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Everything posted by Techpriest

  1. What? I can't find the answer?
  2. Yes, Tekkit gave me viruses. I thought they were my best friend.
  3. Sparklefarts is a mod where you can..? Uhh.. Well, you can't describe it. It's too detailed.
  4. Like I just said, if you do not put effort in your bug reports, then why should we put effort in helping?
  5. Here at Technic. We want people to be happy and satified with their modpack, instead of all crying "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, MY VIRTUAL LEGOS ARE GONE." As showed in this thread. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/5294/ 1. Zeppelin Mod: Too many people were complaining about crashes, incompatiblity issues and etcs. 2. Aether Mod: Too much incompatiblity issues and takes too long to update. 3. Better Than Wolves: Can't the Technic developer make it compatible? No. Here at Technic. The developers of the modpack does is make installing mods easier especially tons of mods, and they also try to make all the mods be friendly to each other. Better Than Wolves is like the mafia. They don't want to be friends. 4. Forestry: The creator of forestry made a malware that would destroy your .jar if it was in the Technic pack again. 5. Flan's Planes: Although, this looks interesting. I have no idea how it would work with Technic though. 6. Train Mod: Incompatible with other mods like Railcraft and such. 7. Clay Soldiers: Serves no purpose in Technic. Unless you enjoy slavery and want little innocent clay people to fight for no reason except to obey their masters. 8. Minecolony: It's not considered useful enough to be in Technic yet. 9. Millenaire: Too much lags for others, therefore it was removed. 10. PowerCraft: Probably not because it's like Buildcraft and IndustrialCraft combined in a nutshell for little kids who can't understand big words like Electric Units(EU). Here at Technic, the developers are here to help Minecraft players understand an objective, using a mod like Clay Soldiers will make them stray from the objective. The objective is to be creative. Not enforcing slavery among the clay people.
  6. I will give you a feedback when it is necessary. The necessary part would be right now. Before recording, plan ahead, if you cannot plan ahead. Record the game without any voice. Then, play the replay of the game you were recording with your voices, so you don't start messing up by thinking on the video like umm for 0.3 miliseconds. That's a lot of time wasted.
  7. "A man who needs knowledge may find some with help. If he does not receive help, his knowledge may not be as accurate." A quote by Techpriest. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ComputerCraft Forum
  8. This work in progress game might not be successful. This game does not use imagination. Instead, it copies other creation. Like much of MMO games today. However, I might be wrong. The game might be successful, since it's somehow unique by adding that Pokemon gamemode-like feature.
  9. You never bothered to show us the launcher version. You never even bother to say in the antivirus program, "I don't have one." A video of the footage of your problem would be nice. "If you do not put effort in your bug reports. Then, we will not put effort to helping you with your bug reports." A quote by Techpriest.
  10. I do not believe you can /reload in Tekkit. Since it's Bukkit custom-made for Forge, and Forge does not allow reloading according to my server.log
  11. I believe you could make it yourself. * make all of the skin black except the head. * * draw some epic cyan lines over the skin. * * color the head the color of your choice. * * decorate the head with eyes, nose, ears, beautiful hair, and a mouth. * "Anything is possible, you have to put your shoulder to the wheel first." A quote by Techpriest.
  12. "Give a man a bug fix and he will be satisfied until he finds more bugs. Teach a man how to fix bugs and he will be satisfied for a life time." A quote by Techpriest.
  13. Techpriest


    A multiude of suggestion is not a good thing. Let there be only a suggestion.
  14. REALLY? The server I joined allowed everything. Maybe, it's because they had a programmer(They did ) to fix the bugs.
  15. Transmutation tablet dupe? How does one dupe with it? Ban red matter furnace(They're useless) Ban black hole band. I believe there's a plugin that disable the right-clicking for the philosopher stone, right in this Technic forum
  16. I don't see how this map is unique. You have to follow a path. A unique Tekkit tutorial map would be a Tekkit map, where instead of walking towarda path, you can choose which path you prefer to take. Say, I want to learn about Buildcraft first. Rather than taking a path toward IndustrialCraft and ignore it, since you want to learn about Buildcraft first. What you learnt from this post: Do not make other copies of others, instead make your own that is unique from others.
  17. * Techpriest applause. I believe sct coded the website, and you should private message him about the typo, so he could fix it.
  18. Yes, they can and they just figured it out. But since the OP can't speak monkey. Communcation might be the problem.
  19. We won't help you. A group of monkeys can. You didn't show us the error log. The monkeys can figure out what you did wrong. Enjoy!
  20. There's a new thread for this kind of stuff? Yes!
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