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Everything posted by Techpriest

  1. Whoop, I meant S.N.I.P A Small Needy Idiot who needs a Parent to help them.
  2. No, you don't delete it. You uninstall it, silly.
  3. Snippy AVG. Firewall is better.
  4. Not really. If you noticed that each cable tower has a batbox to reduce EU losage, and if you have cables in your inventory, then you can "hijack" the cable tower and gain EUs from it. However, the batbox in the EU will alway be full due to that hole in the bedrock wall and behind that hole is 10 MFE fully charged with high voltage solar arrays and ready to output. Thank for the luck! Adventure map? This is acutally a survival-adventure map. You don't have an objective except to survive for tons of days. Doing everything at once? Meh, I just choose to focus on changing the landscape first, since the world is a flatworld. The download will be probably released during the late August. (Maybe earlier, if I get more positive reviews. )
  5. Bad news: Recently got a virus that wiped out my system files and think Tekkit Z might never be released. Hello, please be knowing that TekkitZ is a big project and is still in progress, and might not be finished until 2013. What is TekkitZ? TekkitZ is a map adaption of DayZ. In this map, you(or others, if you are hosting a server) must scavenge for resources found in chests around TekkitZ. Introduction to TekkitZ Welcome to Craftia. An 2500x2500(Holy crap, that's big) open city in anarchy state and one of the areas in Craftia has been hit by a new and unknown virus which has wiped out most of the Craftia's population. You are one of the few Craftians who has immunity against this virus due to your "bad genes," and now you must search this infested wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the virus. However, Craftia had always held attacks from the bandits of the North, but now since Craftia is now destroyed, the bandits are now free to roam. Go solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever it means you stumble upon to survive. About TekkitZ TekkitZ is a Minecraft map for the modpack Tekkit Classic. TekkitZ assigns the player to the role of a Craftia survivor and drops them into a safe house surrounded by wilderness. The once thriving farms, factories, schools, and libraries are now home to the undead. Throughout the game, the survivors must scavenge for resources such as weapons, ammunition and chemical supplies. Unlike other Tekkit survival maps, survivors do not get any bonuses except a safe room. How to install TekkitZ To play single-player with TekkitZ: Just install TekkitZ how you would install single-players maps. To play multi-player with TekkitZ: Just install TekkitZ how you would install multi-players maps. Game Mechanics Health: When you die, you must start from scratch again in that safe room. Play with cautious TekkitZ uses the same health mechanics that Minecraft uses, so you should know these by hand! You can regain health by keeping yourself from getting hungry, which will slowly regenerate health over time or you can restore a lot of health by applying chemical effects on you. Hunger: You need to eat, but only enough that you can still regenerate health. Sprinting causes you to become hungry more rapidly. You can eat these food to restore your hunger: Meat: Ha! Good luck finding meat, animals are rare, so once you find them, you better breed them and protect them. Rotten Flesh: These Craftians are not simliar to homo sapiens, since in time of needs they can become cannibals and eat their own species. Mushroom Soup: These are the #1 food source to you, you may find almost soup in every chests. Melons: Manage to establish a well-protected farm? Find some melon seeds which are very RARE. Bread: Oh boy, I can make bread, but they take a long time to grow! Weapons, Gears and Inventory: Let's be honest, you will need weapon and gears regardless if you can survive using just your hands. Weapons: You got three types of weapons: Breakable ones, EU-needed ones, and EMC-needed ones. You will mostly find breakable weapons instead of EU or EMC needed weapons. Meaning, you'll have to craft these powerful weapons. Ammunition: Most ammunition are IndustrialCraft-specific. Food: Oh boy, yummy stuff! Tools: Axes, pickaxes, all of those crap that you