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Everything posted by profjb

  1. Where have you installed powercrystals core? It belongs in the coremods folder if you havent put it there .
  2. Im not an experienced coder, infact you really don't have to be. Yes, I did make this thread on feedthebeast, I like both technic and ftb before you ask: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/mcpc-forgeessentials-bukkitforge-bukkit-mods-kind-of.11182/ Will show the ups and downs of both MCPC+ and Bukkitforge, i reccomend just to use MCPC+ myself. Step 1: Installing MCPC+ Whatever your current .jar name is, for an example mine is now techicserver.jar, ile rename that to rechnicserver-vanilla.jar, to keep it just incase and rename the MCPC+ jar to my current .jar to technicserver.jar. It will then generate all your plugin folders etc... Step 2: permissionsEX - I can setup your permissionsEX but it does take a rarther long time, a small donation would be helpfull, if you really want to set this up. I prefer groupmanager and have a working config I can edit if you wish. Towny - If your running towny, I wouldnt reccomend running towny. Use MCtowns it includes permissionEX and you will run into very few problems as it's built around I believe again ftb and works mostly on technic. http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/mytown-aperf-server-protection-and-performance-mods.8054/ Nolagg - Really no need for it, if you really want to use it place it in your plugins folder and edit the config, it's pretty easy to understand. Essentials - pfft, pips. Just plonk it in the plugins folder and edit the config, it's easy to understand. Tekkit restrict - ^ Ditto Kitplugin - ^ Double ditto Coreprotect - This is simple enough to sort out, ile get yeh a free mySQL database or you can buy a better one. Ile set that up for yeh and send yeh the config . If you want more information upon this, skype me: profjb58 Also don't keep to many plugins, you would be very suprised how many crashes you get with entitys, etc...
  3. Artwork by: Hellsniper01 Basic server information: Server i.p: mc.prot3ch.net Website: http://prot3ch.net/home Dynmap: Modpack info: http://www.prot3ch.net/modpack Teamspeak: ts3.prot3ch.net Specs:(Because lag sucks) Based in: The netherlands (mainly UK and US players) Intel i7 proccessor Solid state drive 8gb RAM Well hello there. Welcome to our humble little server, ran only off the goodwill and help of others. Hosted proudly by crafting.tk a sponsorship network and founded way over a year ago, back then more commonly known as protech, tell the difference? So why pick us? Well I hope I can persuade you further... oh and you only have to read the important bits don't worry about all of it. Our promise is to provide a wonderful community with great staff and unlimited possibilities, we run 4 custom mods that you can't find anywhere else. Thanks to our unique mod team consisting of ibrasteel, nxsupert, slimshady4l1fe1, dude22072 and myself, you can always be sure our modpack is near completely bug free. We also provide complete freedom, build wherever you wish we normally allow lee-way for small pranks, if you are banned we offer a fair trial on our forums and we have none of that donation unbanning rubbish. We use these certain methods to protect all your work and creations. - Coreprotect (logs every single block you place and destroy, used to rollback) - Daily backups (Although never needed, if the server dies for any reason, we can restore it) - Whitelist (Alas, some people love to destroy others creations and get there kicks while doing it. This allows a short application to make sure your not some highriding wallaby). - Thaumcraft/betterstorage/ic2 (These all allow in some cases rarther cheap chests and lock systems. We also monitor normal vanilla chests through coreprotect) The 4 custom mods we run are: - Red coal craft - By nxsupert - Legend of zelda mod - Dude22072 - Protonium mod - By Gabe_oz - tukMC HUD - By maxpowa To explore and understand these custom mods. Please do /warp modtutorial Main mod list: Applied energestics agents agriculture - Adds over 100+ new foodstuffs