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Everything posted by milcondoin

  1. Thank you. That mod is new and I haven't been lurking in the mod forum before, so I'm fresh to the modding scene. Maybe they'll wait a bit, if I keep at it *shrugs*. It's not important anyway.
  2. This already tells you what to do. 3 blocks, that are currently configured to use ID 125-127, are conflicting, so you have to give them unused IDs. If you don't know which IDs are free currently, remove the mod from your mods folder, start the game, go in your inventory screen to the options button in the bottom left and make an ID dump. Analyse that dump for free block IDs, reinsert the mod and configure the conflicting blocks in the config to free IDs.
  3. Chest support implemented. Rendering bug with chests should also now be fixed. Item also now rotate correctly, instead of showing you the same side twice. In the earlier versions, a sword always had the hilt in the bottom left, even after rotating 180°.
  4. Maybe tomorrow, today I just can't bring myself to do any programming. Started learning SMP compatibility and lost interest halfway. Implementing IInventory sounds quick, so expect a new version tomorrow evening. Just out of curiosity: For what purpose do you want to connect pipes to it? I can't imagine a good usage for that currently. (Maybe I should sleep more ;-))
  5. http://wiki.vg/Session#Snoop Just some anonymous data about used OS, RAM, Java, ...
  6. If you want lamps that need EU, you'll have to use the luminators. Both the vanilla lamps and the ones from Redpower work via redstone power.
  7. New version 0.3.0 Sneaking during right click calls directly the right click handler of the contained item. Food gets eaten instantly. (At least vanilla food+milk+potions) Be wary for what items you use the sneak click. Lava buckets aren't friendly :)
  8. Feel free to include it. This also goes for anybody wanting to use it. It would be nice to get a post in this thread when it is included in a mod pack, but that's no requirement. Also if anybody wants to make derived work of it: have fun. It would just be nice to include me as the original author.
  9. Ladies and Gentlemen, following the thread in http://technicpack.net/forums/threads/mod-item-stand.15469/ I present to you: Item Stand As our very own creatine raper jakj put it: "This is a one-slot chest that you don't have to open to use." On usage (right-click) it switches its internal storage with the itemstack currently in the users hand. New in 0.3.0 now is the ability to directly use the right-click function of the contained item simply by sneaking while using the item stand. Food can also be eaten instantly. v0.4.0 now brings compatibility to stuff like tubes and pipes. Recipe: Currently SSP only, Minecraft 1.2.5, Forge (tested only with forge #164 (and #160 now)), uses one BlockId (default is 184). Download: Mod [sSP] http://home.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/~milamber/ItemStand-0.4.0b.zip Source: http://home.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/~milamber/ItemStand-0.4.0b-src.zip Changelog: 0.4.0b Rendering bug with chests fixed. Thanks Industrial Miner. 0.4.0 Added IInventory. ItemStand is now interactible with stuff like tubes and pipes. 0.3.0 Added sneaking right click function. 0.2.0 Initial release. Old Versions: Mod [sSP] http://home.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/~milamber/ItemStand-0.3.0.zip Source: http://home.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/~milamber/ItemStand-0.3.0-src.zip Mod [sSP] http://home.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/~milamber/ItemStand-0.2.0.zip Source: http://home.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/~milamber/ItemStand-0.2.0-src.zip If anybody has different versions of forge and it works: please tell me, so I can update this post accordingly. Edit: Forgot to mention credit, where credit is due: My learning experience and parts of the code are heavily influenced by cpw's IronChest mod.
  10. I forgot to mention something important: Recipe: 8 wooden planks around 1 glass panel. If anybody knows a recipe, which clashes with this, please tell me. I'd probably switch then to 8 sticks around the panel or maybe switch the panel with a glass block.
  11. MC 1.2.5. Requires Forge. Tried it with #164 only. Uses 1 BlockId
  12. I've written that mod now myself. It's a good thing, that someone invented easy to use decompilers to watch the code of other mods. That made the learning curve smoother ;-) If anybody is interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bqv2fh6a40zel2h/ItemStand-0.2.0.zip Source: https://www.dropbox.com/s/itee3zynbjbllt0/ItemStand-0.2.0-src.zip SSP only. Maybe sometime in the future SMP, if I can motivate myself to learn how to do that.
  13. MCEdit is an external program, not a mod for minecraft, it doesn't rely on any mods whatsoever. Maybe you think of WorldEdit?
  14. But who would post the first question, because that poster couldn't answer questions first? Also this would foster some kind of posting useless garbage, just to get the rights to ask your own questions.
  15. I think there is no option do deploy the lava from your pipes directly. What you could do is to use a deployer with buckets on a lava filled tank and then the lava buckets on another deployer to spit the lava out again. But remember, that you place one sourceblock of lava with this, which will not move on its own, so the second pulse of the deployer will waste lava. If you want a sea of lava on your surface, it is better to fill some lava buckets and then place the lava blocks manually to your liking.
  16. List of UU Matter Recipes: http://industrialcraft.wikia.com/wiki/UU-Matter_Recipes
  17. That's because you use Technic 6, which is the last release, where Forestry was part of the pack. Technic 7 onwards is by default Forestry-free.
  18. Same as with every (forge-compatible) mod. Make an ID-dump via NEI before adding the new mod. Add it in, correct the ID clashes according to your dump and be good to go.
  19. The thing is, that you explicetly asked for ways to power quarries, which are far away. EU cannot be teleported directly, but BuildCraft stuff can be teleported very easily. Thus I use only BC-related stuff for the far-away part. (OK, almost only... the chunkloader and wireless redstone are not BC :-))
  20. My usual approach: 1) Discover some oil in the world, teleport pump it back home and convert it to fuel. 2) Build 2 combustion engines with proper cooling, refilled by the fuel tanks, feeding (via wooden power pipe) into a teleport power pipe. 3) Build whatever kind of storage system you prefer and have it feeded by a teleport item pipe. 4) Out in the field set your landmarked quarry, connect it to the teleport pipes from 2) and 3). Use a BC-gate with redstone signal on if hasWork=true. Connect that redstone signal to a wireless transmitter. The wireless receiver is feeding the engines from 2). (Normally I add as a safety precaution a gate which checks the engines from 2) for blue/green state). Every location needed is also force loaded by chunkloader blocks of your choice. Advantage of this type of solution: Mobile parts are only 1 teleport power pipe, 1 power pipe,1 teleport item pipe, 1 item pipe,1 wireless transmitter, 1 gate, 1 quarry, 3 landmarks, 1 chunkloader.
  21. I assume the "virus" is called pebkac?
  22. Take the coords of the nether-side portal, multiply them by 8 and make sure, that your overworld-base portal is closer than 128 blocks at both X and Z to the calculated coordinate (And make sure, that your overworld portal is below Y=128). Remove the other overworld portal.
  23. Take the coords of your first overworld portal (X,Y,Z). Build your portal in the nether at exactly (X/8, Y, Z/8) and both will link. Danidas: you mixed Y and Z up. Y is the vertical component a.k.a. height, not Z.
  24. That boils it down to its essence, yes.
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