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Everything posted by cerevox

  1. Tinker's also has a limit on the size of the tree it can cut down. Tree capitator doesn't.
  2. Download using techinc launcher. Grab the files from technic. Move files into your preferred launcher.
  3. Selected all the hexxit files. Push delete key. Redownload them all. That way, you know everything is correct and not corrupted or anything.
  4. From how I understand it, railcraft added a requirement that any pack with railcraft must publicly display all permissions for any mods included in the pack. Since technic doesn't bother to have a list of written permissions for each mod displayable, railcraft is out. I think if you go to the railcraft thread on the minecraft forums you can see the posted requirements.
  5. In Tekkit there are 67 mods with 18 pages showing in nei , and this is after all the microblocks were hidden from NEI. Do you really think that there is only a linear power progression available? There are a gazillion options. You just need to explore a bit. IC2 is gone because IC2 is dead. Keeping it in isn't even an option. We understand why you are crying about IC2 being gone, but it really is kind of irrelevant why. IC2 is dead. Its so dead its starting to stink. Vultures are gathering. Dead. However, there are options, many many options. They are not the same options as IC2 had, but there are plenty there. Not quite sure on what you are suggesting though, it appears to be a system to force a linear progression of power? Which is what you were complaining about? Edit: derp
  6. Then you will never update again. IC2 is dead, the only "updates" for it are random modders making it work with new MC versions, but bugs are beginning to accumulate and no one is fixing them. The original mod author has vanished.
  7. Redpower 2 IIRC, they let you cut down leaves and keep the blocks in mass.
  8. We don't hate IC2. IC2 is just dead. It has a few postmortem twitchs, but its not updating, not improving, not really being bug fixed. Its dead, we either move on, or stagnate and die with it.
  9. Minum stone from EE3 + ME network from AE, will autobuild just about anything for you from just about anything. If you want to render down all your crap and turn it into diamonds, look into those.
  10. IC2 is a zombie, still shambling along but its rotting as it goes and creating a huge, reeking, mess over everything still trying to get some work out of it.
  11. Do you ever get tired of being awesome? It just seems like you never get a break, just being awesome all the time.
  12. Huh, your right, for some reason I was thinking EE2 went all the way through 1.4.6. In that case, you are right, it is because his world anchor doesn't work cross dimensions. Derp by me.
  13. Full version? Do you mean with the other planets? Then you actually mean the not-yet-released beta version, which no has.
  14. It looks like he is playing 1.4.6/7 to me.
  15. Across dimensions, yes, that is true. However, the post I was responding to was this.(bold mine)
  16. No, a single batch of 8 conductive pipes makes sense. For your first workshop you really only need a couple of engines hooked up to all the machines, it seems easiest to just run a single line of 8 pipes and hook everything onto that. However, beyond those that first batch of 8, everything is better with energy conduits.
  17. Solar panels were removed for a variety of reasons. The biggest one is that the mod itself is dead. No other mods picked them up because they became the goal of the game. With HV solars in the game, the end-game for all players to make an HV solar factory. There are numerous threads going into great detail in this forum on why that is bad. I don't think it needs repeating once more.
  18. It is a known bug that conduits stop working on reload. Avoid them.
  19. As far as searching, you just go to google and type in some names or descriptions or related anything. Google is pretty good at figuring out what you meant. I think infinite spawner blocks like that are mostly gone because vanilla has command blocks that can replace them. Optifine is actively being cleaned up, it just hasn't reached a level of stability where you want it in your game quite yet. Rednet cable is just as simple as redstone alloy wire. It functions nearly identically to it if all you use is regular stuff like buttons and levers and such. It can be much much much more complex if you dig into it, but it doesn't have to be. Rednet cable is like redstone alloy wire and bundled cables all in one. One of the things people are trying to get away from is the infinite easy power generation of solar panels. Most of the currently active mods avoid those sorts of things. Solar panels will eventually be in, but they will not be the IC2 kind that provided infinite power. This is the same reason energy condensers and solar collectors are out of EE3, because many people thought they were just too powerful and the mod authors agreed and pulled them. There are plenty of ways to generate power in an infinite loop, they just require a few more steps. Batteries is the one big area where we are suffering right now. There are redstone energy storage cubes which are great, but no real other way to store power.
