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Ok, here's the problem.

Me and my brother both have laptops, however mine is a more gaming based laptop, therefore better for me to be host of the LAN. However, the game decides, NOPENOPENOPE. If I try to be host, my brother can't even see that it is open. If he hosts I can see and join, however this causes lag spikes for him, and, until just a few hours ago, before I increased the ram for technic on his laptop, he would crash due to lag spikes. Help?

A few notes:

1: Disabling both firewalls had no effect.

2 Connecting to a different wifi had no effect.

3 We are both in the same room.


Use the Tracker, please.  Needed info includes actual computer specs, any active security software, not just firewalls, networking settings, anything else you have tried, etc.

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