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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Oh man, the memories. Especially reading Boatmurdered. I had fun reading that pile of fun.
  2. There's three: Mob Essence, Liquid XP, and LXP Liquid XP. Usually the source tells you what it is so you can go find out how you can use it.
  3. Kinda buggy right now, so I'll hold off getting a new version until the Toady One gets a stable version out.
  4. Best way to answer that is, do you have a 64-bit OS? If you do, just head on over to Oracle.com (direct link here,) where they host the official Java repositories. The JRE (standard Java Release Edition) will do just fine for you--it's the Windows x64 that you want (I believe.) If not, bast you can do is update your 32-bit versions (which is listed as a x86 version--odd, I know. It's Oracle, coming from someone who looked at their proprietary Oracle SQL language and shook his head at its weirdness.) Hrmm... better update my version, too.
  5. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *runs around in your profile space wearing a fez and handlebar mustache*

    1. Soupa


      Now you stop that I just cleaned the place.

    2. TheBytemaster


      wheeeeeeeeeeee! runs around in profile space wearing .jpeg compression artifacts on my head.

  6. The Technic login is specific to the website itself. Use your Minecraft login instead, that part of authentication hasn't changed.
  7. Wrong topic, buddy. Try the Tracker.
  8. For the record, the Yogcast are now screwing around with a new modpack (YogcastComplete) not unlike the old YogBox pack. Oddly enough it's on the ATL Launcher, which is peculiar to me given their history with Technic, but I suppose automatic mod updates interest them more. (There was also Sjin's Feed the Beast World farm series, but that's been rebooted on the new series. Wonder if Strawfingers will make a return.) So, really, let's move on and enjoy the luxury of seeing how we can automate stuff using the tools we have now. The Launcher just now makes it easier and cooler to do that.
  9. ...thought we do that just to make some incredible Bloody Marys...
  10. He does have a point, though. That's why Kitty Jail is still here.
  11. What. The. Eff. That's even more stranger than your usual jackfishnapery.
  12. No idea. Universal Electricity all together may be holding off release until every mod is up to 1.7.2. But do keep it in mind, of course--it's a good alternative.
  13. Have you tried Mekanism? I think their Universal Cables will do the job just fine.
  14. In theory, you don't need to pay for extra things. The only ones I can see being mandatory are TNT licenses--would you want to see all your hard work go boom just for some idiot's fun?
  15. Oooh, oooh, tie it into the general biome listing so that it creates a specific variety of Materia depending on where the central part of the Reactor is placed. We should consider leaving the obtaining Summon materias to boss-level mobs, though.
  16. I do suggest structure #2, it's different enough yet not weirdly complex. Too bad Colored Lighting is craptastically expensive in CPU-cycles; I'd have love to see that lovely greenish-mint glow come from from the reactor.
  17. If nothing else, fork the Technic Launcher code from Git, work on it, then offer it right back to the team for their next update.
  18. Well, technically it IS "Redstone In Motion," we're just changing a word to keep it in line with Jakj's original terminology without claiming credit for it.
  19. Yes, it is. You can't have a religion based on turtles without including the biggest turtle-god that we can find.
  20. @Ysharma Smeelio, you're approved for at least Bishop in the Church of Turtlism. (I'm not a member, but I do respect the Great A'tun and his messenger, Blastortise. )
  21. #MeenaApproves
  22. Well, consider that there is already a mod that does this, AFAIK, but it may not be updated anyways. So it's doable. I suggest plotting it out. Try going from 2 hearts' worth of damage for just affecting the block right below you, and scale up, oh, every two or three hearts' damage per block out.
  23. It's basically a localized explosion that only effects blocks that scales based on damage the player takes on landing, triggered by taking falling damage.
  24. You'll want to ask in Platform Pagoda, which deals with modpacks.
  25. I hear there are microcases out there smaller than a shoebox. You'll have to figure out cooling on your own, though.
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