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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. That would be nice, I'm planning on building a "jetcan" rocket similar to what Luke's been doing, only simpler.
  2. Needs more Dave (or Karkat, because "Shouty McNubs" is hilarious most of the time,) but I can dig a good Feferi. ---E
  3. Two high-end nVidia Titanium based, Sandy Bridge compatable, ZAPTOC brand cards. I can't remember the highest stable GPU right now, but I think they're in the late 700s by now.
  4. I hear 7zip is OSX compatible.
  5. Nah, you can peek inside with whatever zip utility you have. I pefer WinRAR myself. Just remember the directory structure in there, that has to be mirrored in the pack as well.
  6. Yep, you'll need to look at the file structure for that, they went from sprite sheets to individual images at that point in time.
  7. Noted, this would be awesome as a basic vanilla pack anyways.
  8. What version? 1.5.2 changed things a fair bit.
  9. It's easier to buy the one-time subscription. Once you do, you can get on, no problem.
  10. Proud member of the Sea Herd, hrmmm? :p
  11. Should be, Immiblis coded it to be mod-compatible no matter what. Give it a try.
  12. Lethosos

    Casts are broken?

    You might want to search the MCForums for Tinker's Construct, the author changed things around a little.
  13. Ah. Carry on, then. Figuring out things like this is half the fun.
  14. I've seen the Firestorm pods at Gencon, so they do exist in the wild. Good luck getting a spot to play, though, they tend to be booked solid.
  15. Well, I like the idea, too, but I can't help much beyond encouragement. I'm still struggling with some basic coding and fighting coder's block. Best thing to push this forward would be to start some textures, sketches, that kind of thing to push this kind of project forward.
  16. Can't Java do a similar function through the use of an Object container? Just build an empty class, add variables of your choice, set the constructor to fill in null by default, and bob's your uncle.
  17. Never seen one? I have. Awesome units to play in.
  18. Most don't give a flip. If you're that concerned, you can just make a txt file listing the mods and authors, then stick that in the modpack.
  19. You try re-crafting a Tool Rod Stencil at the Stencil Table?
  20. The last I can tell you easy enough, he hardcoded the inability to move bedrock right into his code. In fact, try doing so in Creative mode--drop down some platform carriages, pop a bedrock on top, and move it with a motor/engine.
  21. There's an old saying about "there are no girls on the internet." Natural assumption is that there's a guy behind every pixilated ta-tas you see in a game. (At least one doesn't come off as a creep that way, there's a natural revulsion that one gets when you imagine the stereotypical fat hairy guy in underpants behind that keyboard.)
  22. And it hasn't changed, from my point. I don't like GT, I avoid playing with it. Why do your statements say I'm being forced to play it in the first place? I merely strongly disagree with the mechanics implemented. The fact that GregT acts like a little child doesn't help his mod one bit.
  23. Oh, I know what he is attempting, it's what his end goal is. If I wanted total conversion, I'd play TerraFirmaCraft, which is way more mature. If I wanted a harder game, I'd look into mods that add extra layers to the game past the Ender Dragon just for that purpose. Thing is, I play modded Minecraft to be inventive and ask myself, "How do I do this?". Not to re-learn everything and get needlessly killed every half-hour because I don't have the proper equipment, nor because it takes me ages to just build the basic tools to start solving my problems. In my worlds, I see a creeper, I expect that it will blow my crap up if I don't lead it away or kill it fast. Not teleport like an Enderman right behind me and detonate. I like vanilla mechanics, and I don't need them ducked with just to satisfy someone else's need to make a harder game.
  24. I wish. It's actually a Touhou reference, his first avatar looked way too much like a loli and it kinda cascaded from there. I've been on the Internet for too long.
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