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Everything posted by milcondoin

  1. There are two advantages to make the transition lava->EU as late as possible: 1) pipes are cheaper than cables and don't have inherent losses 2) you can use teleport waterproof pipes
  2. Does a mod with the following properties exist? Mod adds a freely placeable block. On Interaction (right-click) switch internal storage of the block with stuff in hand of the player. Bonus points for showing the current storage somehow. When I rightclick on this block, the following happens: before: my hand empty, block storage empty after: nothing happens. before: my hand full, block storage empty after: my hand empty, block storage filled with stuff from playerhand before: my hand empty, block storage full after: my hand filled with storage stuff, block storage empty before: my hand full, block storage full after: my hand filled with storage stuff, block storage filled with stuff from playerhand Inspiration for this mod: I have my BuildCraft wrench in the storage and my request pipe from my logistics network close by. I use that new block, have the wrench, use it on the pipe, and then use the new block again. No searching around, where I have that wrench stored currently in a chest or my inv. I don't know what keywords would work to find a mod like this via google, so I opted for the collective intelligence of the forum Edit: Mod has been written. More infos at http://technicpack.net/forums/threads/19305/
  3. Try making a new portal in a distance of over 1024, instead of only a few hundred. That should make sure, that you'll generate a new portal. http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Nether_Portal#Implications
  4. Maybe your sand uses the filter and the sandstone goes the default route?
  5. Energy Link is a block from the mod Power Converters. It takes in EU (from IC²) and outputs MJ (from BC) at a conversion rate of 5:2. The Quarry is a block from Buildcraft, so it doesn't work directly with energy provided bei Industrialcraft. There needs to be a converter inbetween, like the Energy Link from Power Converters or an Electrical Engine from Forestry. Btw... 18 EU? shouldn't it be 23 EU? I remember the Quarry to need 9 MJ for max speed (or was the Energy Link changed to a conversion rate of 2:1?).
  6. At the start I prefer simple Generators, since wood and thus charcoal is very cheap (if there are at least some trees nearby). In the mod_treecapitator.cfg change destroyLeaves=false to destroyLeaves=true and hack away. Just remember to replant the saplings for sustainability.
  7. For your electric question: A cable can transport an unlimited number of packets at the same time, as long as each individual packet isn't bigger than the maximum allowed packet size for that cable. Example: A 30 blocks long Tin Cable (5 EU/packet max) connects to a BatBox. Along the whole 30 Blocks you have Solar Panels (1 EU/packet). The whole 30 EU/tick will wander without problems or loss to your BatBox, since none of these individual packets is bigger than 5 EU. Now you connect a Recycler to that 30 block line, which uses 1 EU/tick. This Recycler will work away happily. Now let's stick that Recycler on the output side of the Batbox, connected via Tin Cable. Result: The Tin Cable explodes, because the BatBox tried to pump a 32 EU packet through the cable, although the Recycler only needed 1 EU. With a bigger cable, the 32 EU packet would be sent, 1 EU taken via the Recycler and the rest of 31 EU would be sent back (all this calculation would happen in the same tick).
  8. According to you pictures: a) The energy link isn't hooked up to either MFSU, MV trafo nor LV trafo The output of the MFSU (the side with the dot) doesn't point to your MV trafo, but to the cable which runs into the hole in the ground.
  9. Well, it was worth a try. Sorry, can't help you here.
  10. Did you try using the recommended build for forge (#152)? Maybe the latest build (#160) has a bug which only appears when bringing EE2 into the equation. http://lexmanos.no-ip.org:8080/job/Forge/152/
  11. On my PC (german locale, WinXP 32bit) the program to open .jar with is set to C:\Programme\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe Exporting the relevant part of my registry to a .reg file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\jarfile\shell\open\command] @="\"C:\\Programme\\Java\\jre7\\bin\\javaw.exe\" -jar \"%1\" %*" Since you tried every .exe, probably that -jar option isn't there for you. Maybe try reinstalling the JRE or manually editing the registry (ONLY if you know what to do).
  12. You may have to enable the bronze recipe from Forestry in its config (config\forestry\base.conf) crafting.bronze.enabled=true
  13. Ender Chests with the same color code share their inventory. When placed down, they have 3 small blocks on top of them, white/white/white by standard. You can then color them via the normal dyes. Bad thing about the ender chests: If you have EE disabled, it will take a bunch of time to gather all the ender pearls and blaze rods, if you need many of these chests. With this you could put an ender chest somewhere in your storage area which receives the items to be dispensed to your player. This could reduce the length of pipe-/tubework needed -> speedup. Directly above the drop shaft you put another ender chest with the same color code, below that a redpower filter, powered via a redpower timer. The filter will pull out the contents of the chest stack by stack on each pulse and drop them out its backside (the side with the small dot).
  14. How far are your storage area and your retrieval area apart from each other? (a.k.a. is some kind of teleport needed to reduce traveltime, e.g. enderchests?) Do you want to retrieve your items one-by-one or stackwise? Do you need your retrieved items to be spit out via dispenser/transposer/filter or can they be put in a target chest where you get them out yourself?
  15. milcondoin


    Only if you want the blue targeting lasers for easier aligning.
