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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Hrm, this worked fine last I tested it. When I get a new build of the testpack up, I'll look at that as well.
  2. *quickly steals Ysharma's diamonds and runs before he notices*
  3. Well, I never did bother to figure out what it's name is, but all I know it does what it says on the tin.
  4. Throw Forestry in and start bee breeding, that's mechanically similar.
  5. I keep wanting to see if I could catch a butterfly and keep it under a bell jar for my amusement.
  6. It's something mDiyo is doing in Tinker's Construct. The framework is there for the armor, he just has to add in all the stuff which is the tedious part. You can equip heart containers in the Trinket slot, though.
  7. Yes. Just wire 'em all up and hit the switch.
  8. We usually call them "tubes" as they were intended, but yes. It's basically because quarries seem to output into only BC pipes, as it's a BC machine. A Buffer is essentially a small chest for the purpose of other item transport mods to interface with RP2 networks.
  9. Either get B/W now, or X/Y when it hits the 3DS. Your choice, especially when I get to throw Trap, my Feraligator, at you. :P
  10. Try this: From your quarry, place in order -> Cobble/Stone Pipe -> Buffer -> Transposer/Filter (with timer hooked into it somewhere) -> your sorting system.
  11. I've actually popped a Smeltery in half already in a past testing, it will still work even in mid-smelt as long as you put it back together. So multi block structures in general will mostly work no matter what with RiM, as long as those blocks can check itself after restablishing their correct arraignment.
  12. The heat trails? Yep, but it can be turned off in the railcraft config file.
  13. They're meant to be challenging, yes. But those Monoliths are freaky as heck and will cause problems as well in Limbo. Better to bring a pick and spare stone, then try to find a way to break the traps from the inside.
  14. Might wanna ask again in a week--give Sct time to make the changes first.
  15. Try the special configuration setting in Eplus, it adds some material requirements to perform the action listed. Like, needing lapis to enchant something, and so on.
  16. That was me on the block spew, I apologize on not delivering on a bug report. I'll look at it again tonight, after I check for updates on the other mods for the test modpack.
  17. Every time I hear something like this, and I'm aware of the surrounding factors long beforehand, I get the sudden urge to slap something. Let's hope it's someone else.
  18. "Lurv" is such a a weak word...
  19. Which we don't mind, really. The ones who really grok things around here peffer to show the sticky end of the stick to discourage bad posting (and bad posters, for that matter.) We do have a tradition of snark, though. The Whale Box is full of the best threads chosen by Cheapy for that purpose. And we do applaud well-used sarcasm in place of rudeness. There's something comical about it when it's well-placed right between the eyes of the stupid. :D
  20. Take a look again, BinaryMage changed that to a more complicated recipe that involved some sort of D'ni voodun that I'm still not clear on right now.
  21. Hrm. Anything that streamlines BC code is good in my book. We'll see if that has as large an impact as I don't think it will. Still haven't changed my opinion of CJ, though.
  22. Don't get me wrong, I trust ChickenBone's stuff more. But with no 1.5.2 version, I'd rather use a working wireless mod that I can use until then.
  24. It's either deal with it or wait for Chickenbone to update.
  25. A couple of things to note: I can tell you easily that there are only three locations that I'm aware of that can hold MineCon easily (if we went by Vegas' numbers.) All three exist in/near the Buena Vista area, where Walt Disney World lies. I'm putting my money at the Orlando International Convention Center on International Drive (aka I-Drive, aka "The Tourist Trap",) as it's freaking HUGE compared to the Mariot World Trade Center and the Gaylord Palms convention areas, the other two contenders with possible space AFAIK. That should give you ideas on where to check hotel prices ahead of time. Summer prices are somewhat nuts, so be forewarned. (Oh, and it's hot outside, with chances of rain in the evening every so often.)
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