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Everything posted by Jorcer

  1. That is kind of what I meant by overkill. Also how are you any better than the hacker? I would argue that you are actually worse as, instead of ruining something in a game, you are forcing them to not only reinstall their OS (which many people have no back ups of) but also subjecting them to disgusting hardcore porn. (Which you did in this post thus breaking a rule)
  2. Seems a little bit of overkill to data bomb hackers just for hacking a minecraft server. I mean I'm a hacker but only for the good of the forums (and fun on the side). Plus I feel like this is suspicious...
  3. No comment on the necro, but Frizzle has said that the next update will be for 1.3.2 (skipping 1.2.5 entirely)
  4. How do you have both 32 and 64bit OS on the same computer? That is probably the problem...
  5. Is there a different log or the same one?
  6. Don't sign your posts. Just press escape go into options and rebind your keys, If that doesn't work, there is a file you could delete to reset your keys but I can't remember where it is.
  7. You could go into MCEdit and delete what ever is powering the quarries. Then just add them back in using creative mode.
  8. When you reinstall, make sure you disable (probably should uninstall) AVG.
  9. Report, Report, Report! Actually, nevermind pass the tea and lemonade :)
  10. We were talking about SimpleGuy :)
  11. Took me about 5 seconds.
  12. *Passes popcorn to Greenwolf* That's the last of it sorry guys
  13. Well what do ya know! You madam, are very well informed.
  14. I have some popcorn left over from IndustrialMiner I can share with you two cuz I know you're cool.
  15. That would explain the greenness!
  16. Zing! But seriously OP: The fuck?
  17. I am also Canadian but I would never refer to myself as American due to the connotation that I am from America. If forced I might use North-American however I don't identify as such, I am Canadian.
  18. I don't get it... Is it just referring to music from the US? (Canadian, French, Uzbekistani, etc.) Shouldn't it be American?
  19. Jorcer

    Ore rate

    Well then, I didn't even think about it being another language... Odd but okay...
  20. A bizarre user error! HERE!?! Surely you are joking friend...
  21. Well one of her songs is called S&M, that might be what the blob is talking about.
  22. Are you asking a question of just listing things?
  23. Sigh, I feel like it is deja vu all over again in here lately
  24. You must have fucked up really bad to have managed to lose you OS just by modding Minecraft... In regards to editing, he meant don't post again if you were the last one to post, edit instead.
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