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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. First letter Y, ends with X? Not surprising given that they're essentially building a Minecraft clone of their own.
  2. If you're like me and have plenty of RAM like a sheep farm (64bit only, mind you,) a good rule of thumb is to allocate no more than half your memory to Technic. Under certain hardware configurations, you can go right up to 75%, but that's pushing it as Java needs to flush its garbage collection regularly while running MC.
  3. Lethosos

    Missing recipes

    There's a few other little things as well, but they're being dealt with in their own time. Space Tekkit does what the majority of IC2/RP does, and better in several cases.
  4. Just being an Aspie doesn't give you a free ticket to Doucheville. I have my own social issues from being born severely deaf, but I don't let it stop me from being civil whenever I ought to be. Besides, Maiden may just be having a bad day, given that Moose isn't prone to being a 'tard most of the time.
  5. Too late, I already claim the poor little fledgling in the name of my flight. So there. :P
  6. No problem. Usually those particular chunk loaders are the best out there, but they aren't always the best sort of things to be running over a longer period of time.
  7. I wasn't talking to you, Mr. Rides-Moon-Buggies-Backwards.
  8. I see your problem! You didn't install the "Doily Launcher" module! If it isn't listed a a module, just send MachineMuse plenty of chocolate until she installs it. :D
  9. There's a multitude of reasons why I have low tolerance for at least half the human population these days. You just saw one.
  10. ...y'know, you can just remove the mod that adds the Chunk Loader to the game. Don't recall its name, but a search for Chickenbone's mods will help identifying it. Which is infinitely better than screaming and whining like a 2-year old who isn't getting what s/he wanted.
  11. Well, there's this little threatening plastic figure that we assume is in the likeness of Sct, for starters...
  12. Best bet? MagiTech modpack. With extra unicorns and sparklefarts.
  13. Oh, okay, it fixed itself already. I can safely turn off the ads for now.
  14. And even not very good ones, either.
  15. They should not have the length it spans so dependent on the ads being there, though. I normally block both Google and Amazon ads, so the "numbers" stretched out like 8x the width of the page.
  16. It's about, what, 85% done? Jakj is taking a short break on an another mod, then he'll tie up any loose ends. The current beta looks pretty solid beyond issues with protections.
  17. No, he upgraded his Manyullyn pickaxe with all of that. If you've played with TC at all, you should've known about the upgrading system in it. It's even in the handbooks that you automatically get. It's that fact that, for some reason, it gave him a glitchy pick back. A better question is, was it all at once, or was each upgraded added gradually at a time?
  18. Now with Robot Unicorn Attacking!
  19. Did you drop a copy off on mDiyo's offical Tinker's Construct thead at the MCForums? He does pay attention there, and may be able to pinpoint why it's happening.
  20. Check the Vanilla with Sprinkles set of mods, Better Dungeons has expanded head drops and spawner options available. Word of caution: Creeper spawners are downright nasty.
  21. Short bus special? I've always wanted to drive one of those, but without the passengers.
  22. Well, I'd be happy if some one did make it easier to serve Oolong tea. Be a lot of work sourcing out the tea, though.
  23. What Luke did on our previous map was set up a void age that acted as a spawn for the server, and creative built the various portals to the different dimensions available there. (Overworld, Mining Age, Nether, Twilight Forest.) The only thing players could activate were Linking Books, as you could put up a quick TP at spawn for anyone interested in visiting. (Not to mention very handy for building a library to your favorite vacation spots in the other dimensions.)
  24. To be fair, the Mod Makers' Market isn't a hotbed of activity, so anything new there is going to be fairly interesting.
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