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Everything posted by Techpriest

  1. I know how to help you. 1. Post in the correct section. (Hint: Recommended to be posted in the Tekkit BUG SECTION.) 2. Show us the error report. 3. Tell us what Tekkit version is. 4. ??? 5. A solution to your problem. Be lucky, that a mod didn't see this and gave you a warning.
  2. Let me translate this from idiotic language to proper English. Can you guys find me a Tekkit server that is for PIRATED useres with no whitelist? The server can be whitelisted, if I do not have to pay more than five bucks. NOTE: TRANSLATION MAY NOT BE 100% ACCURATE DUE TO IDIOT MONKEYS MESSING AROUND WITH OUR TRANSLATOR.
  3. Make your mod suggestion then. This is basic living hell. If you want to go and make a SUPER LIVING NIGHTMARE IN HELL. Then, go do that.
  4. I sense this is somehow related to non-premium users.
  5. What internet service provide you internet?
  6. Well, in Minecraft 1.2.5(and 1.3.1), you have to eat to survive. Simple, when you have a lifestone and tons of dust to fuel it. Well, if this mod is ever made, it will make your gaming a pain in the ass(or like you're living in hell), as you not have to eat to survive, you will have to eat, drink, and maintain your heat to survive. Also, you have to find fresh water from ponds or lakes. So you can't just get infinite water from the ocean to drink. (OH HERR DERR I can just camp near the ocean to get my water, and if it gets too hot, it'll cool me down!) No, water from the ocean contain salt. Salt water will deplete your thirst faster than if you eat a zombie flesh to restore your hunger back. Although salt water is useful for everything . However, not only if you have to look out for which water is safe to drink. You have to maintain your heat levels, that you don't get too cold and freeze to death or get too hot and melt to death.
  7. Then it doesn't exist. Although, I'm not familiar with Thaumcraft. Maybe you need to research or discover it, then you can craft it?
  8. Have you considered using NEI's recipe mode. Probably that wikia is outdated.
  9. How is this related to Tekkit? You should be asking on the Bukkit forum. Tekkit doesn't have any plugins. Does it? * Techpriest searches for a Tekkit plugin Nope.
  10. And how is this related to Tekkit? You didn't even tell us what plugin you used, neither what command you said to kill the entity.
  11. A cracked launcher? Don't be silly that doesn't exist. Unless you install Technic and Tekkit manually through a cracked Minecraft launcher. Never mind, I discovered this. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/i-cracked-the-launcher-d.3983/
  12. I found a fix, stop using CraftBukkit. This bug only exist in CraftBukkit.
  13. Right now, I'm hiring only two builders to help build the server. For more info, please contact me. Also, you have to be in a good time zone to be accepted as a builder.
  14. What.. What is this? The first thing, you're supposed to tell us is. Is it for Technic players or for Tekkit players? Technic Pack doesn't tell us anything. Snip that. This looks good.
  15. If anyone could code this mod. Then, please do so. This mod I request to be made is: TekkitZ. TekkitZ should be a mod inspired by Day Z, a mod for ARMA II. What TekkitZ should include is 3 brand new game mechanics and and 5 new items. Modifying 1 part of the game mechanic: Due to 2 of the game mechanic are related to the client's GUI, the health, hunger, armor, and breathing bar should be 37.5% smaller now. So it should probably look like this. AAAAAAAAAA L BBBBBBBB TTTTTTTTTT L ttttttttttt HHHHHHHHH L hhhhhhhh [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] H=Health bar, T=Temperature bar, A=Armor bar, B=Bubble bar, t=Thrist bar, h=hunger bar L = Conditions boxes, and [] is a toolbox slot. Thirst: This should be one of the brand new game mechanic introduced in TekkitZ. Thirst is an aspect of TekkitZ added to Minecraft that governs several aspects of gameplay. Instead of directly doing nothing when consuming liquids to the players, drinking liquids(not potions) now fills up the thirst bar, which is constantly drained by the player's actions and temperature. The Thirst Bar is located above of the player's Hunger Bar on the bottom of the screen and is represented by ten icon of a glass of water. Every player start with 10 thrist icon. While the player is in a hot climate, the Thirst Bar depletes much faster. One is not able to see clearly(nausea potion effect) if the thirst bar is under 2 or lower. The Thirst Bar does not drain when playing on Peaceful mode. However, its effects on the player's health level remain, and switching difficulties has no effect on the Thirst Bar's current level. Thus, if the player changes the difficulty level to Peaceful while his or her Thirst Bar is empty, it will not restore his or her hunger level and the player will continue to dehydrate while healing. Certain drinks and liquids have a chance of poisoning or dehydrating the player upon consumption, which causes his or her Thirst Bar to deplete faster. Salt water(Water from the ocean), polluted water(Water from nearby oil refinery or other crap) and all of the potions that aren't "magical" yet. Temperature: This should be one of the game mechanic in TekkitZ that makes your life a living hell. Temperature is an modification of TekkitZ added to Minecraft that makes everyone's life a living hell, if they made a house in the wrong climate. Instead of the sun and the environment