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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Ah, I didn't notice the disrepancy myself, they're both specialty frames that don't get used that often. If this is implemented, I suggest keeping it for every 1.5 updates and remove it for the 1.6 release.
  2. Might as well make the change. I hate abiguity, and the sooner it's clearer, the better.
  3. I regularly read the test threads myself, and I'm not terribly sure about 1.1.5's stability. CanVox does have a track record of doing well with isolating bugs and communicating with modders, so I have fair confidence that threre won't be too many this time around in 1.1.6. Combining two major modpacks is a big challenge, though. I have enough trouble deciding on good choices for Metallurgy depth configurations as it is. :lizard:
  4. Oh, right. I don't always remember the difference--they should give them better names, like "Stable Build" and such. Oh well. I'd still suggest 1.1.6, as that is 1.5.2, and thus compatible with Hexxit (as that, too, is 1.5.2.)
  5. (psst, tekkit 1.1.6 was pushed to recommended. try that.) *re-enters lurk mode*
  6. Technically, all the room a ghast needs to spawn is a 2 block cube. I will agree that you need plenty more space to work with. You could probably get away with a 5 block high ceiling, but spawner range still needs to be taken into account.
  7. Oh, it's my themesong, yes. What it means is up to the viewers.
  8. Has been, and will always be MINE.
  9. For the record, mDiyo changed the Ignot mold in later versions to require at least a brick of any kind to cast an Ignot mold from the Smeltery.
  10. Let's put it this way: In my hand is a little machine that has more computing power than UNIVAC, which was considered top of the line in computers almost half a century ago, and took up the space roughly the size of your living room. So, yes, it's the future. But, as Calvin once asked, "Where's the flying cars?"
  11. Real men carry molten metals in simple iron buckets with ease. :D
  12. Please note that it has been at least half a year since that statement.
  13. Suggestion: Try deleting it from your .technic/hexxit/mods directory. It's been causing some... interesting... chunk regeneration effects, anyways.
  14. Not traditionally, no. But the new process is more realistic and worth the effort, IMO. I mean, can you punch holes into a chunk of iron with your bare hands?
  15. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him wear a swimsuit."
  16. Mataroyale should be banned for thinking with portals. That's, like, super hard. SUPER HARD.
  17. Lethosos


    Which is why I still like the old way, where you had to get a degree in Digital Media before you entered the Game Design degree program.
  18. Okay, I stand corrected on the github link. Olloth won't push anything out unless he's confident with it, though, and they all have a life outside Minecraft.
  19. It's also used for alchemical bags, too. Go bother Pahimar if you want "creative mode" back, we like the neutered version better as it isn't unbalanced. He's busy writing EE3, so go load up Technic Classic if you miss EE2 that badly.
  20. Yet is there anything new in that version? The author abandoned it, after all. What you're seeing is basically fanboyism keeping a dead body afloat just to say that it's still here.
  21. Says the hundred or so already bothering Pahimar over the lack of EE machines in EE3. Go make a Philosopher's Stone, change it all to sand, and smelt it all to glass. Now go make that underwater observatory post.
  22. You might want to re-read the forum rules a few more times, I see at least one other rule you've broken just from your post. And I don't believe there is a public github or jenkins for the Platform, Ollith keeps it to himself. He is on it, of course, it's that there is some major fundamental changes to the vanilla delivery mechanism that he has to work out and code for first. Don't expect any new versions anytime soon, if at all.
  23. Lethosos


    I resent that, being from Full Sail myself. The only way that can happen is if standards dropped faster than a dead bird--and I doubt that, as everyone who teaches there have made their name in their industry. (re: Dave Arnson, of whom I liked a lot.) Plus the students have to find their own lodgings.
  24. Easy, the problem is that you ASSUMED that there would be IC2 in the latest Tekkit. There isn't, and no amount of whinging will get them back in. It's a very dead mod, with little to no improvements and vey long update times. Get used to TE, it's a very nice mod.
  25. Oh, there's interest... it's just overshadowed by RiM. I forsee some interesting results from this in the future.
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