Oh, I know what he is attempting, it's what his end goal is. If I wanted total conversion, I'd play TerraFirmaCraft, which is way more mature. If I wanted a harder game, I'd look into mods that add extra layers to the game past the Ender Dragon just for that purpose.
Thing is, I play modded Minecraft to be inventive and ask myself, "How do I do this?". Not to re-learn everything and get needlessly killed every half-hour because I don't have the proper equipment, nor because it takes me ages to just build the basic tools to start solving my problems.
In my worlds, I see a creeper, I expect that it will blow my crap up if I don't lead it away or kill it fast. Not teleport like an Enderman right behind me and detonate. I like vanilla mechanics, and I don't need them ducked with just to satisfy someone else's need to make a harder game.