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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Cheapy, you need to go blow some of that art art fart fart onto some shirts or some such products. They're just that good, man!
  2. At least I'm not putting Jolt soda in his bloodstream. Did that once, never saw the poor bastard again as he puffed up soon after and floated away. Might still be in LEO, for all I know.
  3. Hey, I do "business" back there on occasion. And bring a girlfriend once a week, y'know.
  4. It's not wasted at all. We gather them up and refill the bins in the public toilet back there.
  5. I strongly recommend smelling it first, then. It could not be apple in there.
  6. Quick! Where's the emergency bag of Starbucks' French Roast? And the clean IV line?
  7. It'll be ready when Soaryn gets off his hairy tush and finishes it. Until then, you can go search for the official thread and make whining sounds at him. Don't forget your complementary wedge of Ghouda.
  8. Actually, we're really mostly nice guys who understand the meaning of TANSTAAFL. That's why we get all anal at people who were watching their hot English teacher instead of learning to read.
  9. You'll feel better with a good, hard scrub. And lots of bleach.
  10. Jakj has an attack end, it's just inside that princess bunny avatar. More disturbing that way.
  11. Did you use the regular wooden stencils on the Parts Bench? The casts are for pre-molding tool parts straight from the Smeltery.
  12. I've always felt K.K. managed to retain most of his sanity by burying himself in music.
  13. The Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing I still love that story.
  14. CoFH overrides Metallurgy in turn, actually.
  15. I thought we were like Atlanta, Georgia? The kissing cousin of MCForums that no one wants to acknowledge but is too deeply entrenched into their psyche to secede from the Union? :D
  16. And your posting may need a little tweaking, too. But hey, we're bitchy down here in Florida, too. It's the mosquitoes.
  17. Oh haha, you're trying to fill an Energy Cell with redstone engines. Won't work, they're only good for wooden pipes and pumps now.
  18. Oh haha, you're trying to fill an Energy Cell with redstone engines. Won't work, they're only good for wooden pipes and pumps now.
  19. By default all TE machinery is at Low signal setting, so that's not it. Also, lava should go directly into the magmatic just from a right-click with a lava bucket. Something tells me this is on a multiplayer server, since various plugins can play fun with lava in general (as it's a common griefer tool.)
  20. You have to learn to say "no or pay me more", lol.
  21. For the record, when someone puts in an uninformed negative opinion on a topic, I don't respond in like. Doing so breeds malcontentence like rabbits on speed.
  22. CanVox, if he gets evasive again, you have our permission to punch him in the face. Seriously.
  23. Did you check it with just a vanilla sapling?
  24. At least tell us what mod it is? The mods really can't make any solid decisions without any real information.
  25. Because it's a Buildcraft engine, not one of Lemmy's awesome TE engines. Those don't have the GUI like his. (Speaking of that, we need the source for that. It's way too sexy to remain in TE.)
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