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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Holy balls, 55 and 1/2 pages of black magic love spam.
  2. Were we? I was busy working on some project on my (new) vanilla home server...
  3. Hrmm... did you disable Fludic Nether Portals on the KJ server? Can't seem to place mine down in the overworld, like it's supposed to do.
  4. Sure, send me one please. .
  5. No images there. Still gonna drop you a like.
  6. At least 41 pages of spam. New record, y/n?
  7. *drags Prolo back into the abyssal depths of the Kitty Jail*
  8. Ah. In other news, the TANTRA MANTRA is trying to take over the forums.
  9. Yeah, go blame the spambots, he's hardly gotten started to even accidentally make the Philosopher's Stone.
  10. Hey @TheBytemaster! Server went down. I may know why, but I'm gonna have a word with him to see.
  11. Wow. The bots are desperate tonight; at least 16 pages worth of love specialists.
  12. Oh, hey, something totally magical happened. (Besides Samurai Jack coming back.) Psychonauts 2 is actually being worked on. Go help fund it.
  13. Yeah, Nether travel is a little borked for some reason. I'll see what I can do to get a rail line working properly at this point, so that it's not a gigantic issue.
  14. I've done box rebuilds before. Had a motherboard fry, then a GFX card go poop. Best advice is to focus on motherboard, CPU, GFX card, and RAM. You can reuse everything else--the only thing you really need to pay attention to when working around your box are how many slots (both PCI and AGP) and the voltage of your power supply. Do not be afraid to go a little lower--I got a good deal from NewEgg by following that particular rule of thumb. I do suggest Corsair for RAM (DDR3 is what I peffer,) ASUS for mobo (Rock series is pretty steady,) Intel with hyperthreading and at least 2 cores for CPU, and ZOTEC for GFX card.
  15. This is why we still think fondly of Ash even though she no longer hangs around this pit of trolls.
  16. YAY moar soupa doupa actionation!
  17. With IC2 now installed, I noticed that it contains Macerator recipes to directly process Nether Ores, but the Toolbox Grinder has not received attention for that reason. (Eg. Nether Diamond Ore is 5 diamonds through the Macerator, yet going through the standard smelt/grind pair nets 4 diamonds.) Is there enough interest to add similar recipes to the Toolbox Grinder for keeping in line with IC2?
  18. I'd like to at least let people know that Iskandar left in the middle of Hexxit 2--he was one of the driving forces behind the orignal. That pretty much caused big delays AFAIK. (These days I see Isky on the FTB forums; he's already pushed out two new packs on FTB Launcher/Curse Voice: Atonement and Modular Mayhem.)
  19. I have a feeling I will eventually beat someone with the keyboard if I do play with you. That being said, pretty awesome idea, going away from the monitor for everything else.
  20. *sighs* Been looking forward to expanding my grinder setup and starting the walls tonight on LethTech[tm] on the server. No dice. Ah, well. I've been neglecting MCTunnel for too long, anyways.
  21. I see Baba Ji is giving me birthday wishes in its own, creepy stalkerish way. I miss Cheap's ugg boots.
  22. Perhaps, perhaps not. Could be worth being excited about, given mods like Immersive Engineering and whatnot is out now.
  23. Old enough that "black magic love" is now the thing.
  24. Hey, it's friggin' slow here. You can come on over and try your brains against Pyure, Shazam08, or VikeStep in the next game of Werewolf. Total upset right now, I thought it was gonna end tonight.
  25. Right now running a game of forum Werewolf on FTB Forums using custom rules I came up with; I'm having far too much fun at what's going on. Two of the three power players eliminated at Day 1, and everyone's trying to determine if the third is even on their team. Which is amusing since he's on a third team...
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