  20. What are you people on? You know the tinker table? You know how you add and remove modules to your power glove by using it? The ominwrench is a module in there. Just don't add it to your glove, and it won't be in the glove. No need for configs or anything fancy.
  21. Go into game, do an NEI id dump. Will list all items in game. Then you can just search the items in the text file. Also, use the edit button, no need to double post.
  22. Not install the module into the glove?
  23. That's fine, some other lurker around here might read all of that and thus not need to post another silly thread about rp2/ic2/ee2. I don't mind explaining stuff just out to the general audience in case it helps someone.
  24. Even in tekkit classic there were chunkloaders that worked in ssp and smp.
  25. I doubt a FAQ is going to go up on the loss of IC2 and RP2 because the lack of FAQ makes it easy to spot people too lazy to spend ten seconds with google. You actually don't see a whole lot of FAQs in general around here. Also, Vas, I suspect you got spoken to harshly not only because you failed to do any research or searching on any topic, but because one of the paragraphs you said in the OP is blatantly false and has been covered in great detail in multiple other threads on here. You did no research at all, you read nothing, you didn't check for any information. Everyone around here who did spend at least ten seconds on google and already had the answers to your problems, they can't help but see your post as pure lazy. Despite all that, if you really want a detailed response to the lack of effort that is your OP, I will be happy to oblige: Redstone wires, along with all of RedPower2 are out of tekkit. The mod author updates very very very slowly and codes her mod in a such a way that it is unfriendly to other modders. However, nearly the full functionality of RP2 has been replaced by other mods currently in tekkit. See rednet for the redwire replacement. It also has a programmable rednet controller block that replaces all the timers and such. The only item not replaced are frames, which were one of the biggest coding offenders to other modders. There is a frame replacement being created elsewhere though. EU power is all from IC2, which is out. Hasn't been updated in over 6 months. A few random modders have fixed it to work in 1.5+ but with the actual IC2 author missing, IC2 is dead and it won't be long before it completely falls apart. If it will have to be removed soon, then you want it out now. Tekkit is focused on long term server stability, and having to cut major mods is not conductive to long term stability. When you get a chance to cut a dying mod, you take it. Also, for infinite power generation, look into biofuel and farms. Actually, biofuel was possible in old tekkit IIRC, so I guess you didn't know the old pack very well either.... Tubes, I assume you mean RP2 tubes and not logisitic pipes, are part of RP2 and thus, gone. But, like I already said, all thing are replaced. Try the ME network from applied energetics. It is amazing. It completely blows away all other sorting and storage systems. Forcefields are part of the Universal Electricity family, which is in the Voltz pack. Forcefields are not in tekkit for the same reason voltz is still separate completely. Voltz is being updated quickly and undergoes large changes frequently. This is bad for long term server stability. Seriously, forcefields seem to undergo a complete overhaul every month or so. Duplicator....Try NEI? Optifine is buggy as an ant farm so I hear. I like my games not crashed, although that is just a personal preference. Energy Condensers are part of EE2 which is no longer being updated and is not compatible with 1.5+. Instead we get EE3 which will not include energy condensers. Galaticraft is already aware of the sillyness that is oxygen, and is working on it, as they are still working on a lot of their mod. It is no where near complete. So basically, three of the things you requested are actually impossible(redstone wire, tubes, energy condensers), two would be a horrible idea(IC2, optifine), one is just a bad idea(forcefields), and one is so obvious I would question the sanity of anyone who didn't notice the issue(galaticraft's oxygen). Your post is well written, but other than that I can see no effort at all in it. You couldn't even be bothered to look up the names of the mods you were talking about, as you point out. We understand that it wasn't meant in an ill manner, but if you can't even be bothered to figure out the name of the mod you are talking about, to even spend 10 seconds with google, to even look at the first page of threads(one of them is about the missing mods you are asking about) then you can expect people to scoff at you a bit. I don't intend to be mean with this, just get yourself informed.
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