need for everything. Chemical Supplies: Potion of (everything) Building materials: You know.. those defend thingy. Vehicles: I don't know how they are useful, we don't have much rails in Craftia. Hijacking: As you noticed in the screenshot, you see cable towers, thus giving you an ability to hijack electricity from cable towers, but is there any left at all? Download Link: The project is not done... yet. Map: You got to be prepared, here a quick sketch of a map. By the way, if you craft the map in this map. Don't, this is the real map. For each story about the cities... Spawn: In a room is where the survivors take camp, however survivors will not live long inside that camp and will be forced to move outside. Korn: A town that was wiped out by the bandits of the North. Northwest Country Town: A country area that supplied wheat to Craftia, in exchange Craftia gave them protection against the bandits of the North. Oakie: A town that was once a science city, developing technological advances. Now, lies in ruins from the virus. Madline: A town that was wiped out by bandits and raiders. It was one of the poorest town possible, so they couldn't afford defenses or supplies. Fali: A town that was also wiped out by bandits and raiders. Not much is given. Hirk: A town that provided electricity to Craftia. Now, lays in ruins, due to TechNica not supplying any more coal or uranium. Har: A town that was dependant on Hirk for their electricity, it died out as soon as Hirk was dying. Chernoiba: A city that held it grounds, and fought against the mobs, but were soon overrunned. Warehouse Town: An area where most of the building materials were stored in warehouses. Hin: A town that was overrunned by creepers. Lighly: A town that relied on pipes to get clean water and food. Now, with no water or food, the town lies in ruins. Mason: A town that no one really knows how it got destroyed. Maybe, someone still lives there. Maybe. Barrack: An area where soldiers were trained to fight mobs. Thousands of people who were infected with the virus quickly came to the area and spreaded the virus among soldiers, making their defenses weaker and weaker and weaker... Komi: A town that was overrunned by strange slenderlike beings that stole their supplies and teleported before they could fight back these beings. East Country Town: A country area that supplied Craftia with melons and pumpkins. Unknown: Who knows what this is. This could be the birthplace of the virus. Who knows? Bernal: A city that harvested mushrooms and produced mushroom soup. FlatVille: A city that was well-protected. The citizens were well-trained in battle and fought the virus until they ran out of food and supplies. TechNica: The capital city of Craftia, this is mostly where most survivors' fate end. There is only one way in and one way out. If you can't get out. Meet your new fate. Changelog Version 0.0.3 Done with one section of the map. Version 0.0.2 Made random spawning(Almost like DayZ) by adding in teleporters. Version 0.0.1 My first survival map made. Version 0.0.1 The beginning of Craftia. Screenshot: I know one rule about uploading maps, pictures or no download. So, here's one screenshot: So, here's four screenshots! Blah, working on it.
  6. I believe you can do that, or you can cover your condenser chest with half-glass(something like that) and let the players see it but unable to access it except breaking it(Which I hopefully you worldguarded it.
  7. Guys, please stop encouraging him. He's supposed to be posting in the right section.
  8. Although, I have no experience in WorldGuard, what I am doing is going to blow your mind. I'll do it with an action sentence: Techpriest covers the energy condenser with grass, making it blend in the environment. There.
  9. I will give you two answer to your suggestion. A: Code it yourself. OR B: This isn't probably the right section to post it in.
  10. Please read this. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/the-helen-keller-guide-how-to-be-unkellered-and-preventing-yourself-from-getting-kellered-again.17023/
  11. Hmm, but I once saw a moderator unkellering a person that was keller for posting a really useful guide about one of the Tekkit's mods.
  12. 5% of the new visitors will read it. 15% of the new visitors will read the rules 100% of the kellers will read this.