doing nothing to the player, being in a cold environment or being out in the rain or snow will now decrease the temperature bar and being in a hot environment will increase the temperature bar. The temperature bar is located above of the health bar on the bottm of the screen and is represented by ten icon of a sun. Every player start with 5 sun icon. While the player is in a cold climate or in the rain, the temperature bar will decrease half a sun each 1 minutes. Once the player has 2 sun, he is unable to break stuff fast, and will walk slower than usual. However, if a player is in a hot climate or in a desert, the temperate bar will increase half a sun each 1 minutes. Once the player has 8 sun, he loses more thirst(stacked with the desert's thirst effect), and will walk slower than usual. Also, if a player has 10 sun or 0 sun, he will begin taking damage each 5 seconds. Certain mechanics and items can maintain the player average temperature(5 sun) such as Hunger and Thrist. As long as 8 hunger and thrist icons are available, then the temperature will decrease/increase by half a sun each 30 seconds toward 5 sun. Also, walking on ice or being in water will also decrease your temperature by half a sun each 15 seconds. Sprinting also increases the temperature by half a sun for each 30 seconds while sprinting. Being in a dark spot without any light will also decrease your tempature by a sun each 30 seconds. Condition: This should be one of the game mechanics in TekkitZ that will make your life a living hell super hell! Condition is a feature in TekkitZ that will make your life a living super hell, if you're not careful that is. Instead of everything doing health damage, some may be fatal and may do a condition damage. A condition damage can only be treated with a specific amount of (insert item name here) The condition icon is located between the health, temperature, armor and hunger, thrist, and bubble bar. Also, did I tell you that conditions can stack? MAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But not with healthy though. Some condition includes: Healthy Description: What everyone must have and must maintain. Cause: Not taking any condition damage. Effect: No negetive effect. Duration: Forever!!! Treatment: Why would you want a treatment from being healthy? Icon: A heart. Bleeding Description: Losing blood from a wound taken from a sharp weapon. Cause: From sharp weapons(a chance to bleed by 0.01%) and being hit by an arrow or something like an arrow(0.1%). Effect: Causes the player to take half a heart of damage each 3 seconds. Duration: 10-30 seconds. Extender: Being damaged by the causes of Bleeding. Treatment: Bandages or will stop on its own. A blood drop. Broken Leg Description: A leg that is broken. Cause: Falling a huge height without a soft zone(water or rubber) Effect: Causes the player to walk slower and not being able to sprint Duration: 1-5 minutes depending on how dangerous the fall was. Extender: Falling off again! Treatment: None, as it will heal back on it own. Icon: A leg bone that is broken. Shock Description: Being in a shock state. Cause: Being around too much near uninsulated cables for a long amount of time(3 mins), stepping in water where EUs is passing by. Effect: Lay unconscoius(bed sleeping effect) for a short amount of time, repeatly waking back and laying unconscoius again. Duration: 5-30 minutes depending on how much EUs was uninsulated. Extender: Drinking liquid and being out near EUs more will extend the duration. Treatment: Remaning still for a minute or two will calm your body down. Icon: Electricity. Unconscoius Description: Being in a nice sleep state, where your items are dropped, and where anyone could steal them. Cause: Being in shock condition, or Thrist and Hunger are at zero. Effect: Having a sleeping effect where you are unable to do anything. Duration: 15 seconds-1 minutes depending on the Gods. Extender: Being in a longer shock condition, or Thrist and Hunger are still at zero Treatment: Getting rid of the shock condition(If you have one) or consuming carbonhydrates and liquids. Icon: A cloud. Hallucination Description: Insane Hardcore mode. Cause: Having the temperature icon go below 1 or above 9. Effect: Seeing the unexpected,(A zombie in the sun, or a creeper burning in sunlight) but are unable to touch them, as it never existed! Duration: Forever, until the causes disappears. Extender: Letting yourself become colder or hotter. Treatment: Cool/Warm yourself. Icon:Herobrine's face. 5 New Items Here are the 5 new items that should be made with the mod: Bandages: To treat the bleeding condition. Can be crafted with 2 papers Canteen: A bottle that can store 3 buckets worth of water(cannot place water though with them). Can be crafted with 3 buckets. Redstone Scrambler: Turns off all redstone currents within a 3x3 radius for 5 seconds. Takes 30 seconds to cooldown. Can be crafted with 1 redstone torch and 1 wireless redstone. Lockpick: Can open iron doors(25% chance) and reinforced doors(5% chance) without a redstone current. The lockpick can only be used 20 times before the lockpick breaks. Can be crafted with 2 iron ingots. Black Holes: When placed, it will consume nearby(3x3x1) entities(even you!). As long as it is stealing EMCs from other EMC-related items. If it has no more EMC, then it will disappear. This item cannot be destroyed by breaking the block. This item can only be crafted with 9 alchemy bags of different colors.
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