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i core processer optimized



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It would be nice if Technic could be optimized for the i core processers because I have a i7 quad core and I get between 0-5 fps

probably because you have a shitastic graphics card. It would be like uyign a new engine, but not buying a car for it, and wondering hwy the engine won't go anywhere.

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Oh I think I see the obvious confusion here.

Technic and Tekkit are not mods. They are mod packs. Technic and Tekkit do not do any sort of programming changes to the mods contained other than some simple configuration things that they handle for us. The thing they DID program is the launcher, which while brilliant does not need core optimization because it is a handler, not the game itself.

No what you are wanting is to email Mojang and ask them to optimize Minecraft to not only be easier to run on weak machines (via cleaning up their code) but to also run well on very powerful machines (via cleaning up their code)

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probably because you have a shitastic graphics card. It would be like uyign a new engine, but not buying a car for it, and wondering hwy the engine won't go anywhere.

I have a 2GB video card. Minecraft runs at 20fps and high settings but for some odd reason technic runs at 5 fps and all settings on low. If you have a good fix let me know.

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shadowhunter: How much RAM are you telling Technic to use? Is it more than 2GB? If so, reduce it down to 2GB or less.

Give us more information. Detailed hardware specs. "i7 quad core" and "2GB video card" is not enough to work with.

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That Radeon graphics card is your bottleneck. ATI cards aren't particularly good to start with, but the HD 5000 series has had more problems with it than the entire rest of the radeon series put together.

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OP: you're using a laptop and it is not actually engaging your GPU for minecraft. you're a bit of a dick though and you didn't actually use the proper format, so that's all you get.

This is my first time ever using a form and I started this form on my phone because the internet was down so cut me a little slack. :)

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