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Everything posted by lukeb28

  1. Try nuking your pack, that's what got minecraftertlm going.
  2. Is it SMP test ready? I can do that if you think it's at a point where it might work.
  3. This is true very close to the center (within a radius of about half a light year, maybe less) but further out, the stars actually orbit the same speed as the ones closer in (Something like 225km/sec.). This is where the whole dark matter thing comes from as it suggests that there is much more mass in the galaxy than what is observed. This extra mass causes the outer stars to orbit much faster than what is anticipated with only the mass of the stars within. Some of this mass is accounted for by black holes and planets, but thats only 1% of the mass. the other 99% is unknown and hence called "Dark Matter".
  4. I never did think about how super massive black holes were made, that is really something! Oh how beautifully complex the universe around us is! Just one question, how is it you think an entire galaxy would collapse in on itself? Most galaxy's are large collection of stars orbiting a massive black hole, hence the starts orbit doesn't suddenly stop and all of them fall into the core. If there was such a force that could do such a thing, how have we not already seen this?
  5. It's literally 20 or so bytes to store a url and pack descriptions alone are much larger. Adding another url is equivalent to less than a sentence. It was just an idea anyways.
  6. I only started it that night and it's been a free time thing.
  7. I was able to rule that out by testing it myself. That's always the first thing I look at. Glad we got your problem fixed. Have a great time.
  8. What I was asking was the evidence of your disproof.
  9. Ummm... This is the thread of science, not religion.
  10. Then I have no idea what could be going wrong. Try allocating more RAM. Passed that I'd say to nuke the pack and try to re-install it .
  11. While I was chatting with Okamikk and a few other KittyJailers the other night, I mentioned this proto-book I was starting to write. Oka wanted me to post it so, here ya go Oka! Read your heart out. It also occurs to me that doing this might jolt me into action to have me finish this. I have stared writing on many occasions but have always found myself ditching them. If there's enough interest, I may feel more obligated. Any suggestions for the story line will be considered as this is a pants style of writing (No real plan, writing by the seat of my pants). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MFiEk-Q_fQw_Te-g_DK1Paz6wRN_F0blCz8a0Mlz_C0/edit?usp=sharing
  12. What is the point of disproof?
  13. Do other modpacks (tekkit, Voltz, etc.) work?
  14. I have never thought of that and it seems wholly possible. Getting a gravity assist from a black hole would have great potential. I think that if you were to fall into the black hole near the core you would be accelerated to near the speed of light. The problem with that though is you would decelerate on the way out negating this boost. Add to that the fact that there is a solid mass in the center of the black hole that you would crash into and I would say it just cant happen. IF there wasn't a mass and IF there was no gravity on the other side to slow you down it is perceivable you could get to near the speed of light. Aiming to the side of the mass would just put you into an orbit the same as light. In short: An object could be accelerated to near the speed of light near the center of the black hole but would not be able to escape with that velocity due to impact with the center and the reverse acceleration on the way out.
  15. In that case I'm guessing you have not increased your perma gen size. Go into the launcher and click the cog beside the exit button. A menu will pop up and one of the options will be to increase the perma gen. Do that and save it then try again.
  16. I'm not a Mac person sorry. PC for me.
  17. I am not sure what your asking with that. Could you elaborate please?
  18. Ah very good question! Black holes don't use energy in the common sense to capture light, they use their massiveness to pull it in with near immeasurable gravity. The acceleration of the black hole at the event horizon (The actual blackness) bends the light so much that it actually orbits the black hole like the moon around earth. Since we see with light, and it is not actually leaving the area of the black hole, we see nothing. The light is not being sucked in and destroyed, it is simply not getting to us due to being in orbit.
  19. Try launching the vanilla pack. If it does the same thing then try updating your drivers again. Some times updates don't take to well for them.
  20. Just throwing this out there, would it be difficult for the platform to save old url's? Maybe that could be implemented in the future.
  21. Whats your OS? Are your graphic drivers up to date? Is this with all packs or just custom?
  22. Neuron stars are failed black holes pretty much. Their parent star supernova'ed but was just shy of the required mass. They also emit a nasty amount of neutron radiation from their poles. Their poles also switch very rapidly turning these neutron beams into a spiral. Any planet unfortunate enough to be hit by one of these beams would be instantly sterilized of any life.
  23. I see it, you have gregtech in your pack. Greg likes to crash your client when it finds it's in a folder called .technic as greg is a bit of a grudge holder. What grudge he holds over us I don't know but it involves him putting malicious code into his mod designed to crash the client when used with technic. To fix this is very easy. Edit your modpack from the platform and force a directory change. This will make the client save to another folder fooling the code into thinking it's a vanilla client.
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