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Everything posted by cerevox

  1. http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/tekkit-lite-bugs.76/ Use the button at the top that says "Submit a bug Report" You probably used the wrong copper ore. Many many mods add copper so there should be quite a few ores of it.
  2. If you are looking for just a few people then you might want to use this thread http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/small-scale-recruitment-thread-tekkit-lite.36282/ If you are running a server for more, you might want to post that in the server section.
  3. There are several different kinds of block decay that happen because of instability in mystcraft worlds. They often have different effects, but all of them will eventually eat the world. http://binarymage.com/wiki/doku.php?id=ages:instability The short version is that black decay blocks vanish blocks above them, eventually causing the age to become a void age except for floating islands and such. Colored decay blocks(red, purple and blue) eat blocks and replace them with their own decay blocks and eat different blocks at different speeds depending on color. White decay blocks are a world instagib. If you see white decay blocks leave ASAP. There are many other instabilities, some quite interesting. Really, the only ones that acts fast enough or with small enough warning to kill you before you can escape are meteors and white decay, so watch out for those two. White decay grows faster than it can be broken by a large margin and injuries anything that moves on it. Meteors will eventually smash the world to nothing and can land directly on you with no warning.
  4. Ya, the basalt doesn't replace anything, it just slaps down on top. If you get to a volcano right after it spawns you can actually pick up quite a bit of stuff, all the animals that get suffocated drop their loot plus any trees that die also drop saplings/apples. It practically pre-harvests the surface and dumps the loot on top of the basalt.
  5. If you have installed the ICBM mod you could try rejuvenation explosives. IIRC they regen the chunk they land in using the world's seed. That might catch new things.
  6. More like tens of thousands of blocks away. I have come out 30k+ blocks from my entrance before. When traveling in dimensional doors, it is a good idea to keep a linkbook from mystcraft on you, so you can get home without having to walk for days irl.
  7. Technically yes, but it would involve disabling all of red power 2 world gen stuff. For some reason, eloraam has decided that if you want rp2, you get volcanoes and those giant rubber trees, so there is no way to disable them without also disabling nickolite and anything else that RP2 generates, which would make advanced machines impossible. I don't even see a place in rp2 config to control world gen as a whole though, so I suspect that if you have rp2 in your game, you get volcanoes.
  8. 751 is the project table, so your config is fine. It sounds like somehow redpower is getting disabled or removed when you are starting the game, or it is missing completely and the config file got left behind. go into your .technic\tekkitlite\mods folder and see if you have the following zip files: RedPowerCompat-2.0pr6 RedPowerCore-2.0pr6 RedPowerDigital-2.0pr6 RedPowerMechanical-2.0pr6 If no, then you need to redownload tekkitlite, because you are missing critical files. If yes then your tekkit lite installation is borked and you need to delete everything and redownload. Either way, you should file a bug report, having the mods but the items being missing is pretty strange.
  9. No. My treecapitator works, and I can craft project tables. Anything else broken? Check other things from the project tables mod, rp2 is what has that I think.
  10. I keep hearing about energy bridges doing wierd stuff with amounts of power, you might want a battery on both sides of it for whatever type of energy you are moving just to be on the safe side.
  11. O_o The energy link mod is in. The actual block is called an "energy bridge" so if you look for 'link' you are not going to find anything. You need a producer of the energy type you want, a consumer of the energy type you have, and an energy bridge touching both of those blocks to get it changed over. Also, don't use bluetricity engines. Bluelctricity is on a much smaller scale than the other energy type and it will take a zillion of those engines to get any real power moving.
  12. Check your ID configs? If those are fine then something was corrupted and you might want to try redownloading the whole pack. And yes, you can make project tables in 0.6.1. Just checked.
  13. File a bug report instead of posting your bug to the general discussion of tekkit lite?
  14. Are you using the same world? Sometimes right after you load the world machines and pipes take a moment to start working. It is possible that the update made the machines "forget" what they were doing, trying picking the machine up and putting it back down.
  15. Because then someone would of actually fixed the problem and he would no longer have anything to complain about, and as we all know, on the internet complaining is just as good as, or possibly even better than, having fun.
  16. I see those missing lines of chunks every now and then. They seem to just be regular chunk errors though and vanish after a restart, at least as far as I have noticed.
  17. No point in bumping. If someone wants to answer, they will. If they don't then you need to figure it out on your own. Have you checked to make sure all your mods are still in the mods folder? Try starting there.
  18. Mystcraft horrible instability is easy to beat. A turtle running excavate dumping its loads into a tesseract or ender chest and some kind of chunk loader. You only need to be in the world for 30 seconds to get it set up. If you are feeling fancy you could always slap down a force field of some kind pointed up if there are meteors. I will admit though that sometimes turtles forget what they are doing and need a kick to get started again. As for multiple ores, just use a forge lexicon. You can convert items into other of the same item from different mods. It is fairly cheap to make.
  19. FML double post
  20. No one replied because you posted to the wrong place. Post it as a bug report. Also, bumping is against the rules. However, I can offhand tell you that your mekanism mod and your rp2 mod are conflicting. Since you didn't post the last bit of the bug report I can't tell you exactly how(although it is probably an ID conflict of some kind, even though I see IDresolver in there).
  21. Energy link is name of the mod, what you look for in NEI is "energy bridge", "consumer" and "producer". The consumer and producers have many types. Example would be converting IC's MV EU to BC's MJ. Make a place a MV EU consumer next to an energy bridge, then a MJ producer next to the same energy bridge. The consumer will take in EUs and the porducer will spit out MJs.
  22. Forestry doesn't have the adjustable engine. That was transformers. The only way to adjust the forestry electric engine is by installing circuits which is a colossal pain if you don't already have most of forestry done.
  23. Transformers, the mod with electric engines, hasn't been updated in some time and isn't as flexible as energy bridges, so everyone is shifting over to EBs. It makes sense in the long run. Also, bluelectricity is on a much much smaller scale that pretty much all other power systems, it isn't worth it to convert power across from bluelectricity to anything else unless you have dozens of kinetic generators or hundreds of solar panels, and even then a couple of combustion engines can probably outdo it.
  24. I stuck forestry in so I am using its electric engine. It is really the only worthwhile thing left in forestry. Thaumcraft golems are better at farming everything but trees, bees are some wacky mess of nonsense, bio mass/fuel is almost irrelevant if you can drain the nether....
  25. Are you using the old launcher or the new one? The old launcher doesn't have the latest dev builds in it, while the new one has had technic removed. You might need to update your launcher by downloading a new launcher client.
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