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Everything posted by lukeb28

  1. Confirm. The team will not pull your pack, they will not demand you to get permissions, and they would likely send you a congratulatory message on your success.
  2. It's in reference to the content. Good to see there are grammar Nazis here to help me with editing. (I mean that in a honest way)
  3. That's not the issue. That's still not a direct link.
  4. Even with my kellering I have got a lot of questions and being called admin, moderator, modder, PAINS dude. It's quite funny.
  5. It just might me crazy enough to work!
  6. You didn't use a direct link for drop box. Take a look at this to fix that. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/luke%E2%80%99s-hopefully-comprehensive-modpack-making-guide.44197/#post-362587
  7. Many custom packs have it preinstalled. Look around.
  8. I commend you for this.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lukeb28


      You fixed his problem. Oh and that funny feeling? Thats the feeling of making someones day.

    3. TheBytemaster


      That thread is a thing of beauty. Tell me next time something like this is developing, I want to contribute *laughs*

    4. Richs_Yard


      Byte, if I did that, I'd have to tell you about almost every Thread I post on.

  9. When he feels the need. Seems to me like he ditched it and won't come back. I wouldn't hold my breath on him.
  10. Your not using an automatic download link for drop box. Look at this to fix it. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/luke%E2%80%99s-hopefully-comprehensive-modpack-making-guide.44197/#post-362587
  11. Looks like it's at a point that I'm comfortable putting it in my server for more heavy testing. Kitty Jailers away!!!
  12. I repeat my first post.
  13. okamikk is banned for thinking the cyborg cat is a racoon! Also for having a jester hat! You should be off entertaining cheap shot not playing in this thread!
  14. Fished the pro-log and started chapter one!!!
  15. I think the main stumbling block with dark energy/matter is the fact that its all theory's impossible to test with today's technology. It could turn into the same deal as Ether did. Everyone was convinced it existed but then it didn't. would type more but in a rush.
  16. 2013-06-03 14:30:01 [sEVERE] This crash report has been saved to: /home/mc/servers/tekkit/./crash-reports/crash-2013-06-03_14.30.01-server.txt Having that will help.
  17. I'm coming from grade 12 physics so I don't know all yet. Thanks for that, this thread is being exactly what I wanted it to be, intelligent questions, intelligent answers, and intelligent corrections.
  18. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/tekkit-server-need-help.46472/ Please go read the rules. Dupe threads are not smiled on here.
  19. What plugins do you have installed? If you have essentials you can type "/killall" into the console.
  20. I see what your thinking and thats a good thought but just does not hold very well. When we are talking about speeds of light and the mass of black holes reletivity takes a nose dive in logic. Now all of this on is thought experiment. This is me typing and working out the logic as I go. Read it all because I'll probibly bounce between ideas a lot. [crazy thought experiment] When travling at the speed of light, time for the object moving is nil i.e. it is not passing through time. Adding to that the mass of a black hole with it's time dilation propertys, your looking at an ageless partical (As they don't experience time) going back in time possibly. Now this would be, increadable if not a pardox. It means that as soon as light enters a black hole (Or gets close for that matter) the particle is going abck in time. Since we can see the light that gets close to the event horizon, that means even though it would be travling back in time, we can still see it as if it was not. This raises the question of time travle... I'll go back to that later. Now inside the event horizon, the time dialation would tip the laws of physics on it's head and it's just FUBR and we can only guess at what might happen. My guess would be that time in the black hole would be destroyed in terms of light unless light does not work on the same principals of matter. Going back to the time travle of ageless light particals, and the fact they can still be seen means that they do not obey the same laws we do in regards to space-time. Since even with this time dialation issue they are still predictable, I can say that they do obey newtonian physics even under these ridiculous circumstances. This means they should obey the same laws still inside the black hole therefore orbit the same. [/crazy thought experiment] Edit for the 10 minute 's Thats a cool read. I was more meaning in a perfect sence of the world. I think that my example still holds true.
  21. I was thinking the same when I did the thought experiment When did I say that? Also, the speed of light is ~300 000 000m/s Your wrong on thoses points, light does slow down in any medium but no medium we have slows it down that much. Also, theres no such hope of a plane going faster than 200km/s. Those are intersteller speeds.
  22. Look at what I found in two minutes of searching! http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/recruitment-megathread.3419/ Thats for lets plays http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/small-scale-recruitment-thread.22584/
  23. It's a very large pack so my bet is he just hasn't increased the perma gen size. Tell him to press the little cog beside the exit button and check that box.
  24. That must be the most incomprehensible thing I have ever read on these forums... To even try and help you, we need some more information.
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