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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. There's enough people who choose not to ride the drama llama, but still plenty of sheep--I mean, players, to feed the hairy divas anyways because it entertains them.
  2. Take a look at Buffers. They're built to bridge different systems by creating a small accessible inventory with no restrictions on it. Beyond that, there's only some Forestry-based restrictions on tube placement on its machines. Filters, Sorters, and Transposers will be your mainstay of a RP network. I believe RP has a wiki of its own.
  3. I've thought about doing something like this myself, but I've got plenty on my plate already. Go for it, let us know how it goes.
  4. Oh, for the days of a State Cell hooked up to a Timer. Ah well. You can probably do this with a classic redstone timer, but it'll eat up space easily.
  5. Then why not have her help you out? It never hurts to ask, and she's cool as you, man. I'm still having trouble getting textures to show up in my mod, that's how bad I am. :D
  6. Mr. Shedlesky, meet Mr. Fisty and his wife, Maude. (Cookie for anyone who spots where the quote comes from.)
  7. Kaspersky also throws out virus detection blocks when downloading it directly from its website, FYI. I've had to resort to pulling a copy out of the Hexxit files.
  8. True, but it's a handy mod to have in a modpack.
  9. But it STILL doesn't use enough nether stars!!!!!!1 Just kidding. :D
  10. For the record, is there an actual bee in the Bee House?
  11. Ultimately, there's no wrong answer. We just have public modpacks for ease of use among users--you can hop from Tekkit server to Tekkit server without needing to change versions, if possible. Building your own modpack is a challenge that you'll need to decide if it's worth the extra effort, but it has its own rewards of tailoring the experience.
  12. Oh, relax. CanVox is currently working on Voltz 2.0, and he'll come back to Big Dig when that's over.
  13. I'll take a gander over the TConstruct page, see if there's any holes there and fix it up a little.
  14. It's nice to see a modder that will come around and help fix the little problems like this. Keeps the community together.
  15. You'll need to do the same within the Hexxit Gear mod.
  16. Considering that it's been a month since the previous post, and your bad habit of multi-posting, you really should go read the Rules a few times. It's real easy to get a squishy pink-headed avatar, or a boxed-in feline avatar if you're really (un)lucky. Oh, and you do not need to reply, just practice good posting in the future.
  17. I believe no ETAs are allowed, they make you sound like you're whining. This is one of those cases, I'm afraid.
  18. Psst... Look up "RedLogic" by Immiblis. That being said, RedNet cabling has its own brand of flexibility.
  19. You try just running the vanilla Minecraft launcher? (It's not the one in the Technic launcher.) Your buddy may simply be running a vanilla server, as a large number of mods aren't 1.6.2 yet.
  20. Or the MOME Corp series, it's right here in these forums. Fun watch.
  21. Nope, thought you found one already.
  22. Actually, Herobrine does exist in Hexxit, he's just called the Walker Boss.
  23. ...there's nothing stopping you from dropping it into the mods directory and ironing out any problems that occur.
  24. More like 2001: A Space Odyssey to me, but still quite good.
  25. Yeah! Fun fact: The major cause of death among hippos are other hippos when they fight for territory.
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