and plants Artifice -Adds marble, frames, basalt. All that good stuff Bibliocraft Buildcraft 3 Chococraft - Adds ridable chocobo's. Stuff horses, you need one of these! Computercraft Extrabees/trees Extrautilities forestry Galacticraft - SPAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCEE! gregtech Growthcraft - Make beer, cider, wine. You name it. The best mod for drunkards IC2 Immibises microblocks - Replacement for redpowers microblocks MFFS Minepainter - ART! Modular powersuites Natura OpenCCSensors Railcraft Redlogic - Replacement for redpowers redstone RedCoalCraft -Mining lasers with near infinite combinations. Drop anvils from the sky! Legend of zelda mod - Power converters Protonium mod - A mod about me! With extremely OP stuff SgCraft - Travel in style Thaumcraft 3 Thermal expansion Tukmod - An optional slick looking HUD mod Traincraft Twilight forest Wireless redstone Our full mod list is: here Creative? Yes, we offer creative for large builds to any member. New or old! We do not run free-will creative e.g. /gamemode 1 and it may only be issued by an admin, but overall we generally give out creative for creative and inventive build idea's! You can request permanent creative once you reach [Elder] rank. White-listing is very easy, just follow these simple steps. Step 1: Visit: http://prot3ch.net/login/do/register Step 2: Thats it, your now whitelisted. Go to http://prot3ch.net/modpack for more information on the modpack. Step 3: (optional) Adding additional info in this thread will help us a lot. An example would be. Where you found us? You can also tell us about your ambitions for the server. p.s. We offer a small bribe for reading it . Can be found here: http://prot3ch.net/forum/m/4361677/viewthread/5446170-faq 1:No greifing ever. This is a ban-able offence. 2:No stealing. Unless under certified rival companys, NO stealing from houses/towns. 3:PvP is only allowed when players are consenting. Arenas mean implied consent (You wouldn't be there if you didn't want to PvP). If you PvP without consent (and steal their items). You can be banned. 4:Try not to swear in chat. We have younger players online and using a / or * simply isnt good enough really. I think everyone knows what it means. 5:Respect higher ranks. This should not have to be said, but alas, people are dumb. 6:Don't hack. It's like, mean and stuff. But seriously, don't do it. 7:If an area is clearly marked with posts, signs, etc...) that you are not allowed to build in that area. Well don't build there. 8:Check the FAQ & forums before posting any questions. It gets so annoying people asking the same questions, again and again and again and again. 9:Don't chain whitelist This rule only applys to new applicants and can get very annoying. 'chain whitelist' means to apply for whitelist at lots of different servers and wait for the quickest reply, it becomes really saddening for us when people do this. It's not a competition, thanks! 10:HAVE FUN! This is a game. Games = fun, unless it's SAW but thats very unlikely. p.s. Please leave any type of comments in the descriptions, the better the question or remark the most likely we are to answer it. Kind words are always appreciated, thanks! Artwork by: Gabe_oz Also a little thought before you play: Most common in tekkit classic, some people seem to 'complete' mods and thats it. That expression is used a little to widely to date with most of my players using it at some point. Just remember that minecraft and whatever modpack it may be based upon it is still mostly a building game, if your having trouble building please ask me or someone better than me =3. Thanks!
  4. Hey, im trying to submit the modpack but it wont seem to allow me. Are the technic servers down? Didn't want to have to ask for help but I don't have much choice atm.
  5. Whitelisted. Server site: www.prot3ch.net As you saw for more modpack news. Catch us on Teamspeak at: ts3.prot3ch.net or just skype me: profjb58 if yah wish.
  6. Accepted! welcome. Since it isnt out fully yet can you ask for the modpack link upon release. Server site: www.prot3ch.net Glad you show an intrest. we will keep you up to date with our progress.
