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Everything posted by NightKev

  1. Power teleport pipes only have a loss of 0.005% per block (half that of gold power pipes, as previously stated), so they're still superior...
  2. If you have an ender chest of the same color code somewhere else in the world, shouldn't the items be safe?
  3. hindos: Because people are fucking stupid and the minecraft community is also severely autistic: The best modpack ever made (not counting the Yogbox) comes out, and people go "OMFG WHAT IS THIS THE MODDERS ARE MAYBE POSSIBLY MAKING 2 CENTS LESS PER YEAR THIS IS HORRIBLE". TMI stagnates for months (even now it's exactly the same as the version for Minecraft 1.0), someone makes a new mod from scratch called NEI which is substantially superior and just quite amazing, and people go "OMG IT LOOKS SIMILAR IT MUST BE COPYING ALL OF TMI CODE BURN IN HELL". Eloraam makes an awesome mod with unique features that resemble stuff in Buildcraft and Industrialcraft (but are either much better or very different), and people accuse her of "copying" BC and IC. I'm sure there's a bunch more idiocy that's just not as obvious/public, too. Basically, there is no reason, people are dumb, etc.
  4. Beds don't spawn monsters on you anymore since 1.0, so that's completely irrelevant now.
  5. The bug could be related to the chunks containing the transmitter and/or receiver being unloaded at some point. You'll probably want to use one of the bukkit plugins that lets you permaload chunks, and then set any chunk with wireless redstone blocks to autoload.
  6. @dragonlord - Additional Pipes HAS been updated for 1.0 and 1.1, it's just someone else is maintaining it in a new thread (here, btw). --- 95% of the time any additional Bukkit plugins you want to use will probably work without any problems, though it's always good to make backups before changing things like that. You will just have to install them manually like normal. For client mods, you really won't be able to do much; the Technic team usually adds pretty much all of the Bukkit-ported mods to Tekkit (more or less), anyway.
  7. Ah, well WG should have some sort of ability to do that, check the WorldGuard wiki. If it doesn't, I know there are definitely area protection plugins for Bukkit that do, though I don't know specifically which ones.
  8. WorldGuard and/or some other plugin should have the ability to disable items/blocks per-id, but what about things like nuclear reactors that are very useful normally? It's going to be hard to do anything about those without restricting legitimate gameplay.
  9. Mo' Creatures used to have a bukkit version in 1.8.1 beta, but unfortunately the person managing the SMP port became too busy to continue updating it beyond that (according to the Mo' Creatures thread). As for the others, there's really nothing like them, except perhaps the zeppelin mod, I think there might be a couple bukkit plugins that are similar, search the bukkit forums/bukkit-dev thing; I suspect Tekkit is whatever the last Bukkit RB (aka "Recommended Build") was for Minecraft 1.0. If only Notch hadn't made SSP and SMP so wildly different (code-wise)... ...
  10. Delete ConvenientInventory.class from your minecraft.jar. If Minecraft crashes and burns after you do this, get a vanilla ft.class (pretty sure forge doesn't touch that one) and put it in your minecraft.jar. Those are the only two files that are a part of CI. Also, CI isn't a modloader mod I'm pretty sure (those require a mod_*.class file to initialize afaik), so that's why you're not finding it in the modloader.cfg.
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