My two cents is that it's about time they made changes to the EULA, but they are making the wrong changes (Or at least they are not making all the changes they need to be making). By what has been said, their changes are going to cripple almost all big servers out there. They are doing the right thing, but doing it in the wrong way.
That's the gist of my opinion. I'm going into more detail now if you want to skip the rest and call me a moron without knowing my reasoning.
Now some hot head is going to be mad that I'm semi for the change (Or a lot of you) but hear me out. Modders not using open source is one thing (And will not be discussed here), but taking real money away is serious. I understand that a few bad apples are ruining the bunch, but many servers are almost their own company. They sell packages and such so they can maintain the server, make improvements, and even employ people full time. There are real jobs out there to moderate and maintain Minecraft servers. These EULA changes will destroy those jobs.
That said, the current state of affairs are making it look like a crippling change. But simply foregoing those changes is almost as bad. Some servers allowing for GOD MODE to be bought for $10 000 USD must be shut down. They are preying on 10 year olds with their parents credit cards. Something like this can destroy a family financially and is putting money into the hands of people who really don't deserve it. The same goes for payments to be unbanned, getting uber kits, or other unfair advantages.
Now, what the hell can we do to fix this? I can't think of anything myself that's not as grey line as the rest of the EULA. Using an easy 'If we think what your doing is bad we will shut your down' would fail miserably as if it went to court there would be any number of loop holes for the server owner to use. Anything left or right of that would be too strict or too loose and we would get a bigger problem or nothing would change.
I love the guy's down at Mojang. They are always trying to put power in the hands of the players to build the world they want, but now we have come to a critical cross road. It must be chosen to become a police state or continue on our road to anarchy. Nether are good options but one has to be taken. If I were Mojang I would make the change they have described. Though I would hate to make it.
This is not an easy fix but something has to be done. I'm sorry that I have no answer to the "what should we do?" question that's on everyone's mind, but hopefully we can be a little more diplomatic.