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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Would be better to just have a "timeout" place so that people can still chat with others while waiting to get back to the business of surviving.
  2. Challenge: Do it in 1.5.2, using the current Tekkit + the latest MFFS and Jakj's RedstoneInMotion as it stands right now. (At least this would be a great stress test for RiM.) You're allowed to add more mods that I forgot to mention here, of course.
  3. But hippos attack anything that's not a hippo in their water. Honey badgers don't give a shit about anything unless it tried to bite him.
  4. Dude looks like he could wallow in a river for hours and do the "honey badger don't care" attitude that hippos do.
  5. Okay, got around to building that Jetcan rocket. After some fiddling around for better stage controls and flight surfaces, I was amazed at how absurdly powerful the design was, despite babying the initial rockets a little. It could blast an escape path way outside the Kerbin System in just over 8 hours. Now that's cooking with rocket fuel. :dukedog:
  6. You know how Hussie handled fantrolls? Masterstroke in two sentences.
  7. *sighs* "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him wear a bathing suit." Try this... Make a part out of wood or stone, put it on the casting table, then pour aluminum brass or gold into that table.
  8. Try thinking about how real-life casts are made. Ever wonder why the casting table will accept pretty much anything you right-click an item on?
  9. It's HUMP DAY! But seriously, yes. We need to invest in beaver traps for this forums. It's easier for us to release them on the MCForums than dispose of their bodies.
  10. You'll have to ask Gru Labs if they have any spare minion DNA to grow new ones from. All of mine is from their entire spare stock from last year.
  11. ...damnit, Viva. Quit messing around with my favorite minions.
  12. If you've ever played through pt.2 of MeenaStuck, you'd question it too once you get to run around as Horus and open that box in the upper-right side of the map. Andrew Hussie can be pretty strange from time to time, as if the Smuppets weren't obvious.
  13. Look in the default config files for Minecraft, should be a mobGriefing rule that you can change to false.
  14. In case no one's figured it out, all trolls are (roughly) personality archetypes. Damara is basically the jaded devil-may-care girl who has practically nothing to lose. The afterlife is boring for her.
  15. As for other parts, use a Harvester and Fertilizer, both from MFR. The Harvester isn't complex to set up, but the Fertilizer requires Industrial Fertilizer, which comes from animal waste, which is a brown liquid called Sludge. Animal farms can generate quite a bit, so a Sewer can collect all of that for you.
  16. ...if a horse is ever mentioned by Damara, it's best to leave the conversation as soon as you can. I've read the translations from MeenaStuck.
  17. Why isn't Kankri being a sanctimonious ass? His text should have started receding into contractual fine print levels by now.
  18. Or you can use a Forge Lexicon if it's installed. It's mainly used to tap into the Forge Ore Library and allow conversions between various items if there are incompatibilities in recipes.
  19. There's a heart container item somewhere...
  20. Well, there's always building your own. Just decide what areas you wish to muck around in, pick a mod for each, and put them together using Luke's handy modpack guide.
  21. Post that on the Homestuck Forums, and you'll have a drooling horde of fans. :D
  22. I think it's Tinker's Construct.
  23. Yes, yes I just did. :dukedog:
  24. So... she was just maid in time? :p
  25. Python 3.3 seems to have modified the syntax some. Print calls now need to be encapsulated in (parentheses), and there's something funky with what you're asking the lambda function in the definition "ranges(i)" as it doesn't know what y is.
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