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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. I suggest that you ask these fine folks about your problem instead of here, please.
  2. I'm running out of donkeys, what else should I punch now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBytemaster


      No, he should punch Great Justice, for donkeys!

    3. Teknically


      Hmm beat up some mobzilla and the king

    4. dwwojcik


      punch wood

  3. Well, checking the rules I can't be dependent on anything other than Forge, so I have to play it carefully in regards as to how I set up the system. Besides, I need to work on the texture handlers first before I do any real work--I already encountered weird things with duplicating textures, so I'd like to fix that first. Not that I can't make textures for you, though.
  4. GAH! ALREADY?!?! Meh. I'm not sure I have the time, I need to check the dates first. I do need a jumpstart on Drunkraft, though.
  5. I suggest using the names of the Titans, then. Some of the names do lend themselves to metals fairly well. Bianel, for Bia, the Greek Titan of Power?
  6. Mine was all sourced from newegg.com, but you need to be a bit part-savvy to zero on what you're looking for. I would start with the processor first, and build out from there.
  7. *looks at his with 8Gb Corsiars brought at 100 or so dollars two years ago*
  8. For GFX cards, I would recommend looking for a "power" listing (basically, best to worst in terms of how much vertices and textels it can push) and pick a middle ground. (PC Gamer might have one for 2014 around, I used one for 2012 or earlier and picked out a 650 Ti priced at $200 USD. (ZOTEC if you're wondering.) An ASUS Rock is one I use in this box right now, so I recommend that line as well. Corsair also make great DDR3 sticks at decent prices. All in all, not counting the monitor, box, and DVD-R drive, I think I spent $900 USD on an overhaul when my board shorted out and took half the box with it. The only thing that's noisy on the box is the HDD drive that I had to get to replace my failing main drive--don't get Western Digital these days.
  9. Barely. If you're really lucky, you should go play the one before XenoSaga--the classic PS1 XenoGears.
  10. A large number of the more esoteric mineral compounds in the real world have some very interesting names. Go nuts.
  11. Oddly enough, C++ isn't that hard to learn, just time consuming.
  12. In other words, working as intended? Keep it up. You're doing fine; I do recommend continuing to use 1.6.4 as a test bed for the engines/FMP since you know it works anyways.
  13. It has to do with how the tools appear in hand when it runs, but if that got fixed, then more power for you. Still, I know a few mods has Optifine issues similar to z-fighting, so it's not a bad idea to leave it out first.
  14. My hand itches to do its duty. Seriously, though, if you have read the EXTREMELY EASY tutorial on modpacking, then you should have already known what to do. If you still don't get it, take another look on how Optifine is installed normally. And if you still don't get it, just... stop. Optifine doesn't always play nicely with some well-known mods, like Tinker's Construct, so you're better off not bothering anyways.
  15. Ooo, it's looking directly into the minecraft assets files, not the mod assets file. Only if you actually did that would it might be able to see it. But then again, I'd suggest doing good coding practices and keep your mod assets outside the main Minecraft assets folders. Take a bash around the Forge tutorials on how best to approach this, I'm rather rusty right now.
  16. Dwwojck should be banned for backseat moderating, PERIOD. It even says so above your avatar. I bet the licence that you "got" from Cheap is just a laminated photocopy with your face on it instead. (And I was being serious in the last post, though. Last post before his was in September.)
  17. palden should be banned for necroing this post. Seriously.
  18. But I thought a "Crogenic Freezer" would allow me to make my own caveman! *is a sad panda*
  19. Still getting this when trying to read threads using the mobile version of the forums:
  20. Wow, this is a lot like my Technic Test Pack, only it comes with some betas of Jakj's mods and basic tech mods (TE & MFR). I'll have to wipe that clean later, anyways.
  21. ...i'ma gonna say "dead baby jokes" and let you figure it out. You seem smart enough.
  22. And on a more positive note... New GOLD RUSH naow!

  23. Please do not use the Status Update to post bug reports/troubleshooting. We have trackers and forums for that.

  24. Gratz for being the first to update to 1.7.2 in here! Just sayin'.
  25. Only if you can give it a firey enchantment. </ref="Dragonstar"> (Not kidding, I played a dwarf fighter with a railgun rifle.in the Living Dragonstar campaign. Surprisingly good shot, too.)
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