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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Really? Hades? such a boring character. Eris has flair. So does Appollo, though.
  2. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... 1/2 russian, 1/4 irish (recently found that out), 1/4 LITERALLY EVERY OTHER THING EVER.
  3. Choose Eris, play for the other team, LOSE ON PURPOSE.
  4. use the suggestion sticky, and make sure to read the OP.
  5. The reason you can't run technic launcher packs via commandline or .bat, is that the launcher uses a dummy minecraft.jar to merge classfiles into, so when you try to run modpack.jar or minecraft.jar that way, you only get half of the code that you need.
  6. Wow, 90 people refused to help you and you still haven't done any of your own research? check the damn wiki.
  7. You're kidding right? Have you been living under a rock? Search the forum for "forestry removal" it hasn't been off my first page in a week.
  8. No.
  9. The moral of the story is "ditch WoW, and go play Aion, or one of the dozen other good MMOs that have moved to an FtP structure. Aion is particularly good, though. even random players will help you out with buffs, heals, and sometimes a little extra help with some of the uniques. Also flying at level 10.
  10. Aw man, i'm never allowed to sneak a pun past anyone these days.
  11. No report format = No dice.
  12. BTW will never be part of technic in any way shape or form. The devs have been clear about this, and really, it's better this way.
  13. I mean that TFC is just one mod, and not particularly difficult to launch regularly. There wouldn't really be a point in including in the launcher unless it was part of a "complexity/realism pack" which noone has bothered to make yet. Hack/mine gets a pass on that because it wouldn't mesh well with other mods, and the voxelpack is a modpack on its own.
  14. there's a post on the suggestions forum, AND another thread. This thread was a complete waste of time and space.
  15. The problem with that is that someone else would have to make that pack. The technic team only makes technic and tekkit, everything else is arranged by other people, so no matter how many times you guys suggest that TFC gets added as a pack, it isn't going to happen until someone makes a nice pack that plays well with it.
  16. This topic has been moved to Hack Slash Servers. [iurl]http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php?topic=8128.0[/iurl]
  17. This topic has been moved to Hack Slash Servers. [iurl]http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php?topic=8121.0[/iurl]
  18. Always add width=800 to your IMG tags.
  19. No report format = No Dice.
  20. If you're lucky you can get a stoneworker dorf down to the leak to build a wall there and plug it up. Then you can begin the task of pumping the water out. otherwise, you may have to abandon that part of your fort.
  21. No report format = No dice.
  22. Whut.
  23. I'd give him a few more days before assuming that he's not going to respond. Judging from his posts elsewhere, i'd say he thought of you guys as as some kind of basement dwelling snot-monsters, incapable of human speech. Now he has pretty clear evidence that the dev team is cool dudes and totally not made of snot. He might need some time to collect his thoughts.
  24. Okay, bro, i was really poor once too, so here's what you do: Assuming you're on a laptop, bring your comp to the library. if you're on a desktop, take a usb device that has storage (your phone will work for this if you don't have a thumb drive) and download it there, and put it on your device.
  25. This is incredibly low effort posting. 1 day ban.
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