  13. If you understand then why you were kellered then I have no idea why you're looking here. Go make yourself that you can be you can be an acceptable member of the community. This thread is mainly to provide Hellen Kellers the way to prevent themself from getting kellered again or BANNED. This thread is organized by two contents: Prevent yourself from getting kellered and how to get unkellered. I'll start with the content, how to get unkellered first, but first, I have to explain to you where the Hellen Keller status came from. Where did the Hellen Keller status came from? Due to my inference, the Hellen Keller status was created as meaning, Helen Keller was a woman that was both blind and deaf. If you fail to read the rules, you are blind. If you continue to break the rules, you are deaf. Helen Kellering is a simple way of telling "Read the rules or go away." How to get unkellered: Wait it out: It's simple, just go play your Call of Duty game, a normal keller duration is about 3 weeks or less, according to what moderator has been posting in other people requesting their Keller status removed. Post an extraordinary helpful thread: If you can't wait 3 weeks, post a thread that could be helpful to the Technic community. Don't post like: H0w n0t t0 b3 bann3d, or copying others thread, that'll result in a longer duration of the Keller status. Remember, if your thread has a proper format and people could understand what you are saying, then a moderator might forgive you, and unkeller you. Now, for the second content. How to prevent from getting kellered(again): Follow the rules: If you follow the rules, you have a less chance of acutally getting kellered, this is the #1 reason, why people are always kellered. Read the stickies in the section you are posting: They are stickied for a reason, read them before posting a thread. Is my post useful: Please ask yourself, is my thread interesting? If it is then, is my thread going to help anyone, or give someone a laugh or two? N0 l33t 0r any pers0n mimicing a pers0n with a mental dis0rder talk: Don't say "Oh hai der, y0u s33 my t3kkit launch3r start3d to m3ss up and then a gh0st apper and star to hac my compute and give m3 a bull shit of death(BSoD). Sorry, if anyone can't read it beside you, then it's a waste of space. Don't EVER sign your post: You will be warned for this, but if you keep doing this to all of your replies/threads, then you could be kellered. Why? Your username is right there, just tilt left, and wa la, there's your username, no need to sign your name. Don't post stupid and pointless threads: Don't post something like, "Oh hai, I like to munch on cookiz, what you like to eat? No, if it was "Oh hello there, I like to make a thread about people's favorite food. So the question is, what is your favorite food?" Then, somehow that would be acceptable. Be treated the way you treat others: If you treat others like shit, then others will treat you like shit. If you get Kellered, that's your problem for treating other like shit, and not following the rules. No memes: If you post up a meme, saying "OH MAI GAWD IT'S OVER 9000!" or something related to a popular meme, first, stand up, next, sit down, then, ask yourself, do "I copy other people just to become popular?" If you want to post a meme, make your own, don't go copying others. POST in the CORRECT section: I see most people having a bug report. So, first they make a bug report in the wrong section. Respect the moderators and admins: They are at that rank for a good reason. If you try to get in an argument with them, then you better hope, that you can win that argument which is a 1% chance. Do not ever backseat mod: Don't think you can become a moderator by acting like a moderator, moderators are handpicked by admins who thinks they are worthy of becoming a moderator. Do not PM admins or moderators with a bug report, or someone is breaking a rule: We have a good reason why we have a report abuse button, and a bug section. Don't discuss about illegal activity: If you do want to discuss it, link it to somewhere else, don't get the Technic community involved with the government. Don't be racist or sexist: For example, if someone says she/he is a female, then believe them, don't say TITS OR GTFO! That's pretty much how people become deaf and blindkellered, most of these are in the rules, so just read them! This thread will be UPDATED when I find out how other people can get Kellered for different reasons not listed in this thread.
  14. It could be possible, but that's up to sct.
  15. I think Window x 32 would be used for you according to your post that you made. http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/win/64bit.html
  16. Mod Select button in options.
  17. Backup AND delete your .techniclauncher and try to reinstall, then restart the launcher, BUT this time click on options allow the client to allocate more memory(2 GB or more.) Also, choose the recommended build of the modpack, then if it says if you want to update, click on No. If it doesn't work, it's a good thing you backup your .technic folder!
  18. Well, this is not recommended, trying deleting your .techniclauncher folder in the %appdata% folder, and reinstalling it again.
  19. Yes, in the future, spells are going to be added. Some spells are going to be race-specific(no more choosing races randomly!), and some spells can be fused into a stronger spell with less cooldown and more power.
  20. If it isn't that, your Technic launcher is trying to install Tekkit 3.0.3 in hackslashmine\bin\modpack.jar, which it cannot find.
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