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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Point of note: Invar is from Thermal Expansion. That being said, AFAIK, Balkon's doesn't have anything that works with Invar or Cestus Quartz. May need to check on that later, sometimes it's just an update oversight.
  2. It was a Modjam entry, so things like that was bound to happen. I still need to check out Agriculture from that, too. I suspect it'll have a home somewhere in Technic some day.
  3. They're interested in adding a Kraken in the deeper parts of the ocean, that's for sure.
  4. There needs to be a way to keep a corpse in that location after death, I'd love to see a lunar landscape littered with the dead and irradiated bodies of those who /kill themselves off the Minemoon.
  5. Yeah, I was going for replacing the Redstone with Ender Juice (we need to market that somehow, heh) and leave some space for what I assume you'll be filling in with some color for labeling down the road.
  6. Here you go, update on the Dynasty textures for the Translocators. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/67063892/Minecraft/JAKJ.rar
  7. You do know this is a PG-13 forum, right? Go put it back in your pants. I just had to make that joke. :D
  8. *points to the Servers section of the forum* You'll have better luck over there. Just make sure you read the guidelines before posting.
  9. Hmmm. It either looks like the tesseract isn't working, or the pump's going too fast for the system to handle the flow. Is the liquiducts in your reviving end all filled up? If so, then you need to turn off the pump for a while and let the magmatics chew through all that lava.
  10. Hrm. Just to isolate that it's the tesseract, can you place a tank stack (say, 3 high) between the pump and the tesseract? Let it drain dry before starting the pump, then watch it to see if it backs up and for how long?
  11. Pardon me while I go to sleep laughing over at just how incredibly lazy you are over this, this topic has been tread on so many times, we now use it as a drainage ditch. And you've fallen into it. Best to leave while you still have a little dignity left. :exit:
  12. ...egos? I did point out, in a nutshell, why those two will never be in an official Tekkit modpack. Badgering the team (with words or the real animals, just in case,) will get you nowhere and makes you look ridiculous. You are welcome to copy the Recommended build and throw Forestry in that for your own personal modpack, but please don't ask about how to add BTW, because we already know it's very difficult to do due to how it modifies Minecraft base code to the point that it breaks every other mod.
  13. :rolleyes: You're not aware of the bad history around both of these mods? While Forestry is cool, it's one they've chosen to leave out due to both permissions issues and no desire to repeat the "exploding bees" shenanigans that SirSengir for a time put in as an attack on Technic. As for that Butter The Weasels mod (some of us do this acronym mangling for fun,) the author, Flowerchild, is rabidly anti-modding to a bizarre degree. He purposely codes to work only by itself. He even hates Forge. Best to think of it as a stand-alone experience and leave it at that. Edit: Hehe, that namechange code for Flower child is still there? That shows you how much they dislike him still.
  14. Suggestion: don't worry about checking for air blocks where there is an entity. That's their problem if they don't take extra precautions to ensure safe transport. :lizard:
  15. I recommend reading up on Tinker's Construct, as this isn't a bug just not looking things up.
  16. I'll come by and fix up that set of Dynasty textures, will actually change the color of the activation and move the diamond continuous mode indicator a bit downwards.
  17. Put it on yer Steam wishlist, and I'll look out for a sale with a reasonable price to buy it for you.
  18. Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2, the smug little bastard. The messages you get/find with him in it, they pretty much just reinforce how nuts he is. (The sidequest for Lilith the siren, the messages for the assassins get stranger and mocking as you find them.)
  19. I'm wondering why there are no images of Derpy here yet. Oh yeah, no memes rule.
  20. AFAIK, not yet. I think he's busy getting his 1.6.2 versions working, judging from the number of dev versions he has right now. (He did add landmines and cape support, but that's as far as I can see.) I do recall he did do some internal testing; I suspect it's a rendering issue that is preventing him from finishing it.
  21. Well, I did get an overwhelming urge to lick the screen. It's that shiny iridescent skin that you did so well.
  22. Yum. Your alter-ego can't get any more tastier than if you covered yourself in rice. You're getting real good at this artsy fartsy stuff.
  23. *whaps Haskar with a foam replica of an Energon saber* Wrong kind, doofus. :dogout:
  24. I should use that as a global function into an error-reporting call. It'll just be a set of case statements of strings that throw a pre-canned error into the log relevant to what effed up. Also your obligatory PEBCAK notification, for the rest.
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