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Everything posted by NightKev

  1. Hm, nuclear radiation WOULD explain a lot about Wonka...
  2. Wait, how do you even have a three-sided die? What kind of arcane magic goes into the construction of such a monstrosity?
  3. It's usually not that hard to make sure everything is compatible with the motherboard, it should list everything it's nominally compatible with. For example, if you look at the page for this motherboard* and scroll down a bit, it lists the specifications in a convenient table. If we take a look at the first two things listed, it says "Processor Socket - Intel" and "Processor Interface - LGA1155". So it only works with Intel processors, and they have to use the LGA1155 interface. So, if we take a look at one of the CPUs for sale (say, this one*), well it's an Intel processor, so that's one down. Next, scrolling down to the specifications information, it says "Processor Interface - LGA1155"; perfect, it matches. These two parts should be compatible. Not that hard at all, they tell you everything you need to know. The most difficult thing is probably making sure the power supply is good for your needs though, yeah. * Picked by virtue of being the ones at the top of the listings
  4. Iirc, the IC2 miner has a bug that will cause it to remove bedrock, and if it's not been fixed, you can use that. They'll just fall forever until they're forced to suicide by taking off the quantum chestplate (I wonder if it's possible to disable that...).
  5. Well, if it gets updated for 1.3, it'll be de-facto SMP; but we all know 1.3 won't be out until 2015.
  6. I'm sure there's an already existent SMF plugin that adds such a feature, so code won't be a problem.
  7. Oh man, yeah, I second (and third) the recommendation for Black and White (1). It's just absolutely amazing, and I wish it had a proper sequel (B&W2 moved too far away from the gameplay that made the first one so good, IMO). And yeah, Starfarer is pretty amazing (especially with some of the mods), but it's still in mid-alpha phase, so beware. Also, the AI can be pretty dumb sometimes...
  8. Eh, sure, I've got nothing better to do. 1d20: 1 Our spawn is in the middle of an ocean with no end in sight, even with far render distance!
  9. This site is good for finding deals on parts, it lists prices from many major vendors (tigerdirect, newegg, etc), whether it's a sale price or has a rebate available, etc. You shouldn't have a problem beating the price of any pre-built rig with it.
  10. Frame-propelled floating quarries eh? Sounds intriguing.
  11. Bukkit is best for administrating a large/public server, otherwise it's probably easier to use the vanilla server software.
  12. No, I mean it's like an overused meme that needs to stop.
  13. It feels like something is missing...
  14. Man, IWBTG is dead, why do people still instist on bringing it up?
  15. It's a similar process for WinXP as well. For Linux, you should probably be able to use the same process you used to initially name it.
  16. NightKev


    Isn't Origin the name of EA's shitty steam-clone thing?
  17. No no no, it is of much greater import that they add in the Feed the Beast modpack/map into the most awesome of launchers that is Technic. And while they're at it, they should release Technic 8 already, geez guys don't hold out on us!
  18. - Kerbal Space Program Paradox Interactive's grand strategy series, listed by in-game chronological order: - Crusader Kings 2 (1066-1453) (newest game released, still has quite a bit of balancing/bug-fixing to work out) - Europa Universalis 3 (1399-1821) (you'll want the "Chronicles" version, it comes with all the expansions) - Victoria 2 (1860-????) - Hearts of Iron 3 (????-????) (note: these games all have a ton of mods for them too, so even if you find aspects of the vanilla games are off, you'll almost definitely find a mod tuning it to your liking) (note2: EU3 is probably the best one to start with, it's been around since 2008 and is probably the most stable) - Magicka (action-adventure) Some unique RTS games: - Achron - AI War: Fleet Command Strategy games: - Starfarer - Frozen Synapse (turn-based strategy) - Gratuitous Space Battles - Terraria (sort of like a 2D minecraft, except much more focus on exploring and combat, also has lots of mods) Well... as you can see, I like strategy games a lot. :P
  19. Sometimes I wonder why I watch certain LPers still, and I think maybe it's just amusing to see them screw up in ways I never thought possible.
  20. WorldEdit doesn't always get orientation of blocks/metadata/etc quite right, so beware when using it on mod blocks. You're probably better off using MCEdit if you've got anything mod-related in your castle thing.
  21. Speaking of avatars, it would be nice if the profile edit page told you what the max dimensions for avatars were, I had to check the html source to see what they were resized to.
  22. I think the Xbox version was probably heavily optimized to run on it, since it's not really all that powerful compared to what you'd need to run a single client instance of minecraft, let alone a server with multiple people on it.
  23. I think I recall he had to scrap an older leaf decay algorithm (sometime around the passage between "alpha" and "beta") because it was just grinding even the best of computers down to single-digit FPS.
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