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Everything posted by ks7

  1. It seems like the issue was something with the backup plugin I've been using. It SHOULD be fixed now, although I'll double check it before I leave for work tomorrow.
  2. It was actually a pipe that I accidentally pasted in with WorldEdit (WorldEdit and BC pipes do NOT agree...) that was causing issues. I should be home from work by 10:30 EST, and I'll take a lot a look and see what's wrong as soon as I am.
  3. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I'll take a look when I get home from work tonight. Since I haven't gotten a chance to respond until now, I'll justet everyone know that I was the one that removed the community refinery. One of the pipes in it was glitched, and I just haven't had a chance to rebuild it yet with moving the server and all.
  4. After a quick test, I found out that a significant portion of the lag is due to the large amount of World Anchors in use. If you are currently using world anchors, PLEASE delete them and either leave them deleted or replace them with teleport tethers. While I CAN use MCEdit to manually remove all of them, due to the size of our world, I would have to bring the server down for at least 2 hours to do it. Also, judging by how many people have been on lately, I'll probably be investing in a new server sometime soon. I might wait until Black Friday, but I also have a build already picked out that would be fairly cheap, so if I need to I'll get it sooner.
  5. You're gonna have to give me more than that, you skipped the last section of the form (which is actually the most important...). On an unrelated note, the server is back up! I had to re-setup some of the port forwarding, but everything is running perfectly now.
  6. I'm copying the server files over to the RAM disk now, so it should just be a few more minutes.
  7. The move is taking me a lot longer than expected, but I'm almost finished. Should be no more than 30 minutes till I have the server up and running.
  8. Idk what happened, but the server managed to crash somehow. I'm gonna take this oppertunity to move it to the other box, so the server should be back up within 10-15 minutes.
  9. Whitelisted a couple new people. Also, I uploaded an album with some screenshots of some of the new creations from our players. Check it out HERE!
  10. Just a quick heads up to our current players - I will most likely be making the final transition over to the new box today once I get home from class, so the server may be down for a few minutes at some point.
  11. You can build wherever you would like, as long as it doesn't interfere with other players (there's nothing wrong with building next to someone else if they're ok with it, of course). Likewise, you're free to build fences, walls, etc. to keep hostile mobs out. I've been thinking about building some sort of arena myself, and I know a few other players have discussed it, so feel free to collaborate with the other players in building one. I personally think it would be nice to have one locate near the main town. PM me with a little more information as to why you were banned from your previous server. I have no objections to that, and you can call it the Resilience Freebuild Server. Also, if you didn't send me a link already, PM me a link to your channel. I'd love to see the videos if you do end up making them! I just did another round of whitelisting, I apologize again for the delay in responding to applications. Fortunately tomorrow is my last midterm, so things should be back to normal tomorrow night.
  12. If you haven't been whitelisted, it will tell you that you aren't on the whitelist when you try to join the server. If you have been, it will let you on.
  13. Finally had a chance to go through applications again (senior year midterms are brutal ). Same thing as before, if you haven't been whitelisted at this point, please expand on your application.
  14. No worries, your application was perfect the first time around, I think I just mistyped your name . I'll double check it right now. Also, I'm not sure if you've used them before, but the decorative blocks in RedPower add a LOT more room for creativity with decorative building, so they're definitely something worth checking out if you haven't already.
  15. Sorry for the delay in responding to applications, I have midterms this week so things are a little hectic . I finished going through the new applications, and if you have been accepted, you have been whitelisted. If you have NOT been whitelisted yet and you still want to join, please update your post or create a new one with a little more information. 1. Yes, you're free to build anywhere you'd like. Just respect other players' property, and be careful about building in the main town (there are a TON of underground structures, but you are free to build above ground. 2. We don't really have server events, but it's definitely something I've been thinking about. I'm definitely open to ideas about it, so feel free to message me if you have any and we talk about setting something up. 3. If we had a solid plan together for events, I would be more than happy to set it up and provide mob eggs and the like. IMPORTANT NOTICES: 1. Given the fact that I am a full time student AND work part time, I don't have a whole lot of free time. Since the server has grown quite a bit, I am having trouble keeping an eye on things constantly, and I feel like it's time that I start looking for a little help in moderating the server. Therefore, I'm looking for players that have already been on the server for a while that would be interested in helping out as OPs. I have already contacted 1 or 2 people specifically, but if you are interested, please send me a PM or contact me in game. DO NOT contact me with requests if you have not been whitelisted yet or if you have not been on the server for at least a couple days. 2. Because it seems that a few players don't understand the basic rules, I want to lay this out clearly - if you are doing something that is or could be considered against the rules, you can and WILL be banned from the server. That includes ANY definition of griefing, be it stealing, destroying other players' property, harassing other players, or just being a dick in general. Basically, if someone is getting angry at something that you're doing, you're PROBABLY breaking one of the rules. This server is a place to build and interact with other players in a positive, helpful, mature environment. If you are not here for that purpose, don't be surprised if you earn a one way ticket to Bantown.
  16. The move to the other box is going to be postponed until tomorrow, but I'll probably increase the server cap to 30 once the move is complete.
  17. Whitelist has been updated again. Depending on how busy the server gets tonight, I MAY move it over to the other box.
  18. Added a few people to the whitelist. Same thing as before, if you have NOT been white listed yet, you should update your appliction.
  19. I added a couple of new people to the whitelist, and I readded one or two people that were accidentally removed (my apologies, Dara). If you have NOT been whitelisted yet, I didn't feel like your application met our standards, but you can feel free to edit it or repost an updated version. For anyone that might be playing tonight, I might be turning the server off for a few minutes to update a few plugins and configuration files, so if the server is down when you try to log on, wait a few minutes and then try again. I don't expect to have it down for more than 5 minutes, so hopefully it won't be a problem. ALSO, for anyone that is missing items due to the rollback, feel free to either contact me in game or leave me a list of the items that you're missing in a private message. I'll either give them to you in person or leave them in a chest for you.
  20. I meant to relist you, but I didn't have a chance to before I had to leave for work. I would normally be able to do it from my phone, but the mobile admin plugin got screwed up when I reverted to one of the backups. I'll have you readded as soon as I get home (should be just after 10 PM EST). The same thing goes for those of you who just applied. As a warning, I may take the server offline for a few minutes later tonight to move it over to a different box. The server it's running off of right now was starting to near capacity last night, so I want to make sure that we don't run into a performance bottleneck. I'm also going to be a LOT more stringent on white listing new players from here on out. I would like to see more than a basic, one line answer as to why you want to join the server.
  21. Whitelisted . Also, I think the birthdays are screwed up for a lot of people, not exactly sure why. Also whitelisted . I always enjoy the Yogscast videos :)
  22. I need a little more detail than that. The rest of you have been whitelisted .
  23. Just wanted to add a note that I'm REALLY looking for someone with experience with Railcraft signaling. I've done a little bit of work with it myself, but the minecart system needs a major overhaul.
  24. I can tell you this - from the amount of construction I've seen in the past 2 days, this community definitely fits the bill. Whitelisted .
  25. A lot of the people on the server are new to tekkit to, so we'll be happy to help show your friend the ropes. Whitelisted .
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