  7. Sorry but this thread is closed and will move modpack, gregtech an forestry are preventing us to use the techniclauncher. A temporary announcement: The server currently isnt running the newest 'unity one' modpack. Infact it's so early in release we arent at all sure on the name yet. Not to worry any admins or mods as such the modpack will be released in around 2 weeks, give or take. We have over 5 modpack developers and graphical desginers working on it and have gained every single last permission over the past 4 months. We hope you like it. Picture by: Hellsniper01 The history: Prot3ch was originally called profserve and used a rubbish first logo with no greif protection and a supposed 'newb' owner, (thats me sherlock). So after countless greifing and stupid mistakes we went through these servers and found this confusing thing called. 'TEKKIT'. Dun dun dun! We never had a problem with tekkit and it worked well. But with the awkward removal of bukkit we looked for another source. I know some tekkitans will kill me for saying this. But we moved to FTB, now im sure you've heard of it. While in ftb we decided due to popular demand to make the 'PROT3CH' modpack. Due to reasons that the custom modpack system is much inferior than tekkits, here we are today! With our 1 year anniversary in the bag: Me and all our members are looking forward to meeting the most important bit of a server, it's members. Hope to see you there. Our promise: We promise an enjoyable community with no intentional greifing, sure we're not a 'faction server' and infact we are very unique in such a sense. Look forward to ICBM and other restricted war mods for a more realistic feel in the future to . Why should i join this server from all the others? Here are a few reasons why you should join our server alone. 1: Our methods don't require you to claim land or plots, just build free. You can choose your own path and choose who 'you' want to be, neutral, 2: We run on MCPC+ (basicly bukkit) 3: We have dedicated staff ranging from all time zones. 4: As a server we are very mature and if you leave that's a loss to us not just to you. 5: We run our own private modpack. No other server runs it. So you can suggest mods you want added. And finally 6: We believe out of everything. You the player is literaly the only thing that keeps us running. It's been whitelisted because we don't want any nasty hackers/greifers or people who are just plain rude and leave after about 2 weeks. This is a dedicated server with dedicated players. We will stay that way, forever. Whitelist application: Method 1: Step 1: To apply. Please visit out site: www.prot3ch.net/whitelists Method 2: Step 1: Fill in this application. The questions with a * next to them are optional. IGN: Reason you wish to join: *Any creations you've made: What are the rules regarding pvp: *Age: *Additional notes: Step 2: This method is quicker but has a longer response time. This last step is to check, but not have to register on this site: www.prot3ch.net -If you register and do a whitelist on the site, your whitelist will be accepted or denied within 12 hours, unless me or other staff are ill or can't do it. I will pm you or add the modpack link in your application. Thanks! Can be found here: http://prot3ch.net/forum/m/4361677/viewthread/5446170-qa/page/1 (before asking any questions, read this!) 1:No greifing ever. This is a ban-able offence. 2:No stealing. Certainly not from any unlocked chests! 3:PvP is only allowed when players are consenting. Arenas mean implied consent (You wouldn't be there if you didn't want to PvP). If you PvP without consent (and steal their items). You can be banned. 4: Try not to swear in chat. We have younger players online and using a / or * simply isnt good enough really. I thinke everyone knows what it means. 5:Respect higher ranks. This should not have to be said, but alas, people are dumb. 6:Don't hack. It's like, mean and stuff. But seriously, don't do it. 7:If an area is clearly marked with posts, signs, etc...) that you are not allowed to build in that area. Well don't build there. 8:Check the FAQ & forums before posting any questions. It gets so annoying people asking the same questions, again and again and again and again. 9: HAVE FUN! Artwork by: Gabe_oz Website: http://www.prot3ch.net Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/prot3ch Teamspeak server: http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/ts3.prot3ch.net/?server_uid=5H+2sQF3yXZkxkrxlgWu5QqCDoE= Owners Steam: Profjb58 Servers twitter: HERE Server IP:
  8. It's a horrible thing to do that after someone has told you not to use it, sure they can't do much but i stopped it after ichun as you seem to think im somehow lying said I couldnt use his portalgun mod, and I went against that behind his will. I did get one thing wrong though, Ashley (ayost013) and many of the others simply wouldnt play if it was against there wishes and that lost a lot of my players. Im no idiot, to be fair no I didn't know this. However I do beg to differ why infrining there copyright laws is not illegal. Again, im going to have to say this numerous times. He may have acted like a spoilt child but it was not without reason. If you can acctualy find if they got permissions for tekkit, for any of the mods I may take that back.
  9. Well yes there is a private modpack code and an unlisted technic platform site. technically my modpack belongs to no one as long as i keep it private, as the permissions from mod developers state. So just make a whitelist and ile send you the link to both .
  10. Sometimes i get really annoyed with these comments. Yes you most likely wont get into trouble, but i have been in trouble with this before and had to acctualy restart my own modpack as many of the community told me to. GET permisions! It is very likely they wont find you and stalk you to give them permission to use there mods however it is illegal, no offense but look what happend to forestry and tekkit. Point proven.
  11. My good man you have come to the right place. www.prot3ch.net
  12. To be fair, the modpack system isnt perfect. It would be very helpfull to get more support. I have re-named everything the modpack.jar the mods the config. Everything is in there. Forge and all the other mods and all it does is load vanilla minecraft, but downloads all the mods. It makes literaly no sense. I did certainly rename it to modpack.jar as thats where you are meant to put all your minecraft.jar mods to stop copyright infringement. Anyone who needs help I would say follow these simple steps to. 1: Find permissions for the mods (Not required, but you may get into legal trouble). 2: upload them as any normal forge server would. In a mods coremods and configs folder. 3: Make a modpack.jar this is basicly, for example if you use winrar a .zip file renamed to .jar. They explain all of this in the news colum on the site. 4: Launch it. p.s. To host the files, i used mediafire. Just click open in new tab on the link as most of them do and quickly copy the url.
