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Everything posted by Techpriest

  1. Very interesting.. he deletes the META-INF files in the minecraft.jar rather than the modpack.jar..
  2. Interesting... so oil must be a combination of water and lava.
  3. Wait hold on, how did this get 300 views without anyone replying about it.
  4. Well, you can't shrink it anymore. The only reason you have over 2GB is because you have probably wandered around the area making the chunk load.
  5. You forgot orange which means banned. Never mind.
  6. My degree is far superior. I serve the Imperium by building Earthshaker Rounds in Mars.
  7. I don't like it, there's no plot at the beginning.
  8. Hurr Durr, i nee som1 to make me thing lik skin, thumbnaily, and a Great Fuck XXX(GFX) for a youtube bad game.\ Next time, tell us what we should make. Like what skin to make? What nails to make? what XXX films to make?
  9. Terraria: The 2D of Technic Pack.
  10. No, but if it was the server and someone was in the Nether, then it would work.
  11. I believe there was some guy who has a yellow name and has a motto that said "Ask me about my ridiculious build."
  12. Try doing that, when the people are wearing red matter armor, and one rarely win a 1 vs 2 fight IN RED MATTER ARMOR.
  13. Oh dear god, when you're done, I can expect a yellow tag in your name.
  14. Except that with HV solars, you cannot power a forcefield, quantum armor, or a dozen other things if the people are blocking the sunlight.
  15. And how does this machine serves a purpose beside making a HV solar panels, meaning once you have it, you can produce moar UU matters, maing more HV solar panels and more crap.
  16. , I'm 23! Instead of getting a job and making good money! I'm just being a retarded person trolling on the internet WHILE BEING ANNOYMOUS. MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  17. There is no development build, there is only a recommended build. Unless you have a mental disorder of being unable to click on an option box. I recommend you try out 0.0.1 launcher, it's so awesome, you have to install all of the mods MANUALLY.
  18. Party Pooper. No cake for you.
  19. I don't even think you need a download. This looks too easy to make.
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