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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Blame the people who made Little Nemo porn. I'm not kidding, it's out there. Rule 34 exists because of wierdos like those.
  2. I still request a purifier for sewage-tainted essence. XP jar essence is just pickled essence.
  3. Since we can drink essence for XP... Ew!
  4. Short answer: No. Long answer: Try asking the Yogcast folks for a copy, it would be easier.
  5. Also, that's the latest Yogcast modpack, also called MoonQuest. All you did was cut and paste their list, did you?
  6. Magnetic interference from excessive iron concentrations in the soil/rock.
  7. Be careful. Peach has a thing for spanking.
  8. I believe there is already a guide on how to make modpacks on this forum. I'm also a big believer in letting others help themselves, so consider taking another look through these forums. It's real easy to find it.
  9. Precisely why I said "before year's end." At least it's still true while leaving lots of wiggle room and helpfully lowers mounting expectations. I don't trust ETAs without a proven track record, and Olioth's not getting paid for any of this, y'know. Things have a way of happening, like exploding jaffa cakes.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Olioth chose to implement the same versions system. I would say that if you had three modpacks that required the same version of Minecraft, you would only need one copy to download for all three modpacks, and still keep the original modpack.jar system we have. I'm not privy to what he's doing, though, so it's all conjecture right now, but at least I know there's been word that we may see an update before the year's end.
  11. No confusion there. Think of it this way--the Minecraft Platform (no, really,) is using profiles very much like what the Technic Platform is doing, only they handle it differently. The only thing it can't do is manage different versions of mods like Technic does. So all what the Technic Platform has to do is mimic how the Minecraft Platform retrieves the minecraft.jar files. Which pretty much got changed here, so Olioth has to understand how the newer Minecraft Platform launcher does it, and correctly. I think there's other stuff based on feedback with Solder as well too, so let him make sure it all works well first before it's released. (This is the Minecraft community we're worrying over--not all of them are actually mature.)
  12. I only removed Underground Biomes from my modpack due to me feeling like it wasn't quite finished, but I ought to take an another crack at it, I need to fix the ID errors on Coral Reef mod anyways. Should be an interesting thread to read, I don't think it was stolen from Terrafirma AFAIK.
  13. Not hard to do, you just have to make one trigger the other, like a self-driven caterpillar motor.
  14. Out of curiosity, try it again but remove the Sphax textures, I find 128x to be excessive (if neat,) for general Minecraft memory purposes.
  15. Can't be done without actually getting said string of rifts. You could use Translocators from RiM, just make sure you stop the platform before you TP.
  16. Next time, put it up on a high shelf. Less strain on the arms from holding them up. :P
  17. There's Soartex Fanver, but it doesn't support all the mods in Hexxit yet.
  18. That includes you, BTW. :D
  19. Amaxter should be banned for being so damned tasty. Om nom nom nom. Great, there goes my diet.
  20. Would be best to do "nearest available space," so there's some problems with coding that.
  21. It's more than just good, it's LOG! J/K. But the OpenTanks can pretty much go anywhere and link up to any of its kind as long as it's either empty or is holding one type of liquid. (It gets wierd when there's two or more, but that's easy to avoid.) I'm pondering lining the ceiling with them and pump in a bit of Ender Liquid for that cool shimmery look.
  22. The Jetcan rocket design works very well for getting out of Kerbal's gravity well. (Six stacks of two huge fuel canisters--the orange one--with heavy rockets on the end, surrounding a central shaft of a standard rocket design. You'll have to add stabilizers and linkages to keep it together for the initial burn, then use horizontal explosive decouplers to get rid of them when they're empty.) You'll have to figure out how to stop it, though--it will take you out of the entire system in 8 hours' worth of time. It's just that powerful. :lizard:
  23. I recommend OpenBlocks if you're pining for those multi-tanks. There's some seriously nice tank blocks that can be stacked in any way you'd like.
  24. Not to toot any horns, but I strongly recommend http://www.MinecraftTunnel.com, I've had great experience there as a member myself. They don't run Tekkit, I know (vanilla and FTB Unleashed,) but since it's the community that you're having problems with, the staff is a lot nicer IMO. Tell 'em I sent you there, and if I feel like visiting, I'll let you have building stuff from my protected storeroom.
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