  13. Yes that is allowed to be in a modpack, you may have to ask im not sure I think i did, he replyed to me after a day.
  14. Funny thing is mo'creatures dosen't allow anyone to use his mods in any modpacks and has a disclamer stating this. I could send him this thread and explain. Im not that harsh however I do hope you consider this. A good mod, i think just as good is atmosmobs it has extrabiomes support and adds things like fireflys all the way to bison.
  15. Yes I have a permission plugin: https://github.com/keepcalm/BukkitForge/blob/master/dist/plugins/Essentials-2.9.5-all.zip and click on raw.
  16. ha ha knew ude come back same with us 3.1.3 sucks the only difference is we upgraded and downgraded on the same day xD.
  17. yeh can do ile post a link to mah dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/8s79swq0v8bgzv9/Herochat%20%284%29.jar seems to work for me xD
  18. Well all i can think off and im not a newb for saying this, but Personal Safes provide protection for players. If you get lwc that only locks these types of chests it may work. As in the config u can set the blocks u want to lock so when a player places it it will become locked. Thx hope this helps.
  19. thanks if u put a redmatter axe charged into a deployer it f/cks everything . Lesson learnt :D
  20. Title: Redpower & EE conflicting (confusing Log) Version: 3.1.2 OS: 64bit windows 7 home premium Java Version: Version 7 Update 7 Description of Problem: This conflict with a charged Redmatter axe/pick is causing the server to crash constantly. Very annoying, any help I will thank GREATLY! Error Messages: none! Error Log: 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.getPlayer(CraftServer.java:340) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at ee.ItemEECharged.attemptBreak(ItemEECharged.java:431) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at ee.ItemRedAxe.interactWith(ItemRedAxe.java:121) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.tryUseItemStack(TileDeployBase.java:196) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.machine.TileDeploy.enableTowards(TileDeploy.java:106) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.onBlockNeighborChange(TileDeployBase.java:250) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.core.BlockExtended.doPhysics(BlockExtended.java:63) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateIndirectNeighbors(RedPowerLib.java:48) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.core.TileExtended.updateBlockChange(TileExtended.java:98) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.timerUpdate(TileLogicPointer.java:219) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.q_(TileLogicPointer.java:413) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1190) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:569) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) 2012-10-08 22:58:48 [sEVERE] Unexpected exception java.lang.NullPointerException at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.getPlayer(CraftServer.java:340) at ee.ItemEECharged.attemptBreak(ItemEECharged.java:431) at ee.ItemRedAxe.interactWith(ItemRedAxe.java:121) at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.tryUseItemStack(TileDeployBase.java:196) at eloraam.machine.TileDeploy.enableTowards(TileDeploy.java:106) at eloraam.machine.TileDeployBase.onBlockNeighborChange(TileDeployBase.java:250) at eloraam.core.BlockExtended.doPhysics(BlockExtended.java:63) at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25) at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateIndirectNeighbors(RedPowerLib.java:48) at eloraam.core.TileExtended.updateBlockChange(TileExtended.java:98) at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.timerUpdate(TileLogicPointer.java:219) at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.q_(TileLogicPointer.java:413) at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1190) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:569) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
  21. ahhhhhhh rubbish read again for the server i.p and GET tekkit 3.1.2 :L.

  22. hey pb sorry for posting on this thread but mine is just to packed with sh/t right now xD. Ur added to the server ide like to share some tips and be awsome xD Ive looked at ur server nice mods mate! :L. Im a little sick so i wont be able to greet u but yeh stay kool dude
  23. beatmasta !!!!
  24. The main fix for this problem as ive had it before. Is any multiworld/dimension plugin you have will conflict with it though it be transporter or multiworld or soo on. The way to fix this is first to stop your server and go into your [worldname] - data - [delete all trans tab files]. DO BE WARNED though if you don't want to remove those files you can ither remove the plugin causing it or go through the post 2 above. nixsy's idea looks good havent tested it though .
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