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Everything posted by cerevox

  1. He isn't stupid, he just keeps making crappy choices in a very narrow field. Forestry was a great mod for a real long time.
  2. I doubt that will happen. There are renewable fertilizers in forestry. However, only the non-renewable apatite based fertilizer works in the multi-farms. That is clearly intentional and I suspect that any workaround will mysteriously break on the next forestry update should it gain any real popularity.
  3. That's such a waste. The traps in dim doors are just fiendish.
  4. That's kind of funny. I always consider bees to be a fun thing, not a utility thing. If you approach it was an amusing mini game to just mess around with, then it is much more relaxing. I just make a dozen hive building things and just lob bees in at random. I treated the biofuel chain and the farms as the utility things, but with MFR having such a sexy biofuel thing and forestry's multifarms moving to DRM land with apatite as its lock, it is just not worth it for the amusement of random mutant bees.
  5. I thought I agreed with you on the prereleases status, guess I skipped that part? Considering TC2 was in previous packs it would only make sense for Azanor to give the okay once he is done making a full release.
  6. That actually seems like a pretty useful function. Redstone energy cells hold a lot of power. Perhaps we could have an upgrade to the MPS to allow it to drain from different types of batteries so we could configure it in-game? Or is that even feasible? Or is that in your department, so to speak?
  7. Forestry has some really cool bits, but a large portion of it is just irritating. Recently, the irritating bits have been creeping into the cool bits. See multi farms. Multi block programmable farms should be awesomely cool. And are. Except they require a, finite, forestry exclusive, ore in order to work thus making them non-renewable. Making automated farms nonrenewable was an interesting design choice, and by interesting I mean infuriating. TBH I don't even bother with forestry anymore since they made that change. It just doesn't have enough cool to make it worth building up forestry tech in my worlds.
  8. IIRC Azanor is fairly permissive and he only gave a few mod packs permission to use the mod because he wanted to limit the volume of bug reports coming in as suggested above. Plus he has seemed to indicate that he is overhauling some large parts of the mod. I don't think TC's low mod pack list will stay that way once a full release it out. Not that TC would go into tekkit right now even given permission. It has(or had) some pretty serious bugs to do with chunk corruption and it getting some overhauls in its world gen stuff. Not the kind of thing you want in your pack if you are looking at long term stability and consistency.
  9. Much of UE is very stable. It just has a few segments that are bug farms. Also, the pumps you listed, don't extend downwards, they only pull from the block directly below them. Doesn't work on oil well. Or really any kind of well.
  10. Bread and Butter power doesn't explode. Combustion engines are upper tier and you shouldn't be running them early game. Also, didn't gain as widespread usage? BC was just as heavily used, if not more so, than IC. Keep in mind that the whole of forestry also runs off BC which is another massive mod.
  11. With the "Submit a Bug Report" button in the Tekkit Bug Reports section.
  12. Computercraft have an OS, it just comes loaded by default instead of requiring an outside loader.
  13. Post a bug report.
  14. I ran liquiduct from oil pump to tank without any other pumps and it flowed just fine.
  15. If you mean pumping from the ground into them, then yes. Otherwise I honestly don't think so. They seem to have no problem moving fluids from machines that output however far they need to move the liquid.
  16. Sludge and sewage as blocks isn't considered liquid by most pumps or something weird like that. You can bucket it up, but you can't pump it, the pump just acts like there isn't anything there.
  17. Since this is in the current version of tekkit forum, and rp2 isn't in it, it is a safe bet that he means computercraft computer and not rp2 computer, although since the poster gave no info it could easily be either.
  18. They are just bugged, they will probably be back in soon enough. However, you should be using tesseracts instead of phased pipes, redstone power conduits for power instead of conductive pipes, and liquiducts for fluids instead of waterproof pipes. Don't invest into the crappy version of pipes.
  19. Most BC and TE doesn't explode. There are only a few things that in some situations explode. Everything IC2 could do, can be done with other mods. Also, whether you liked IC2 or not is becoming irrelevant because IC2 itself is dying with no updates for months. Ic2 power is no easier to set up than anything else. The only real difference between IC2 and every other power system is that IC2 has the cheapest starting battery block. That is pretty much it.
  20. I imagine they are working on it, since it is kinda new.
  21. UE is adding on a section called "complex blocks" that appears to have a similar block to frames, but it has much less functionality so far. Edit: It is also buggy as an ant farm. If you are going to mess with it, do it in creative. Not worth it in survival.
  22. Perhaps the nether ore mod is treating silverfish blocks as ores and putting them in the nether? I haven't heard anything to that effect, but it would be cool if that did happen.
  23. Even if he had a full cheerleading squad out here chanting "Use that beta IC2!" it would of made no difference. If the server owner can't evaluate mods and doesn't keep backups and such, then it is inevitable that his server will go down in a giant pile of flaming ducks. Providing information should always be a positive. It is up to him what he does with that info.
  24. Yes. It is well known that they are adding more stuff. Also, that implies you think it is only the moon. They do have a space station too already.
  25. If you own a server, and you don't look into the mods you are adding and just toss in anything that you get linked to because it seems to have the right name, I just can't find any sympathy for you. Linking him to the quasi-updated IC2 seems perfectly reasonable. He can evaluate it himself.
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