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Solder ( Webhoster, little help with the config edits )


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Hey guys,

So I've successfully setup up solder on locally using xampp. I got a login screen and could edit nearly everything, then I had to link the account with the domain, which I sadly couldnt do - because local server. 

Now I found a webhost who has everything for a reasonable price and a testing phase. I could create a mysql database, move the github files onto the ftp server, connect via ssh to do the "php artisan migrate:install" and "php artisan migrate" commands, but the page is still stuck at the "It works! ..." screen ( which you get when you copy the github solder files to the ftp server as the public site ). Im pretty sure its due to the configs in the database and my host, but I cant figure out what exactly. Could anyone give me a little help with the setup via skype or something ? I would really appreciate the help.

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