forums and must have posted at least once. Else, you will either not be accepted into Halo Inc. or (this counts for all current Halo Inc. members) you will be fired! Also Andrew, join the TBR forae: there's some stuff on our subforum you will want to check out.
  17. This is Markarthian. Leader of Halo Inc. And your application is a bit short, Andrew would probably like it more if you expand it..
  18. Yo Andrew, every time you update the modpack, I need to manually remove old files and drag the new ones in, but there should be an auto update system in the launcher, right? Did you get that to work?
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