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Everything posted by Techpriest

  1. I know how to fix this bug report. 1. Be an adult. 2. Solve the problem like an adult. 3. ??? 4. Fixed launcher. Enjoy.
  2. Hmm, based on this bug report, I can tell that He's a time traveler, he has the launcher version 9.2.3 He uses a future system far more better than Window, Mac and Linux together: 64 Bits. He is using a really old version of Java. Java 1 must be how poor people install their java. He has an anti-virus that blocks virus for free. Probably in the future, free anti-virus programs are probably common. When he tries to run the launcher in the past, the launcher prevents him from going into the future. Then the 64 bits will prevent him from going back into the past. Making him unable to time travel anymore. Then, he doesn't have any money, so he's going to die in the street or get mugged by poorer people. Based on his anti-virus program, viruses from the past can destroy his computer, since the future anti-virus cannot prevent it.
  3. Are you interested in joining the TekkitZ Building Team?
  4. Have you ever thought of upgrading them with two/one transformers to let the rotary macerator use HV or MV?
  5. Derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp. Why you no show us NEIServer.cfg file? Derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp.
  6. You press V to charge it. Also, you need some ingridents to power those rings. For example those archangel's smitey thingy cost tons of arrows.
  7. Are you even showing your server properties files to us? No. So, how are we supposed to know. Do we have a screenshot of the hamachi network? No.
  8. Someone really needs to reprogram this launcher, I keep thinking some idiot is using Spoutcraft to play Technic/Tekkit. According to this error log. You seem to be having trouble with java x64 and then java x32. Reinstall java(x64) or (x32)
  9. Alright, go on my server. It should work If not :psyduck:
  10. Ban everything beside vanilla items. Ban everything not related to vanilla Minecraft.
  11. I don't think I understand what you just said. Just tell your players to download them MANUALLY. On other forums, they tell you to INSTALL THEM MANUALLY.
  12. Sure. Make the plugin open-source just like MassiveCraft did. :P
  13. Interesting... we need a stickied thread about 1.3.1 thread... Hmm..
  14. You didn't have to ask for patches. You had to ask for permissions to even release the download link.
  15. What is this? Are you trying to give us a virus? Did you know how long it took the developer of the Faction plugin to produce the plugin? How could one just make a new Faction plugin made for Tekkit in less than a day or so?
  16. Oh jezz, you were never prompted? I don't know what the word "Mandatory" means, but I still read the rules weekly just to check if new rules has been made..
  17. Hmmmm... Hmmm... Techpriest inhales. Techpriest exhales. Yes, there is a way! But you got to download the other crap manually. Enjoy! :D
  18. Any town you like to make except those three below. Korn, NorthWest and Eastern Country Town are already done.
  19. I thought this thread was dead. Great.. it's now revived.
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