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Everything posted by cerevox

  1. Wow, that's pretty involved. I normally just toss down 2 electric engines, an IC geothermal generator and shove in a couple stacks of lava filled tin cans. It normally needs a refill about every 1/2 to 1/3 way through depending on size, but I can handle a couple of trips out.
  2. This is the modding world, nothing is set in stone, everything is 3rd hand rumor. Also, I don't know if the bridge can be shut down by RS signal, but pretty much every form of battery system can be so it is easy to stop it on either side.
  3. You do realize that it depends in great part on the mods themselves, right? No one knows, they will keep making new versions and perhaps they will run into a stable build. You just don't know until you run the game for a while.
  4. You don't mean a better answer, you mean an answer you like more, but no, transformers looks dead and energy bridges is becoming a bigger thing, it will probably be worth it to shift over completely. Forestry still has an electric engine but for anything but EU->MJ you need energy bridges.
  5. Try search, there are a ton of threads asking why the transformers mod, which doesn't look like it has been updated for months, is not still in the pack. Energy bridges is in. Try it, since transformers isn't being updated by the mod author anymore.
  6. If you have more info, perhaps a bug report would be in order. Is it giving you a message? Did you recently add mods? Remove mods? Change any config or settings? Change versions? What version are you even on? Have you tried turning the computer off and then on again? New launcher or old one? Do you have anything more than "its broke"?
  7. Go find a youtube video of someone running a working fusion reactor, there seem to be numerous things wrong with yours. It sets itself on fire when it messes up.
  8. It is a dev version, they might pull something out just to see what happens without it. It might be an error, might not be. You just never know, and complaining about it or asking them to "fix" it is all pointless.
  9. Your reactor is on fire. This is bad. Perhaps you should fix that first? You should have purple goop instead of fire if it working correctly from what I understand. Your turbines also appear to be one block too high, although I can't be sure of that.
  10. Correct me if I am wrong, but voltz is really just the UE mods and forge, right? That is less than 15 mods. You could install the correct versions into vanilla by hand in a few minutes and have whatever version you want. I don't get the problem. If you have the wrong version of some mod, just change your installed version.
  11. Right, but once you have a quarry up and running, you can pretty much just hide in your safe base and let all those resources flow in to you. The danger level drops to almost nill unless you seek it out.
  12. The achievements are a little wonky for most of the mods. I have gotten some of them after the 3rd or 4th time doing something, instead of the 1st. If you really want it, just keep repeating the action until the system finally notices.
  13. Easiest way to get pages is to spam create ages with a single blank page in them until you get an age with: Single Biome Desert(really any flat, no tree biome will work so you can see far) No naseua instability(so you can see far) No blindness instability(so you can see far) Other stuff makes no real difference You should be able to tell instantly on entering the age if it meets these requirements. Once you are in the age(remember to bring an overworld linkbook!) just start walking in any direction. You are looking for libraries, which are are about 10x10x15 cobble structures with a some columns and decoration on the front. Break into it. Each library typically has something like 20-30 bookshelves, 7 or so lectern with pages on some, and in one corner there will be a hidden chest behind the bookshelves with approx 10 pages in it. Libraries are present on all mystcraft ages and are common enough that I managed to accumulate about 60 pages in 20 minutes on the world.
  14. 0.6.0 is out, it is just at the bottom of the list instead of the top. Use the scroll bar to find it.
  15. Like mentioned above, direct nuclear hits will overwhelm a MPS while a Qsuit will keep you safe. Pretty much anything lesser and the MPS is a better deal.
  16. Quantum armor has the absolute best defense, and the best straight line sprint speed IIRC. A max upgraded MPS can beat it in everything else. The MPS just has so many options that it makes a better choice unless you are actively undergoing a nuclear missile spammage bombardment. Plus the MPS can start out at a much lower level and you can add in bits as your resources increase. Really, the quantum armor is only the better choice when you know you are going to undergo absurd damage and must survive.
  17. Forge seems to be able to work with some mods and shift IDs around automatically on its own, at least that is what I think it was doing, but yes, most of the mods need their configs hand-tweaked.
  18. OMFG, minecraft 1.5 has been out for like 6 hours, why hasn't every single mod author updated all of their stuff yet?!? This is totally unacceptable, everyone should be refunded and get gift cards and freebies and then the mod authors should immediately update to 1.5, and then 1.5.1 since that will be out in a couple of days, all while making everything compatible with other mods so the technic folks can put a pack together from these updated mods instantly.
  19. Which engines? If you are pumping water into combustion engines and pointing them into the quarry they should never explode.
  20. Dunno, error says you still have mffs. Find the mod, remove it. Make sure you are also getting the config files right since those do actually matter.
  21. You didn't update one or the other, since mffs isn't in .6.0 but one of your things, client or server, is looking for it. Recheck the update, but I suspect your server isn't updated.
  22. You know you can just add in whatever mod you want, right? Want power suits, just add it yourself. No point in complaining when you can fix the "problem" in a minute or two of work.
  23. Try a different image service like imgur, since your current one seems borked. You might also try submitting a bug report if it is actually a bug.
  24. You might want to consider alternate power sources. The current pump based one seems to be crappy.
  25. Okay, Ill be honest, I am really only using BC for the forestry farms and for liquid metals, mostly the liquid metals. LM is an awesome mod and sadly, is a BC addon. Edit: found an actual reason to use quarrys, crystal type blocks that break and drop their items like vis crystals from thaumcraft or the crystals in xycraft won't be picked up by turtles, but will be by the quarry.
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