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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. ...doesn't quite have that... punch. Hrm. Too bad the text editor doesn't have the full options that I've hoped there would be.
  2. Five emeralds that he says "because that's all I bothered to learn." That's the same mantra spoken by all those who whine about Ic2 being gone.
  3. Try this: Stick some copper dust and some tin dust in an Induction Furnace.
  4. Sometimes you just have to reach out and slap them silly. Vain hope, I know.
  5. Easy answer: BinaryMage, the mod author, screwed with the recipes and made it more, uh, "interesting" to make Linking Books. You should go poke around on the Internet for his homesite, the updated recipes and mechanics are there.
  6. We're not saying that it won't be added in the future--CamVox has already noticed this, I'm sure, but he wants a stable BigDig before making a new set of canidate builds with it.
  7. Heh, I can give that a roll once I get the basics up. Still be as funny as creating a Beergarden biome with hopvine and beer pools all over. (And add a brewhaus maiden mob, but that's too much work for a gag.) As an added though, you gonna try for one of Searge's modjams?
  8. For the record, I was thinking about being an asshole to him, but then I thought, the mods haven't had their fun yet, why jump the gun? Way to ruin the moment, Knocken. :p
  9. Do what I'm planning on doing and add code to mess with the player's heads whenever GregTech is detected. Me, I'm gonna go the Jesus route and turn all the natural world-genned water sources into wine. :D
  10. Well, what Elo did (AFAIK) in her code, she read the location of all connected blocks, created an entity with all those blocks, removed the old blocks, moved, then copied all the blocks in the entity into their new locations and removed the entity. And that's not taking into consideration of collision code, of which I honestly have no idea how she did it.
  11. I recommend aloe vera for that burn.
  12. I'll have to look again at the changelogs for Forestry/Extra Bees, but that sounds like an incompatibility with energy conduits. Did you test it with a motor powering it directly?
  13. It's okay, here sit down and have some tea. The confusion will pass momentarily.
  14. I knew that, because Kakermix gets upset at anyone who's better than him at being Kakermix. So, most don't even try.
  15. Livin' on the wild side, eh Olloth? Just remember, being Kakermix isn't for anyone but Kakermix himself.
  16. Sorry, no. Only 3x3, although a larger size would be nice. We'll see about suggesting that to mDiyo soon.
  17. Technically it is, you just won't see the PowerTool in first person view.
  18. You forgot to add the bacon to the sandwich before it wraps it up.
  19. Technically, the tail starts after where the snake's cloaca is located. And if you don't know where that is, you're not educated enough.
  20. The weirder you get. :D
  21. Let's go over each one... better than wolves mod: Unless FlowerChild has a stroke/amnesia and makes it Forge-compatible, be prepared to wait til the heat death of the universe first. optifine: Compatible; just copy what's in the zip file directly into modpack.jar. ships and boats mod: Don't know about this one, but if it can just be dropped into the mods folder, it should be. forestry mod: Compatible, yes. Drop it into the mods folder. sonic ether's unbelievable shaders: You may need to read the installation instructions carefully, but I know I heard around here that it'll work. Just remember, if you get ID conflicts, change one of the two that conflicts within the mod's config file located within the config directory.
  22. The Forge wiki has some good tutorials on various things that you can code for. It's not comprehensive, but it's usually kept as updated as possible.
  23. They're like my dog--they'll get so excited they just have to run up to you and show you what they found. Well, okay, she's just plain excited to say hi, but you get the idea.
  24. Awww. *hugs deer deer girl*
  25. SimpleGuy, please don't inflate his ego any further than it should ever go. Really.
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