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Everything posted by Adlersch

  1. Both of the Star Wars: Battlefront games. That, and Ratchet and Clank: Deadlocked. Or any of the R&C games, really - but Deadlocked especially. Those games have, in total, probably consumed about 2 years of my life. I also have never and will never play Kingdom Hearts.
  2. It's not the Technic Team's responsibility. At all. And it never will be. If a modpack seems dubious to you and doesn't have permissions or uses stuff 'illegally' (A term I use ironically), don't use it. It's up to your judgement what you use and what you make, not the team of Admins and Moderators. To quote what I've heard before: "We aren't about to start policing the internet."
  3. The worst you can be is wrong, in which case someone points it out, you learn, and the story ends. Edit: I also love how this guy feels that Platform should be sued and destroyed by Mojang because it's evil and illegal and the Technic Dev Team hurt his feelings or something, then he immediately wants help here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/error-parsing-platform-resonse.40276/
  4. Oh dear Lord no! They can download a copy of Minecraft that they can't use unless they actually log in to the Minecraft.net servers and use their legitimate Minecraft account?! Whatever shall we do?! Seriously, what? They're not distributing hacked versions of Minecraft. And anyways, the responsibility lies in the modpack-maker, not the Platform. In fact, Platform doesn't even host the modpacks! It just lists them. Get your facts straight before trying to whine about something you clearly don't understand.
  5. You see, Kitty Jail is all just one big thank-you thread from all of us in the Off-Topic forum for the Moderators and Admins - we try to give them something interesting to read, and a chuckle every day.
  6. Granted: Modders are not uptight about permissions, open/closed source, or even who distributes their mod at all. Soon after the internet was flooded with false mod distributors, and the modders themselves do not distribute their own mods. Soon you find yourself having to pay for reliable mod distributors or get a virus-infested mod. I wish I could cook.
  7. Granted: You take over the world before me, and pave the way for me to kill you and take the world over more easily. Thanks for doing all the dirty work. I wish my minion wasn't okamikk.
  8. Your mother is so massive that her gravitational force exceeds that of the sun, calculated at 2 meters from its core.
  9. Granted: Your shell scripting skills are awesome. But also your computer exploded in a freak accident, causing you to go into a deep coma from which you shall never return. I wish for... A loyal minion.
  10. Granted: All IndustrialCraft machines are easier to reposition without destroying them. Life is good for a while. However IndustrialCraft is now renamed AdlerschCraft and all machines explode and crash your world permanently if you try to reposition them at all. I wish I didn't have a splinter.
  11. I see that you're following and being followed by exactly 16 people each. I am tempted to follow you in order to throw off the balance... Do you by chance have any form of OCD?

    1. GreenWolf13


      Yes, but not any form that would be affected by my number of followers changing.

  12. Granted: You now have homework to do forever, and you are singlemindedly focused on it, incapable of getting distracted or otherwise diverting conscious thought away from it. I wish I had mac n cheese right now.
  13. FTFY. I am the original mold from which the others are made.
  14. Granted. While you were mindless, however, it was all stolen and you now own nothing. Plus, anything you get in the future will be legal for anyone to take. Ergo, it won't be stolen. I wish people didn't misspell my name horribly. Edit: So my dream of conquering and/or enslaving all life on Earth is complete! I am okay with this outcome.
  15. I noticed this on the To Do List: Look no further! ...But seriously. I would enjoy NPC rivals - although to me they'd be superheroes. Looking forward to any and all updates to this fantastic mod that has me once more addicted to Minecraft.
  16. Granted: You now have a toy lion. You are also dead, however, and cannot enjoy it in any way, shape, or form. You're not even allowed to look at it because it has a cross scratched onto one of its paws. I wish to be alive again - not undead, alive.
  17. Granted: The high density material is your skull. You are now both dead. I wish for a new raygun.
  18. Try again, now.
  19. You're truly happy - for one minute of your life. The rest of them eventually depress you and so you commit suicide. I wish for one more wish.
  20. Granted: You are the immortal dictator of the world, but everyone else dies in a massive civil war. You are the dictator of a world with nobody in it but yourself. I wish I had a bigger evil lair.
  21. It'll be very difficult to download this map without a download link.
  22. This summer: One man, one mission, five children. The man: Jason Parkinson. The mission: Save the world's children from the evils of Tekkit and its administration failing to protect users from independent servers! Get ready for an on-the-edge-of-your-seat wild action adventure across message boards, servers, and through Minecraft itself as Jason hunts down the griefers that took his daughter the admins that don't control things they have no right to control!
  23. Uhh... Cadet Adlersch, reporting in, sir!
  24. What the fuck? I can only imagine a few possible scenarios in which you are so fucked up you continue posting and changing your position: You're a bored person at home with nothing to do. You're an idiot. You just discovered the internet. You're a bored person at home with nothing to do, trying to troll people over the internet which you just discovered, but you're too much of an idiot to make any sense. In escalating order of likelihood, in my opinion.
  25. You could always build them some teleporters to their base(s) and back to spawn, as a stopgap measure.
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