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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. I'll have to look at UEC, but I don't think they have the flexibilty that moving Cells around gives you. A lot of people love being able to carry that kind of junk around, so combining the two would be ideal. Just drop the UEC where you want to pernamently keep your energy storage and refill the Cell from that whenever you need to drop some energy on the spot.
  2. Yeah yeah yeah, Minecraft is awesome. Big deal, old news. So how's the latest Steam sale work out for you?
  3. Hah, RP2 is stuck at 1.4.7. I recommend badgering Eloraam on updating, but I would bring the proper tools and medical assistance. It's suprisingly like badgering a real-life badger, you'd be daft to do it in the first place but kudos if you suceed.
  4. Once Wireless Redstone is back and updated, this question will become rather moot, as you can just offload the computer from the frame and send timed pulses through a wireless relay on the frame. It would be nice to have a bundled cable version of a wireless transmitter/receiver, though. As for liquids, how about using buckets as a black/whitelist point of ID, and only use source blocks? I've seen isolated cases of solo water sources not flowing when they should, so keeping that from happening shouldn't be hard to do.
  5. Please note that TConstruct has a life-extension item that gets worn (via pressing O to bring up the advanced armor menu,) and stacks up to 99. I'll let you figure out how to make it.
  6. To be fair, brass makes two casts where gold makes one.
  7. Pardon me while I go find someone who sells 11-foot poles. </nerd>
  8. Use at least three different resources. I've heard wonders about pumpkins and cactus (after being cooked) as less fiddly due to not needing a planter. Go out and experiment. Cell placement isn't important, but you can put them in parallel to skip losing 5% per length of conduit.
  9. There's also Biofuel, but that's a fair bit of setup there.
  10. I know Ruins+ does the smaller ones, not sure of the larger one.
  11. A less exploity way is to build magmatics and pipe in lava through a Liquid Tesseract at the site.
  12. And there's ways around using an Energy Tesseract, if you look at what's available.
  13. Mmm, altered reality mods. I'd love one for measuring my Slack skills.
  14. I didn't say that we couldn't make nanotubes in bulk, it's that there's no reliable way of making significant lengths as far as material science is capable of right now. I do have the idea of nesting tubes within tubes to further reinforce the individual cords, but that's for the eggheads to figure out how.
  15. The current prevailing technology for this is braided carbon nanotube fiber cables, and we're not quite capable of effectively producing this in bulk.
  16. CoFH Core. Knock yourself out.
  17. Yeah, I deleted those from my modpack for pretty much the same reason. Don't worry about it, there's still plenty of junk out there to check out.
  18. I'm still planning on summoning Ormagoden the Sky Cremator after I kill a Battle Golem in his name.
  19. Steel only works if you have an another mod with Steel registered in the Forge Ore Dictionary. Also, mDiyo is planning on adding Metallurgy support, so that may be the other alloys he speaks of.
  20. Did you try Java 7v25?
  21. Did you check to see if it will run under the same version of Minecraft that your copy of Tekkit is running under? 1.5.2 mods needs Minecraft 1.5.2 to work, for example.
  22. Cheap was raised by creepers, so no problems there.
  23. O.o ...I'm done here, if he isn't going to read those books he gets for free in-game.
  24. Try going fullscreen. It's a LWJG issue for Macs in general.
  25. Use the Stencil Bench, you poke holes in them the same way.
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