  16. a) A peat farm creates dirt at the cost of sand. A wheat farm is 15x15, but your bricks with torches remove some space. (have a look at http://forestry.sengir.net/wiki/uploads/Category/IllusWheat.jpg) c) Seeds will be placed in an adjacent chest, or if pipes are present will be ejected from the top or bottom side. That's similar to the logger, which outputs the saplings from the top and thus should connect a pipe back to the arboretum (with a diamond pipe to filter the apples to the chest and the saplings to the arboretum). What is that tile, that looks like a wooden version of the automatic treetap?
  17. Is there any redstone current switching in the vicinity of the sign? This reliably shows that behaviour.
  18. Iron gates? Is that stuff from Buildcraft 3, thus Technic only, not Tekkit?
  19. 75000MJ/Bucket biomass in biogas engine -> engine generator -> 187500 EU 200000MJ/Bucket biofuel in combustion engine -> engine generator -> 500000 EU 2 buckets biomass give one bucket biofuel for a cost of 750 MJ IIRC. 150750 MJ < 200000 MJ => refine your biomass if you can manage not having your combustion engine explode due to unloaded chunks at the cooling-pool. Use the biogas engine with biomass, to avoid all that cooling stuff (if you let your engine run for a long time, else it would cool of inbetween your usages and require new lava to heat up way too often). Output of both is 5 MJ/t.
  20. IC² Solar Panel produces 1 EU/t, if you want to use insulated copper cable to fuel your batbox, the five cable length problem mentioned by xxmike appears. But you can use tin cable instead. 1 EU loss after lenght 40 instead of 5. It can only transmit powerpackets up to 5 EU, but that's no prob with the solar panels. You can even use 30 panels on one cable, since each energy packet is only 1 EU big.
  21. IC 1.70b Plantballs can be made from: Seeds, wheat, reeds (a.k.a. sugar cane), leaves (vanilla leaves only), saplings (vanilla saplings only). Saplings give 2 plantballs per recipe.
  22. vibur, I think you have some numbers wrong. Combustion Engine: - Lava 1MJ/tick * 20000 ticks = 20000MJ - Oil 2 MJ/tick * 10000 ticks = 20000MJ - Fuel 5 MJ/tick * 50000 ticks = 250000MJ - Biofuel 5 MJ/tick * 40000ticks = 200000MJ Other information Heat of a combustion engine: 1 MJ = 1 Heat. Heat >= 100000 = BOOM. Heat >49000 will consume water to cool with 1 bucket cooling 1000 heat. Every time the piston of an engine fully extends, it will transfer up to its stored energy to the target. There are two conditions for the maximum. One is fixed for each engine type (Redstone 1, Steam 100, Combustion 500), the other is how much the target accepts at most in one go. A pump accepts only 10 MJ, a mining well 25, a builder 25, a filler 100, a quarry 25 while building the frame and 200 while digging, a refinery 25, a wooden liquid pipe 1, a wooden item pipe 64, and a wooden power pipe 1000. The wooden power pipe will distribute its stored power slowly over time (but giving off power each tick), giving off more the more it has stored. This is why you want your fuel burning combustion engines powering a refinery connect to it via wooden power pipes instead of connecting directly, because otherwise a big part of the produced energy couldn't be used. On the other hand if you use wooden power pipes when they are not necessary, you will lose some energy due to power loss of the power pipes and the double -> int conversion when finally reaching the target machine. Piston speed (pump every x ticks, thus bigger numbers are slower): Redstone Engine: Blue Heat: 100 Green Heat: 50 Orange Heat: 25 Red Heat: 13 Steam Engine: Blue: 50 Green: 25 Orange: 13 Red: 7 Combustion Engine: Blue: 25 Green: 20 Orange: 17 Red: 15 Piston colour of Redstone Engine and Steam Engine depends on stored power/max stored power (Redstone 1000 MJ max, Steam 10000MJ max). Combustion Engine depends on stored heat/max stored heat (100000 heat max). Blue <= 25% Green <= 50% Orange <= 75% Red <= 100% KABOOM > 100%
  23. My quantum boots only give me a boosted jumping height of 6 currently, but they should give me a height of 9 (I think). If I remember correctly, the full height was achieved prior to now. I don't have a date since when the problems arose, so I don't know which changes could be the culprit. Two friends have the full jumping height, one with boots crafted on 1.1.4 before the upgrade (like me), the other with freshly crafted boots. The friend with the freshly crafted boots gave me his to try, but I could only jump to 6 like with my boots. Thus the problem is probably on my side. I even took a copy of the .techniclauncer directory from one of them to test, if some config on my side was crap. Still no luck. Does anybody have an idea, what could be the problem? Win XP 32 bit Java 1.7.0_03 Tekkit 2.0
  24. Re: Bugs found in Tekkit 2.0 mouse hovering over electric jetpack, pressing 'r' -> recipe shows up mouse hovering over normal jetpack, pressing 'r' -> nothing happens I haven't tested this extensively, so I don't know, if there are any other recipes missing.
  25. I'm using Tekkit 2 and have the Water Strainer etc directly in it. .techniclauncher\tekkit\mods\[3]PowerConverters_Client_1.3.1_01.zip EDIT: FrogBash: Just to be sure: You didn't mix up Technic with Tekkit? Technic doesn't have Power Converters because of BuildCraft 3.
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