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Everything posted by Markarthian

  1. So very true, the messed up at reach, but oh my god, 4. Amazing. I kinda like the ending though, even though it has a damn cliffhanger... I'll be around for 5 for sure. Heck, even for 6, 7, 8 and 9. Also, have you seen bungie's new project? It looks really cool. Edit: what's up with these ninjas?
  2. As long as It's random, there's still some entertainment in it, no?
  3. Yeah! I got all the collectors edition versions (OCD?) What do you think is the best Halo? I'm thinking 2 or 4. Also, portal is epic. (The cake was, btw, never a lie) Legendary is so much fun to play, isn't it?
  4. Well, yeah. As stated above :P
  5. God, those basterds... You know, even though I've solo legendaried all halo games. Those things still get me. But they are cool as heck.
  6. Things that make things do stuff and things.

    1. TheBytemaster


      But only if you fill them with the correct thingy things after placing them next to the thing and configuring them with the thingy thing thinger.

  7. Ahh, yeah... That is indeed problematic. (well, not anymore )
  8. Uhm... We didn't hate, we told you a fact. Muse btw, didn't put this in because of you, this has been on her todo list for quite some time. I am sorry, victory was denied. Excitement is allowed, though. Edit: fixed derpy spelling
  9. But, if he tries that, the modpack will not work...
  10. Calm down Ysh, It's not the end of the world. We'll find something. What have you tried to do to fix it so far?
  11. At least one has to be serious to be fair, only my last suggestion was joking. (Yes, ghost power is a thing)
  12. That's weird... You're registering a possible runtime exception (with the code I gave you) but it is null?? The code should work. If it hasn't got anything to do with that config stuff, idk...
  13. Try deleting everything directly related to the launcher, like tmp files, cashe, etc. Reinstall java? Other build of the launcher? Draining your pc of gost power? Throw turtles at your screen?
  14. Oh lord... Those comments as well O.o
  15. Ah, I see. That's both funny and not funny... Also, you are very welcome! EDIT: do you have the syntax "finally" after the config code I gave you? The error you're having might be caused by the absence of that syntax
  16. Oh cool, looked a bit messy to me, so that's why I thought... That code would go between the config.save and the config methods. It'll catch a wrong config file and throw an error.
  17. To make sure not all artyfarty stuff is coming from Soupa, here ya go. This is not really Tekkit related or anything for that matter, but I think it looks cool anyway. This is my band's logo, that I've created. SBI standing for "Surrounded By Idiots" which is our bandname :D
  18. So yesterday I peeked at your code so far, and am I right in saying that you're not using eclipse? Also, I believe that you're looking for this piece of code: catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "blargblarg config blarg", new Object[0]); throw new RuntimeException(e); }
  19. C++ to java is a very easy step, you know. I don't recall exactly which ones, but the only major change in code are some of the syntaxes.
  20. Soaryn is working on it. IIrc he has been very busy IRL lately.
  21. Industrial miner should be banned because, with his evil look, he will scare the living daylight out of those poor dogs.
  22. Luke is banned for being up late, you know how much energy it costs to keep those glowy cool thingies lit?
  23. Guys, I don't know what you're talking about. Soupa is not a troll, I mean, her avatar still shows she is a dressed up fish...
  24. There are three classes in the Oredictionary which could've gone wonky, only problem is that the classes you'll find have obfuscated (weird ass) names... I don't know which obfuscated name corresponds to which deobfuscated (normal) name. But before we try that, you all have tried all the options first? I wouldn't want to send you unnecessarily into the woods.
  25. Like I said: java is weird when it comes to errors, but yeah, do try.
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